字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Saida Aden Said: I still have this horrific image in my mind. 譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Amanda Chu I could see people falling down, 賽達·亞登·薩伊德: 我腦海中還留有可怖的影像, gunshots. 我看見有人倒下, I was so terrified. 有人開槍。 Really, I was crying a lot. 我嚇壞了。 Someone who knew my father and my mom grabbed my hand, and he said, 真的,我哭個不停。 "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" 有個認識我父母的人抓住我的手, And I was like, "Where's my mom? My mom? My mom?" 他說:「我們走!我們走!」 Noria Dambrine Dusabireme: During nights we would hear shots, 我說:「我媽媽在哪?媽媽?媽媽?」 we would hear guns. 諾莉亞·丹姆布林·杜沙比雷米: 晚上我們會聽到槍聲。 Elections were supposed to happen. 本來應該要進行選舉的。 We had young people going in the street, 有年輕人走上街頭, they were having strikes. 他們罷工抗議。 And most of the young people died. 大部分的年輕人都死了。 SAS: We boarded a vehicle. 賽:我們搭上一輛車。 It was overloaded. 車已經超載。 People were running for their lives. 大家都在逃命。 That is how I fled from Somalia. 我就是這樣逃出索馬利亞。 My mom missed me. 我媽媽很想我, Nobody told her where I went. 沒有人告訴她我去了哪裡。 NDD: The fact that we did not go to school, 諾:我們沒有去上學, we couldn't go to the market, we were just stuck home 我們無法去市場,只能被困在家裡。 made me realize that if I got an option to go for something better, 這讓我了解到, I could just go for it and have a better future. 如果我有更好的選擇, (Music) 我就會勇往直前,找到更好的未來。 Ignazio Matteini: Globally, displaced people in the world (音樂) have been increasing. 伊納吉歐·馬泰尼: 世界各地流離失所的人數都在增加。 Now there are almost 60 million people displaced in the world. 現在全世界遷離家園的人數 接近六千萬。 And unfortunately, it doesn't stop. 不幸的是,數字還在增加。 Chrystina Russell: I think the humanitarian community 克莉絲汀娜·羅素:我認為人道主義團體 開始從研究和現實中了解到, is starting to realize from research and reality 我們在談的是一個更永久性的問題。 that we're talking about a much more permanent problem. 貝里·丹姆泰·葉希塔: 這些學生需要高等教育, Baylie Damtie Yeshita: These students, they need a tertiary education, 他們能夠用得上的學位。 a degree that they can use. 這些學生現在住在盧安達, If the students are living now in Rwanda, 如果他們被迫遷離, 仍然能繼續他們的學業。 if they get relocated, still they can continue their study. 不論他們身在何處, 他們的學位仍然是有用的。 Still, their degree is useful, wherever they are. 克:我們大膽的計畫是要真正去測試 CR: Our audacious project was to really test 南新罕布夏大學的全球教育運動 是否能夠擴大規模, Southern New Hampshire University's Global Education Movement's 把學士學位以及通往就業的途徑 ability to scale, 帶給難民及本來 無法取得高等教育的人。 to bring bachelor's degrees and pathways to employment 賽:身為難民, to refugees and those who would otherwise not have access to higher education. 我幾乎不可能繼續進修, 創造自己的職涯。 SAS: It was almost impossible, as a refugee person, 我叫賽達·亞登·薩伊德, to further my education and to make my career. 我來自索馬利亞。 My name is Saida Aden Said, 我九歲時來到卡庫馬, and I am from Somalia. 十七歲開始上學。 I was nine years old when I came to Kakuma, 現在我在南新罕布夏大學 and I started going to school at 17. 攻讀學士學位。 Now I am doing my bachelor degree 諾:我叫諾莉亞·丹姆布林·杜沙比雷米。 with SNHU. 我正在攻讀傳播學士學位, NDD: My name is Noria Dambrine Dusabireme. 以商業為主要領域。 I'm doing my bachelor of arts in communications 克:我們服務五個不同國家的學生, with a concentration in business. 黎巴嫩、肯亞、馬拉威、 盧安達,以及南非。 CR: We are serving students across five different countries: 我很驕傲我們有八百名 文科副學士畢業生、 Lebanon, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and South Africa. 