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The Rainbow Bird - A Latin American Indian Folk Tale
Long long ago, long before men or even the animals swarmed the earth
At that time, all the birds lived in one huge forest
There were many varities of birds and they all lived peacefully together
However, you and I were arounded at that time
we would have a hard time recognizing and identifing any of them
You see in those days, none of the birds or any of the bright and the beautiful color that make them so distinctive today
They all were shaped brown and grey and did little to brighten the forest
And that, if it wasn't for the flowers that bloomed in all these splendid colors,
the forest would have been a very dull place indeed
Some of the birds tried their best to brighten up their looks and added a little color to their lives
There, that should do it!
How about it? Not bad huh?
The birds tried everything they could think of to give themselves color
They tried to dye themselves with berry
They tried to rub with green leaves
But nothing would last and finally they began to believe that once a grey bird, always a grey bird
It just seemed ashamed that with all the beautiful colors of nature
The bird was blessed with only grey and brown
Every time the birds saw king butterflies or golden oranges, it only made them sadder
They couldn't understand why they had been so unlucky
Every day in the late afternoon, dark cloud would cover their tropical rain forest
Bringing rain and thunder to the birds' home
But it couldn't last long, and when the cloud would disappear
a marvellous rainbow would appear
The birds of the forest waited eagerly each day to catch the glimpse of the rainbow
The butterflies and flowers were beautiful in their own way,
but nothing in nature could match the radiant beauty of the rainbow
To the bird, the rainbow was their own special treasure
And everytime it appeared, they wished with all their might,
someday they too would be able to share some of the nature's wonderful colors
And then, one day, when the clouds departed, the rainbow appeared as always,
But something seemed very wrong
Huh, did you see that?
The rainbow was somehow gotten dirty
These beautiful colors went out dark and black
The birds of the forest could not believe their eyes
They were so look forward to seeing rainbow after the rain
But what would happen now?
I wonder what could have happened to it
I wonder it caught a cold or something
Don't be silly, never heard about rainbow catching a cold
Well, you know you never can tell
They're watching and hoping that whatever was taking away the rainbow's color would disappear
anything seemed to be getting worst
until all of the sudden
the mysterious holes began to appear all over the rainbow
Oh my goodness
the birds were heartbroken, what was happening to their treasured rainbow
Suddenly, a golden light appeared over head
There above the forest flew of a magnificent multi-color magic bird
It was a phoenix
The phoenix is a legendary bird with tremendous and mysterious power
Hi friends, what my heavenly duty is to protect the rainbow
I have come to ask your help
Our rainbow had been attacked by roaches
I tried my best, but there are far too many of them for me to handle alone
If we don't act quickly
I am afraid they will not stop until they have eaten every last piece of our rainbow
What do you say? Would you help? It is our only chance to save the rainbow
You can count on me, let's go
Those courageous birds quickly volunteered to follow the phoenix
but not all the birds were so eager to help
It is none of our business
The phoenix was very disappointed to hear such talk
There was no time to lose
So he flew off leading those birds to the rainbow
Higher and higher they flew and they're ready themselves to win back their beloved rainbow from the wicked roaches
At last they flew here, they began to fear that they were already too late
The rainbow was full of holes and the roaches showed no sign of stopping
Oh dear! Look at those horrible roaches
They're so many
They're everywhere, they're everywhere
They were badly out numbered, but the courageous birds fought valiantly
The battle was on and on
And eventually, both roaches and birds began to drop from exhaustion
But the birds would not give up and finally they had lead their way to the rainbow itself
A few roaches were still ate on
At last, the battle was over and the birds had won
The birds were overjoyed their victory
And then before their weary eyes
The rainbow renewed itself and showed as brightly as ever
To the bird, it seemed even more wonderous than before
Let's go, let's go
All the birds flew up to the rainbow
And when they did, the magical thing happened
And each bird passed through the rainbow
its feathers were changed into one of the rainbow's many wonderous colors
I look like butterfly
As for your reward, you shall all have a return from the rainbow
The rainbow bird couldn't have been happier
for years they have wished and waited for this day and now
their dream had come true
But remember, not all the birds went to help the phoenix to defend the rainbow
Those that stayed behind for laziness or selfishness were still very plain and common
So you can imagine their suprise and shame when the others returned from the rainbow in all these splendid colors and designs
They had learnt their lesson to help their friends in need
But it was too late
If they have gone to help
they could have returned from the rainbow just as colorful as and as handsome as the other
And that is why to these days you can find both,
birds of many sparkling colors and those still very drear and very plain
So the next time, you look outside
why don't you try to find those birds that flew through the rainbow