字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'm here to honor the sacredness of life 譯者: Pui-Ching Siu 審譯者: Catherine Ge that I see at the border in south Texas. 我來到這裡是為了向 德克薩斯州南部邊界 In 2014, 我所見的神聖生命致敬。 I visited a detention facility 在2014年, where hundreds of little children, 我拜訪了一間拘留所。 immigrant children, 在那裡,數百個小孩, were detained for several weeks 移民兒童, in conditions that were very heartbreaking. 被囚禁了好幾個星期。 They were dirty and muddy 他們所居住的環境十分令人痛心。 and crying. 那些小孩很髒,沾滿泥巴, Their faces were full of tears. 他們在哭泣, I had the opportunity to go in and be with them. 臉上流滿了淚水。 And they were all around me. 我有這個機會進去陪伴他們。 They were little ones, 然後他們圍繞著我。 some of them not older than five years old. 他們很小, And they were saying to me, 其中有些不超過五歲。 (Spanish) "Sácame de aquí." 他們跟我說 "Get me out of here." (西班牙語)"Sácame de aquí." (Spanish) "Por favor, ayúdame." 「請把我從這裡帶走。」 "Please, help me." (西班牙語) "Por favor, ayúdame." It was so difficult to be there with them. 「求你了,請幫幫我。」 I started to cry with them, 跟他們待在一起非常困難。 and I told them, 我開始和他們一起哭泣, "Let us pray." 然後我告訴他們, (Spanish) "Vamos a rezar." 「我們一起祈禱吧。」 And they repeated after me, (西班牙語)"Vamos a rezar." (Spanish) "Diosito, ayúdanos." 他們跟著我重複 "God, please, help us." (西班牙語)"Diosito, ayúdanos." As we prayed, I could see the Border Patrol officers 「神,請幫幫我們。」 looking through a glass window. 在祈禱的時候, They were at the verge of tears. 我可以看見邊境巡邏軍官 透過玻璃窗看著我們, As they heard the children praying and witness. 聽著小孩子的祈禱和表明信念, I had a little boy get close to me, closer, 他們幾乎落淚了。 because they were all over, 有一個小男孩挨著我越來越近 we could barely fit in that little cell. 這是因為他們坐滿了整個地方, And this little boy tells me, 我們很勉強地擠在小小的屋子裡。 (Spanish) "Ayúdame. 這個小男孩跟我說: Quiero irme con mi mamá." (西班牙語)"Ayúdame. "Please, help me. Quiero irme con mi mamá." I want to be with my mother. 「請幫幫我, She is here, I was separated from her." 我想跟我媽媽在一起。 I said to him, 她也在這裡,但是我們被分開了。」 "Mijo, if your mom is here, 我跟他說, I'm certain you will be reunited." 「親愛的,如果你母親在這裡, When I walked out of the cell, 我很肯定你們將會團聚。」 an officer got close to me and said to me, 當我走出牢房的時候, "Sister, thank you. 一名軍官接近我並跟我說, You have helped us realize 「修女,謝謝你。 that they are human beings." 你令我們意識到, You know, sometimes, no matter what job we have, 他們依然是人類。」 we must never forget to recognize 有時候,無論我們是什麼職業, the humanity in others. 我們切勿忘記尊重他們的人性 Otherwise, we will lose our own humanity. 否則,我們會失去自己的人性。 Let me tell you a bit about what I see and what I do 讓我告訴你在美國南部邊界, in the southern border of the United States 我所見的和我所做的。 where I live and where I work. 那是我居住和工作的地方。 Hundreds of families enter the United States 上百個家庭度過格蘭河, by crossing the Rio Grande river. 進入了美國。 And once they are in the United States, 一旦進入美國之後, many of them are given permission 大部分人會獲得批准, to continue their process of immigration 並在某些時候繼續移民美國的過程。 at another point in the United States. 這些年來,最令我驚歎的是, What has amazed me for all these years 德克薩斯州南部社區 has been the amazing humanitarian response 表現出的出色並人道的反應。 of the community there in south Texas. 上千個志願者 Thousands of volunteers 慷慨地付出自己的時間。 have given of their time so generously. 在我看來,他們全是出色的人們。 For me, they're all amazing people. 然後,整個社區, And the whole community, 包括市區政府, city government, 當地的企業領袖, from local business leaders 公民組織, to civic organizations, 全部信仰團體, all faith communities, 邊境巡邏隊和美國移民及海關執法局, in the Border Patrol and ICE. 我們大家同心合力, We have all come together in an effort to help 我們極力幫助 150,000 多名移民者, 自從從第一天開始。 150,000 or more immigrants since that first day that we got started. 回到一開始的時候, Back in those first days 我們剛參與幫助移民者的工作, when we were first involved in helping the immigrants, 我們在暫託中心, we were at our respite center, 一個來自城市裡的警官走進來, and an officer from the city walks in 他問我: and tells me, 「修女,你在這裡做什麼?」 "Sister, what are you doing here?" 我轉過身去看暫託中心裡 正在發生什麼。 I turned and looked to see what was happening 我為所見到的一切感到驚歎。 