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  • - You know slang doesn't make sense when you translate it,

  • when you actually think about it, it's like what?

  • [European music]

  • Stram ballerne, tighten your buttocks [laughs].

  • Pull yourself together.

  • Bodens Polse, sausage of death,

  • it means that's pretty not good.

  • At sluge en kamel, swallow a camel.

  • That means like you really had to compromise.

  • It's old school, you still use it though.

  • I mean I'm old so, I use it.

  • At have have krudt I roven

  • which translates to having gun powder up your ass.

  • It means to, you are, you're in a hurry.

  • [Irish music]

  • Donkey's years, this is a good one.

  • One of my favorite Americanisms is

  • oh my God, I haven't seen you in like a minute.

  • It's been a minute.

  • We would say jeez, it's been donkey's years.

  • It's been donkey's years since I saw you new

  • and I don't know what that really means,

  • I guess donkeys are just old

  • and have been around for a long time.

  • - Suckin' diesel!

  • - Drinking alcohol? - Nope.

  • - Driving fast? - No.

  • - Getting high?

  • - No, but you've well mapped out your usual weekend.

  • - Yeah, sorry [laughs].

  • - Suckin' diesel, it means like going grays.

  • - Oh. - Like oh how's it going?

  • Oh I'm suckin' diesel now.

  • - Bogger!

  • I am a bogger.

  • If you're from Dublin, you think that Dublin

  • is the only place that exists in Ireland.

  • When tourists go to Ireland,

  • they tend to just stick to Dublin.

  • Oh my God, I love Temple Bar,

  • I go there for a Guinness,

  • even though it costs $11, 11 pounds,

  • euros even for a pint of Guinness.

  • There's two words for people from outside of Dublin

  • that live in the country and they're called

  • culches, God knows and Bogger

  • so you're meant to live in Bog Land.

  • - Black stuff.

  • - Ugh um, black stuff, what does that mean?

  • What does that mean?

  • Like a bad time?

  • - Oh, like a black dog. - Yeah, like I'm depressed.

  • - No, although this can lead to that.

  • - Oh, heroin!

  • - [laughs] Um no, you can have a pint of the black stuff.

  • - Oh uh, Guinness?

  • - Yes Guinness, yes.

  • - Flute, flute is

  • the Irish word for penis

  • [group laughing]

  • And you are firmly wrong.

  • 'Cause it means penis, you're welcome.

  • - Rugger bugger.

  • - Is that a kid?

  • - No. - No?

  • - No, it's a person whose big into a specific sport.

  • Kind of in South Dublin,

  • oh my God he's such a rugger bugger.

  • - Oh, like he's gay?

  • - No, I mean, there's quite a lot of clue in the word.

  • - Rug, like you're into rugs?

  • - It's a sport that they play quite a lot of in Australia.

  • - Oh rugby, yeah! - Rugby, person whose

  • really into rugby.

  • - Oh! - Yes.

  • [Spanish music]

  • - Eres un encogio, somebody very tight, yeah.

  • Eres un encogio, but you use this expression

  • for somebody who doesn't wanna spend one penny.

  • You're taking a coffee with somebody whose un encogio

  • he will never pay!

  • So don't go with un encogio to take

  • a coffee or anything in life.

  • Que chulo, this is very complicated.

  • Because chulo is a pimp,

  • you use it to say it's something that is very beautiful,

  • it is very cool too,

  • you know que chulo, you know I like the jacket that

  • you have it's muy chula.

  • I like your bike it's very chula,

  • your car, que chula!

  • Pero chulo is a pimp.

  • So how do you explain this?

  • I don't know, sometimes lose our mind.

  • Me cago en la leche is complicated.

  • Complicated, the literal translation

  • is I take a shit in the milk.

  • Now, think about it.

  • Who was the first person in this planet who said this

  • and everybody followed, you know,

  • I take a shit in the milk,

  • somebody said that's cool, I'm gonna take a shit in the milk

  • too it's an expression to say disappointed about something.

  • I am so disappointed, me cago en la leche.

  • [Bulgarian music]

  • Kvo Pravish Ma.

  • What are you doin' man?

  • This next one is da-be da-be,

  • which is kinda like okay come on, come on, come on,

  • stop it, basically like you're exaggerating,

  • like cut me some slack, give me a break.

  • Oh another weird fun Bulgarian fact,

  • is that this means yes in Bulgarian

  • and this means no,

  • so when you go to Bulgaria you're like

  • hey, can I use your bathroom?

  • And they'll go da!

  • And you're like oh okay sorry,

  • and then they're like no no no da da da, come,

  • it's very strange.

  • Brat, sounds like a brat but brat

  • in Bulgarian means brother.

  • Nazdrave!

  • This is probably my favorite

  • and if you're vising Bulgaria,

  • you should make this a priority to learn.

  • It means cheers in Bulgarian.

  • See this little weird like house?

  • That's a D.

  • D, D!

  • [Swedish music]

  • - [laughs] Bakis, it kind of sound a bit like baked.

  • But it actually means being hungover in Swedish.

  • - Sup dig snygg.

  • Drink yourself beautiful, snygg, hot.

  • Kinda sums it up doesn't it,

  • like you get drunk and then some may feel hot

  • and if you're having a bad day,

  • some will say sup dig snygg,

  • just drink yourself gorgeous.

  • - Bars, bars bars, this is a word for beer.

  • [singing in Swedish]

  • Snapsvisor, those are little songs we sing

  • when we drink our [speaking in foreign language].

  • [singing in Swedish]

  • - Oh, kattig.

  • That's like, she's a cat, she's catty,

  • but it means like she's hot.

  • 'Cause I guess cats are like the sexiest of the animals,

  • she's just like a little cat.

  • Snuskhummer, that's a nasty lobster.

  • Like, usually maybe an older man,

  • whose like praying on young girls,

  • just a little nasty lobster.

  • - Sockergris, sugar pig.

  • Uh, you love sugar.

  • Sockergris, I'm a real sugar pig.

  • - Sweden is very famous for having

  • quite insane sayings and this is a really good one,

  • it's no cow in the eyes and that means [scoffs]

  • don't worry, at least there's no cow in the eyes.

  • Gonna go out and use that one today.

  • - Ana ugglor I mossen,

  • that means that you suspect that there might be owls

  • in the woods and that means,

  • something fishy is goin' on.

  • Like ana ugglor I mossen.

  • Like, I suspect that somethings not quite right here.

  • - Oh this is a good one!

  • Sambo is two people living together

  • and vikt is weight.

  • So this is the weight that you reach

  • when you start dating somebody,

  • having long dinners in front of the TV watching Netflix.

  • - Nu har du skitit I det bla skape.

  • Now you really took a shit in the blue closet

  • and that's when you've done something really bad.

  • You [bleep] up.

  • - For allt smor I smaland,

  • for all the butter in Smaland which is a state

  • or a county in Sweden and they make a lot of smor there.

  • So they have a lot of it.

  • So you basically say, I would never do that,

  • I wouldn't do it for allt smor I smaland

  • which means like I wouldn't do it

  • for tons and tons of butter

  • and we love butter in Sweden so that's like,

  • like not even for that amount of butter

  • would I do what you asked me to do.

- You know slang doesn't make sense when you translate it,


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Celebrities Teach You European Slang | Slang School | Vanity Fair

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