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  • [King James Bible for the Deaf]

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  • Hello Folks, This is Pastor Mike Hoggard coming to

  • you from Studio 2012 with another Watchman Video Broadcast. Somebody sent me this article

  • from NASA's web site and I started looking at it and I'm going, hmmmm, I'm not sure this

  • is anything in particular. Let me show you what he sent me. Let me show you the first

  • half of what he sent me. And then we'll go from there, we'll decide whether or not it's

  • relevant or not. I've got some very interesting information to share with you today about

  • NASA, about the Holy Grail, we'll see here in a little bit. Ah, Juno! Unlocking Jupiter's

  • mysteries; now I will admit that caught me, that kind of got me right there. Unlocking

  • mysteries, because I know the language of the Bible, and I know the language of the

  • occult, ah, Manly Hall, Albert Pike, and others who talk about, they're always unlocking some,

  • even those in the word-faith, charismatic-dominion movement, they're always talking about unlocking.

  • Here's the key to unlock this, so, NASA sends up one of these rockets, one of these probes,

  • ok, hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars, to send something to the planet Jupiter to

  • unlock the mysteries of Jupiter. Now, in case you don't know, ah, let's see here, Jupiter,

  • Venus, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, all of these planets, they don't have, they're

  • not named after presidents, they're not named after kings, they're not named after Hollywood

  • actors. And they're not named after rock stars, they are named after gods. And so the old

  • representation of what a planet stood for, always stood for a god. So, here we have,

  • here we have, I want you to get this, now. We're going to see this from NASA's web site.

  • You say, Pastor Mike, you're making too much of this. I don't think so. Here we have the

  • planet, Jupiter, and we have which is the male god, ok, and then we have the rocket

  • that they sent, the probe that they sent to Jupiter was called Juno. She's a goddess,

  • look at what's going on here. So Juno is being sent to Jupiter to unlock the mysteries. Ah,

  • Juno will improve our understanding of the solar system's beginnings by revealing the

  • origin and evolution. There's some interesting words there, of Jupiter, specifically, Juno

  • will determine how much water is in Jupiter's atmosphere which helps determine which planet

  • formation theory is correct, and blada, blada, blada blah. And I'm thinking in my mind, why

  • is it that NASA, ah, the United States of America, is investing all of this tons and

  • tons and tons of money to send this thing to Jupiter to try to find out who's theory

  • was right. It's like a bet was going on at NASA and, ah, whoever's going to win the bet,

  • ah, determines, ah, is going to be determined by Juno. Why couldn't somebody in the Obama

  • administration pay somebody, very well, ah, to just take a wild guess at how Jupiter was

  • formed? Or, you know what, maybe we could just read the Bible, Genesis, chapter 1, and

  • the 4th day of creamaybe we could do that. Why are we spending all this money? Because,

  • I think it has more to do with occult symbolism. Let me read something; let me remind you of

  • something from Manly Hall's Secret Teaching of All Ages. He said, concealed within the

  • emblematic figures, allegories, Juno and Jupiter, by the way have allegories. They have figures,

  • and rituals of the ancients is a secret doctrine. Madame Blavatsky wrote a book called The Secret

  • Doctrine. Concerning the inner mystery of life, which doctrine has been preserved in

  • toto among a small band of initiated minds, since the beginning of the world. Departing,

  • these illumined philosophers left their formula that others too might attain to understanding.

  • But lest these secret processes fall into uncultured hands and be perverted, the Great

  • Arcanum, which means the great secret, was always concealed in symbol or allegory. Now,

  • in order to understand, let me read, let me read a verse here. Revelation chapter 17,

  • since we mentioned Juno, the goddess, all goddesses, all throughout the world are really

  • one person, one spirit. Revelation 17, verse one, and there was, there came one of the

  • seven angels which hath the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, come hither,

  • and I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.