at the respite center. 那裡有上百個志願者, I was amazed at what I was seeing. 正在幫助許多需要協助的家庭。 There were hundreds of volunteers 志願者幫助他們清理自己, helping so many families there that needed help. 取得乾淨的衣服,食物,和衛生用品。 Giving them ways to get cleaned up 愛與同情心到處可見。 and to get clean clothing, food, 我轉回身來,回應他: hygiene items. 「恢復人的尊嚴。 Just love and compassion was seen everywhere. 這就是我們正在做的。」 So I turned back and I responded to him and I said, 他完全沒想到我會這樣回答, "Restoring human dignity. 因為他向後退了一步, That's what we're doing." 然後再次接近我,問道: I don't think he expected that answer from me, 「修女,如果我有魔法棒, because he took a step back 你會用它來做什麼呢?」 and then approached me again and said, 「沐浴器?」 "Sister, if I had a magic wand, 結果,那天晚上我們 獲得了8 個移動沐浴設施。 what would that magic wand do for you?" 太神奇了。 "Showers?" 在那之後, Sure enough, that evening we had a mobile unit of eight showers. 我們獲得了市區政府百分之百的支持。 Amazing. 在那裡, And after that, 我們確保能夠幫上忙, we had 100 percent support of the city government. 並且成功地應對 We were there, 我們每天看見的許多家庭。 wanting to make sure that we were helping 我認為,我們必須讓 其他人看到我們所見的。 and be successful with our response 我覺得跟別人分享 to so many families that we were seeing 是一件很重要的事。 every single day. 你應該有聽過這個概念—— I think that we must help others see 我們必須對神的孩子一視同仁。 what we see. 為了做到這件事, I think it's important 必須要先把他們視為人類。 that we can share that with others. 能夠親身經歷, You probably heard this idea before -- 體驗他們所感受到的, that we must always see God's children as equal. 明白他們的痛苦之處, But in order to do that, 在現實中與他們見面。 I think it's important to be able to see them 出現在他們當前, as people. 把他們的人性 To be able to have a personal encounter, 變成我們人性的一部分。 when we can feel what they feel, 然後,我們會意識到, when we can understand what they're hurting. 我們全部都屬於同樣的人類大家庭。 To really meet up with them. 在那些日子中, It is then that we are present to them 有一個女士接近並告訴我: and we can make their humanity 「修女,我百分之百反對你 a part of our own humanity. 幫助這些非法移民者。」 And we'd recognize 我跟她說: that we are all part of the same human family. 「讓我告訴你我所做的和當中的原因。」 During those days, 因此,我跟她介紹每個家庭和小孩, I had a lady approach me and tell me, 分享他們生命中的故事。 "Sister, I am 100 percent against what you do, 當我和她講完時, helping these illegal aliens." 她轉過身來,看著我說: And I said to her, 「修女,我百分之百支持你所做的。」 "Let me tell you what I do and why." (笑聲和掌聲) So I shared with her and introduced her to the families and the children, 當晚,她丈夫打電話給我, shared the stories that they are living. 他告訴我: When I finished talking with her, 「修女,我不知道你跟我妻子說了什麼。 she turns and looks at me and says, 但是今天晚上她回家後跟我說, "Sister, I am 100 percent in favor of what you do." 『如果諾馬修女打電話給你, (Laughter and applause) 一定要照著她說的做。』 That evening, her husband calls me, 所以,我來跟你報告, 我樂意以任何方式幫忙。」 he tells me, 那個,你知道的... "Sister, I don't know what you did to my wife. 我在想—— But this evening she came home and she said, 這是不是因為她的親身經歷呢? 'If Sister Norma ever calls you, 我覺得那是一個好的理念,好的信息, you make sure you do what she tells you.' 但那不是完整的始末。 So I'm just reporting to let you know I'm here to help in any way." 在見面時,我們必須 把對他人的偏見放在一旁。 Well, you know ... 偏見把我們分開, 令我們無法正視他們, I'm thinking that -- 它是我們自己在心裡建起來的墻, was it a personal encounter that she had? 隔離開我們和其他人。 I think it's a nice idea, a nice message, 當我們做到這件事, but I don't think it's the whole story. 我們能夠向他們伸出援手。 In that encounter, we must put aside our prejudice that we have toward others, 我認為恐懼令我們做不到這件事—— that separate us and don't allow us to see them, 我們感到害怕。 our walls that we put up in our own heart 因為我們感到害怕—— that keep us separated from others. 極大可能是因為我們在媒體所見的, When we are able to do that, 那些關於移民者的負面言論。 we're able to reach out to them. 他們被妖魔化, 就像他們不是人類一樣, You know, I think what doesn't make it possible is fear -- 就像我們可以拋棄他們, that we're afraid. 排除他們, And because we're afraid -- 甚至不會因此感到難過。 more than likely it's because we've seen in the media 移民家庭不是犯罪分子。 