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Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Sunday that French President Emmanuel Macron had quote attacked Islam by encouraging the display of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.
The French ambassador to Islamabad was summoned on Monday in the latest expression of anger over the matter.
In Bangladesh, protesters unfurled placards with a caricature of the French leader on the words Macron is the enemy of peace in the Middle East of Jordanian supermarket began removing French products from its shelves on Sunday in what was said to be a protest against comments by Macron unquote Islamist separatism.
Shopkeepers at the supermarket covered up shelves alongside signs explaining why the spat follows a knife attack outside of French school on October 16 in which an 18 year old man of Chechen origin beheaded Samuel Patty, 47 year old middle school teacher who'd shown pupils cartoons of Mohammed.
French officials said the beheading was an attack on the country's core value or freedom of expression, including the right to publish the cartoons.