  • Ah, but Jupiter, they're wanting to see; you know the water thing of Jupiter. Ah, verse

  • two, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants

  • of the earth, I want you to listen to this now, the inhabitants of the earth have been

  • made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Ah, then we look in verse 5, her name upon

  • her forehead was written, Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots, and abominations

  • of the earth. And so, I want you to think about this. They're unlocking Jupiter's mysteries,

  • well, Juno is. Ok, because she is the representation of Mystery Babylon, the mystery religion.

  • Ok, where did this, where do these secret sayings come from, the thing that Manly Hall

  • talked about, ah, a secret doctrine, why is it so secret? In Bible Christianity, let me

  • do my contrast here, ok. Here is the representation of Bible Christianity; it's the King James

  • Bible. This reveals all the secrets and tells everything that there is to tell. This is,

  • ah, Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma; this is the book of the great secret. You can read

  • all 800 and some odd pages of this book and not really find out what the secret is. It's

  • because they really don't want you to know; only a very very select few people can ever

  • know what the real secret is, unless of course, you just read and believe the Bible. Where

  • does this come from? Genesis, chapter 3, the Bible says, now the serpent, was more subtle

  • than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman, ye,

  • hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. Then in 2nd Corinthians, chapter

  • 11, verse 3, this is Paul, but I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve,

  • through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is Christ.

  • So you need to think about what spirits operates in the open, that would be the Holy Spirit.

  • What spirit operates always in secret using subtle means? That would be, number one, Mystery

  • Babylon the Great, number two, it would be the serpent, the devil, satan himself, who

  • always works through subtlety, and so if you just happen to be a NASA fan, and you watch

  • the NASA channel all day long, you may have seen this rocket take off, ah, I don't sometime

  • last year. You may have seen this rocket take off and start on its way to Jupiter and you're

  • going oh, ah, that's amazing, oh, I wonder we're going to find out. Ah, but really, what

  • you were watching was the beginnings of a ritual. Let's go to the other part of this

  • web site. Somebody sent me this and I really appreciate it. Ah, because NASA on their web

  • site explains a little bit about what's going on. And they describe it as Juno's mythical

  • connection. It Greek and Roman mythology, Jupiter drew a veil of clouds around himself

  • to hide his mischief. Think about that. Thank about who Jupiter represents. He veils himself,

  • he covers himself to hide what he's doing. It was Jupiter's wife, the goddess, Juno,

  • who was able to peer through the clouds and reveal Jupiter's true nature. The Juno spacecraft

  • will also look beneath the clouds to see what the planet is up to. Not seeking signs of

  • misbehavior, but helping us to understand the planet's structure and history. So, again,

  • I, you know, probably some scientists sitting there at NASA, and they have a bet going,

  • on who's theory was right, so they decided to spend 500 million dollars. Ah, but anyway,

  • here's the interesting part of this and this is what the person who sent me this. Ah, the

  • launch was August 5, 2011. The earth fly-by gravity assist was October 23, or will be

  • October 2013. Jupiter arrival July 2016, here it is, when it gets to Jupiter, the space

  • craft will orbit Jupiter for about one year or 33 orbits. If you've watched enough of

  • this broadcast or know just a little bit about the occult and Freemasonry, and the Bible,

  • and you go 33, I've seen that number be—I kind of know what that is. We did a video,

  • ah, called, it's actually called 33. Its part of the King James Code series, we'll get that

  • to you. But here, I want you to get this symbolism. Here the goddess is going to, going to swirl

  • around Jupiter 33 times in this occult, mystic ritual thing and then plunge into the depths.

  • See, she's a spirit of harlotry and that's, any time you have the god and the goddess

  • joining together, that's what that is. And so, anyway, I want you to, I want you to get

  • this because when you have the god and the goddess coming together, think of, ah, Genesis

  • 6, ah, think of other things, when you have the god and the goddess coming together, there's

  • always something that is the end result of that. So, here, Jupiter is actually a representation

  • of Osiris. Juno's a representation of Isis. This goes all the way back to the ancient,

  • ancient Egyptian, ah, mystery religions, and when Osiris and Isis joined together, there

  • was a, there was something produced of this union. His name was Horus, he is the half

  • god, half human, is who he is. We've studied this concept before. So, Horus represents