all this negative rhetoric that we hear about immigrants, 移民家庭就像是我們的家庭, they are demonized, like they're not human, 我們的鄰居。 that we can discard them 他們是好人, and we can get rid of them, 正在進入我們的國家,來到美國, and not even feel bad that we're doing that. 只是為了從暴力中逃走, Immigrant families are not criminals. 希望能夠平安無事。 Immigrant families are like our families, 不幸的是,我們在邊境所見的很糟糕。 like our neighbors. 人們受到傷害,受到折磨, They're good people 上千的人都是。 who are entering our country and coming to the United States 我覺得這大多是因為 only simply because they're fleeing away from violence 我們在自己心裡建起來的墻, and they want to be safe. 它令我們不再關心。 Unfortunately, what we see at the border 我們有把人們遣返回墨西哥的政策, is terrible. 讓他們等待。 People are hurting and suffering. 接著,他們在糟糕的狀況下, Thousands of them are. 受到折磨和傷害的狀況下, And mostly I feel 等待了好幾個月。 it's because of those walls that we put up, 虐待。 that we have in our hearts, 離好的方法差的遠了。 that makes us not care. 我認為確保國家安全 So we have policies 是沒有錯的, that are returning people back to Mexico, 我們必須確認誰進入我們的國家, so they can wait. 犯罪分子必須被帶走。 And they wait there for months. 但是事實上, In conditions that are horrible, 我們不可以在這麼做的 同時失去自己的人性。 where people are suffering and hurting. 我們必須要有一些 Abuses. 不會增加人們的苦難 And not even the means to be OK. 的政策和程序。 I think that it is true 我們能夠找到尊重 所有人類生命的解決方案。 that we must keep our country safe, 我們可以做到的。 that we must make sure who enters our country, 我們只需要展現最好的自己。 that criminals should be put away. 因為我在邊境看見了家庭, But it is also true 一些男士抱著哭泣中小孩, that we must not lose our humanity in doing this. 嘗試著安慰他, That we must have policies and procedures 因為那個小孩正在為自己的父親哭泣。 that do not contribute to the human suffering 然後,這些男士陪小孩一起哭。 that people are already suffering. 我看見跪在地上的女士, And that we can find solutions that are respectful to all human life. 正在祈禱。 We can do this, 他們充滿感恩地祈禱。 if we can allow the best in us to come out. 我看見小孩和父母被分開了幾個月。 Because what I see at the border 當他們團聚的時候, are families, men, who will take a child 他們不敢分開, and will try to comfort that child that is crying 因為他們害怕再次失去母親。 because that child is crying for their own dad. 有一次團聚後,一個小孩抬頭看我, And these men are crying with that child. 她告訴我: I see men and women who drop to their knees, (西班牙語)"Hoy no voy a llorar." praying. 「今天我不會哭了。」 As they pray in thanksgiving. 我問:(西班牙語)"Por qué, mi hija?" I see children who have been separated from their parents for months. 她說:「過去一個月我都在哭, And when they're reunited, 因為我不知道我媽媽在哪裡。 they're afraid to separate themselves from them, 但是今晚,我會跟她團聚。」 because they're afraid they will lose their mom again. 2014 年,我拜訪拘留所的那天, Once a child looked up to me after she was reunited 有一個小男孩接近我並問我 and she said to me, 可不可以幫忙找他的母親。 (Spanish) "Hoy no voy a llorar." 那天晚上,當我在暫託中心的時候, "Today I'm not going to cry." 那個小男孩和他的母親一起走進來。 And I said, (Spanish) "Por qué, mi hija?" 當他注意到我的時候, She said, "Because I have been crying for the past whole month, 他馬上跑向我,我下去迎接他, because I didn't know where my mother was. 他奔向我,然後給了我一個大大的擁抱。 But tonight, I'm going to be with her." 那場面很美麗, The day I visited the detention facility back in 2014, 真的是美麗的經歷。 there was a little boy who approached me and asked me 那展現了人性最好的一面。 for me to help him find his mom. 我們被召喚這樣做。 Well, that evening, when I was at the humanitarian respite center, 你想想, the little boy walked in with his mother. 我們只需要走得更近,看的更清楚, And as soon as he spotted me, 我們就能夠釋出關懷。 he runs toward me, I go down to greet him, 謝謝。 and he just throws himself to hug me. (掌聲) It was so beautiful, that was truly a beautiful human encounter. I think it's humanity at its best. It is what we all are called to do. Think about it. We just need to allow ourselves to get close enough to see, and we will care. Thank you. (Applause)
A2 初級 中文 修女 小孩 移民 西班牙語 人性 看見 Restoring human dignity at the US southern border | Norma Pimentel 1 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 03 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字