And, you know, along with the Seattle Seahawks, I don't know if the Baltimore Ravens will be in play for Antonio Brown, but, like Max said, like Stephen A says said, we both all three of us would love for Dez Bryant to get this opportunity for Dez Bryant to play, but I don't think this changes the circumstances of the Baltimore Ravens offense or Baltimore Ravens as a team as it pertains to them being contenders in the A F C.
而且,你知道,與西雅圖海鷹隊一起,我不知道巴爾的摩烏鴉隊是否會在安東尼奧-布朗的比賽中,但是,就像麥克斯說的那樣,就像斯蒂芬-A說的那樣,我們三個人都希望德茲-布萊恩特能夠得到這個機會,讓德茲-布萊恩特打球,但我不認為這改變了巴爾的摩烏鴉隊的進攻情況,或者巴爾的摩烏鴉隊作為一支球隊,因為它涉及到他們在A F C中的競爭者。