  • the hybrid between the gods and the humans. Genesis chapter 6, there were giants in the

  • earth. That's who Horus represents. In those days, and also after that, when the sons of

  • God came into the daughters of men and they bear children to them, the same became mighty

  • men which were of old, men of renown. Horus is one of those men of renown, who was the

  • product of the sons of God, Genesis, chapter 6, and the daughters of men. So that's kind

  • of the theme that we're going to be taking today. And then, you remember back in September,

  • Watchman Video Broadcast I did back then because something, something happened all the way

  • back in September, and I remember talking to you about it and I was scratching my head,

  • and I was doing this and I was going, you know, I don't, I don't understand this. It's

  • got my curiosity but I don't understand what's it all about. I got it now! I get it. Let's

  • go back to September. NASA launched a rocket from earth to the moon. The rocket had two

  • satellites on it that was going to orbit the moon. They were called the Gravity Recovery

  • and Interior Laboratory. Now, I can tell you, that's made up. They deliberately, and you're

  • going to get this now, they deliberately named it the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory

  • for a reason, because it makes the letters G, R, A, I, L. Grail, as in Holy Grail. And

  • I remember back in September, I was asking myself the question, and I was asking you

  • the question, why, why did they send the Grail to the moon? Why did they send the Holy Grail

  • to the moon? I, I look at their web site here, the Grail web site and I see, you know NASA,

  • they've always got to have a logo, and by the way, NASA, has this love affair with gods,

  • goddesses, and demons and devils, and angels and everything like that. Ah, practically

  • everything they do is named after some god. The Saturn Five rocket, the Apollo series,

  • and all this stuff and here we have the grail, and notice their logo! What does that look

  • like to you? The all-seeing eye, the capstone on top of the unfinished pyramid. I want you,

  • I want you just kind of do this, let's go back and look at some things that we talked

  • about, since Dan Brown's Lost Symbol came out. Dan Brown explained in the Lost Symbol

  • that the pyramid, the two bottom parts of the pyramid, represented the unfinished work.

  • It was two things, I want you to watch this now, it was two things here on opposite sides

  • that eventually come together, you see the idea of a pyramid, or a triangle that eventually

  • come together to form the apex of the triangle or the finished product which is Horus, the

  • all-seeing eye. The hybrid, between the sons of God and the daughters of men. That's what

  • that represents and so, and now, watch this now, this is the representation that NASA

  • put together as far as the logo for the Grail mission. You have the moon being the eye,

  • inside of the capstone, which represents Horus, the hybrid god. Now, let's talk about the

  • moon for a minute. Ah, I woke up one morning thinking about this and preparation for this

  • broadcast, I was thinking about the symbolism of the moon and what it represents. Let's

  • go all the way back to the beginning. Let's do what NASA, instead of spending 500 million

  • dollars, sending a rocket up to the moon and a rocket up to Jupiter, they could have bought

  • 500 million Bibles and read every one of them and found the same thing. Genesis, chapter

  • one, verse 16, and God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day, that would

  • be the sun, and the lesser light to rule the night. I want you to look at that phrase,

  • rule the night. He made the stars also, God set them in the firmament of the heaven to

  • give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the

  • light from the darkness and God saw that it was good, and the evening and the morning,

  • were the fourth day. Now that number four plays into here, because we have God making

  • a ruler of the night, or a ruler over darkness and that would be the moon. So in Ephesians,

  • chapter 6, the Bible says we wrestle now against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

  • powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness

  • in high places and I want you to think now, you notice that Paul said, the rulers of the

  • darkness of this world. Represented now by the moon and certain of the stars that are

  • in the skies. Remember, stars in the Bible represent angels, and so what does the moon

  • represent? I want you to think about this, want you to think about the moon. The moon

  • gives light at night, but does the moon have any light of itself? No. The moon simply reflects

  • the light given to it by the sun. The moon, you could say, bares light, or is a light-barer,

  • hence the name, Lucifer, which literally means, light-bearer. You see, all these new translations

  • of the Bible, ok, this NIV, here, takes, in fact, boy, I almost turned right to it. Let

  • me read it to you out of the NIV. Ok, the NIV says, if I can get to the right page here,

  • it says, in verse twelve, how you have fallen from heaven, oh morning star, son of the dawn.