超過四百位學士畢業生, Really proud to have 800 AA grads to over 400 bachelor's graduates 現在還有近一千位新生。 and nearly 1,000 students enrolled right now. 這個計畫的魔力 在於我們考量到難民的生活。 So, the magic of this is that we're addressing refugee lives as they exist. 沒有班級、 There are no classes. 沒有課程、 There are no lectures. 沒有期限、 There are no due dates. 沒有期末考。 There are no final exams. 學位是以能力為基礎,沒有時間束縛。 This degree is competency-based and not time-bound. 你自己決定何時開始。 You choose when you start your project. 你自己決定用什麼方法進行。 You choose how you're going to approach it. 諾:當你打開這個平台, 就能看到各種預設的目標。 NDD: When you open the platform, that's where you can see the goals. 在每個目標底下,可以找到方案。 Under each goal, we can find projects. 打開一個方案之後 When you open a project, you get the competencies 就會看到你必須要精通的能力, that you have to master, 以及方案的指引和概述。 directions 克:南新罕布夏大學的密技 and overview of the project. 是把以能力為基礎的線上學習 CR: The secret sauce of SNHU 和我們與學習夥伴 面對面學習結合起來, is combining that competency-based online learning 以提供全面性支援。 with the in-person learning that we do with partners 其中包括了學術指導、 to provide all the wraparound supports. 社會心理上的支援、 That includes academic coaching. 醫療上的支援, It means psychosocial support, 還有後期的就業支援。 medical support, 成果是 95% 的畢業率, and it's also that back-end employment support 88% 的就業率。 that's really resulting in the 95 percent graduation, 諾:我是社群媒體管理的實習生。 the 88 percent employment. 這份工作和我攻讀的傳播學位相關。 NDD: I'm a social media management intern. 從這個方案及真實世界中 我學到了好多。 It's related to the communications degree I'm doing. 克:這個有架構的實習方案 是個真正讓學生能練習技能的機會, I've learned so many things out of the project and in the real world. 也讓我們能將實習 CR: The structured internship is really an opportunity 和後續的工作機會連結起來。 for students to practice their skills, (音樂) for us to create connections between that internship 這個模型的核心 and a later job opportunity. 不再是時間、大學政策及程序, (Music) 而是學生。 This is a model that really stops putting time 伊:南新罕布夏大學模型 是一項很大的變革。 and university policies and procedures at the center 它的影響很大,大大改變了 and instead puts the student at the center. 高等教育一定要在這裡 就地進行的傳統方式。 IM: The SNHU model is a big way to shake the tree. 貝:對於來自弱勢、 難民社區的學生而言, Huge. 這個模型能改變他們的人生。 It's a huge shake to the traditional way of having tertiary education here. 諾:若我拿到學位,我可以回來, BDY: It can transform the lives of students 到任何我想去的地方工作。 from these vulnerable and refugee communities. 我可以很有自信地用英文攻讀碩士, NDD: If I get the degree, 這是以前我連想都不敢想的事。 I can just come back and work everywhere that I want. 我也有信心和必要的技能, I can go for a masters confidently in English, 真正走出去,到工作場所做事, which is something that I would not have dreamt of before. 不用擔心我辦不到。 And I have the confidence and the skills required 賽:我一直想和社區合作, to actually go out and just tackle the workplace 建立一個非營利組織, without having to fear that I can't make it. 為女子教育發聲。 SAS: I always wanted to work with the community. 我想要成為學習大使, I want to establish a nonprofit. 鼓勵她們去學習, We advocate for women's education. 告訴她們學習永遠不嫌晚。 I want to be someone who is, like, an ambassador 這是個夢想。 and encourage them to learn and tell them it is never too late. It's a dream.
B1 中級 中文 學位 支援 學生 難民 方案 教育 A path to higher education and employment for refugees | Chrystina Russell 8 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 11 月 02 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字