  • That's, that's, that's not what this says. This Bible says, how art thou fallen from

  • heaven, oh, Lucifer, son of the morning. Lucifer means light-bearer, the King James Bible adequately,

  • or accurately names the name of the devil, calls him Lucifer, which is the light bearer,

  • so his representation, then, is as the moon. He is the one who rules over the darkness.

  • Remember, in the night sky, you have all the stars and all they're pretty and they're numerous,

  • but there's one light in particular, that out shines even all of the stars, and that

  • is the moon, and they rule over the darkness. And we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness

  • of this world. I want you to just think about that, because then we have, and I like this,

  • first time I saw this I got really happy. Revelation, chapter 12, there's a woman. Women

  • in the Bible represent, they represent a type of spirituality or a type of church. You can

  • have a virtuous woman, a pure woman, ah, you can have a woman who gives birth to a child

  • of promise, we see that all through the Scriptures, we did a teaching around the end of the year

  • called the Birth of the Man Child and that's what you see. You see a woman giving birth,

  • ah, but then you have harlot women, remember mystery Babylon the great, you have people

  • like Jezebel and Delilah, and Herodias, and other ill-famed women in the Scriptures. That's

  • what you have. So here we have a woman, in Revelation, chapter 12, verse 1, a woman clothed

  • with the sun, now think of the sun, the greater light that rules over the day. The Bible refers

  • to Jesus in the Old Testament as the sun, capital S, U, N, of righteousness, arising

  • with healing in his wings. And so Jesus Christ is the representation of the light, the greater

  • light that rules over the day, hence, the light bearer is the representation of the

  • lesser light, that rules over the night or that rules over the darkness. And so the woman,

  • is clothed with the sun, which means, number one she has put on, as the Apostle Paul said,

  • she's put on Christ. See, I just like this. She's put on Christ; she is clothed with His

  • righteousness, and his brightness. Jesus said, Jesus said, I am the light of the world, he

  • then later on, and, told his disciples, you are the light of the world. Is he contradicting

  • himself? No. Jesus is the light of the world, hence, the sun, and we who have been clothed

  • with Jesus, also are the light of the world. So, we have a woman clothed with the sun,

  • and look at this, and the moon under her feet. Think about this, in the Bible, when you're

  • standing on something, when something is under your feet, you have dominion over it. The

  • number ten is the number for dominion, you have 10 toes, think of Daniel, chapter 2,

  • when you have 10 toes, and your feet are on something, you have dominion over that. So

  • I want you to notice, the moon is under her feet. Romans, chapter 16, verse 20 and the

  • God of peace shall bruise satan under your feet shortly, the grace of our Lord Jesus

  • Christ be with you, amen. And so, get this now, the moon, according to the Scriptures,

  • is a representation of the light-bearer, the one who out shines all the other stars, ah,

  • he is brighter than the other stars, that's alluded to, and I think in the book of Ezekiel,

  • he is brighter than them all, but he only bears the light, hence the name Lucifer, he

  • does not have light in and of himself. And so here we have the church being represented

  • by the woman. Ah, some say it's Israel, some say it's the church, it's, it's both, it is,

  • heavenly Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, which is above, which is free, which is the mother

  • of us all, what Paul says in the book of Galatians. So, here we have this women, she's clothed

  • with the sun, she has the righteousness of Christ and she is the light of the world along

  • with Christ, but she has the moon under her feet. She has conquered. God has used her

  • to conquer the devil. Think about Sisera when he came in to the tent of Jael, Heber's wife,

  • he goes in there. Who is it that actually conquered Sisera? It was the woman, ok, piercing

  • his skull, giving him a deadly wound in his head. Ok, that goes back to Genesis, chapter

  • 3, 15, ah, Revelation 12, Romans 16, its all there. So the woman now, is conquering the

  • prince of darkness as it were. So, NASA, now, NASA has this, ah, this on-going love affair

  • with the moon for some reason, you remember JFK coming out in one of his speeches, ah,

  • that we want to go to the moon by the end of the decade and return men safely, under,

  • so NASA did that. But they've had this ongoing thing with the moon. It started out with the

  • Apollo, there's a god right there, Apollo, is the god of prophecy. He is also a hybrid.

  • His father was a god, his mother was a human woman and Apollo is a hybrid. And so we send

  • Apollo 11 up to the moon, it was the eagle module, remember the eagle has landed, ah,

  • it was carried by the Columbia rocket. Think of these terms as far as Bible prophecy is

  • concerned or as far as the occult is concerned. The eagle is a representation of the Phoenix.

  • The Columbia, the Columbia is named after, it's the Latin word for dove. Columbia, ok.

  • The dove can be, can be a symbol for the Holy Ghost in the Scriptures, or, the opposite

  • of the Holy Ghost, which is the un-holy spirit of mystery Babylon the Great, the mother of

  • harlots, in fact, here's a representation of her, and there's her flowing red hair,

  • she's Mary Magdalene, she's Isis, she's the sacred feminine. Notice the occult use of

  • the dove represents her spirit. And she's got three fingers up in the air, we've talked

  • about that before, and I want you to notice that she is holding a cup. Let's look at what

  • that cup is, we read earlier, Revelation, chapter 17, verse 4, the Bible says and the

  • woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,

  • having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And upon

  • her forehead was a name written, thirteen words, Mystery Babylon the Great, the mother

  • of harlots and abominations of the earth. Jeremiah was told, Jeremiah chapter 51, verse

  • 7, Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hand, that made all the earth drunken, the

  • nations have drunken of her wine, therefore the nations are mad. Now the word mad, we

  • use the word mad in America to say I'm really angry, actually it should be I'm mad with

  • anger, the word mad means, out of your mind. Crazy. Drunk, not sober. And so here we have,

  • and I'm going to contrast this. Here we have the cup of Christ, ok, which sets men free,

  • we have the cup of devils, we're going to talk about that, that makes men drunk and

  • puts men in bondage. And so, I'm looking at all this stuff going on and I get up, one

  • morning, right after, right after new years, and I'm up early for some reason, and I turn

  • the news on, and ah, the local news person is talking about NASA, you know, issued a

  • press release, saying, you know telling what, they reminded me of something that I reported

  • on back in September of last year that I forgot completely about, but I asked the question,

  • why did NASA send the grail to the moon. By the way, the grail, you know what the grail

  • is, is the Holy Grail, the cup, ok, supposedly, now, the cup that Jesus drank out of at the

  • last supper, but of course, we know, according to Scripture, Jesus didn't drink out of a

  • cup at the, he didn't drink at all at the Last Supper. And then, according to myth or

  • legend, Joseph of Arimathea, the guy who loaned Jesus the tomb, was at the foot of the cross

  • and he had that cup in his hand and when the pierced Jesus' side and the blood and water

  • issued forth, Joseph of Arimathea, this is like really gross, takes that cup, and collects

  • the blood of Jesus in it. So, now he has Jesus' blood in this cup and he gets on a ship and

  • he sails to Britain, ok, around Glastonbury, I think is where it is, and, ah, so that's

  • where, and supposedly, now, you've had all these legends, one we're going to talk about

  • this, he had all these legends about the holy grail. And that it's the blood of Christ,

  • or it's the cup of immortality, if you drink this, you'll live forever, you remember Indiana

  • Jones? And the Holy Grail? That's what it was about. It was about, if you watch the

  • movie, it was about illumination, when you drink of the grail. I want you to think about

  • that. Ah, and here's what got me going, because the news reporter was saying how long it took

  • for, once the rocket left the earth, how long it took to get to the moon, and I'm going,

  • that does not, that doesn't sound right. Because I remember Apollo 11, doing a little research

  • on that , and I remember that, you know, at best, once a rocket leaves the earth and they

  • scoot over to the moon, takes about 3-4-5 days. Ok, and they're there. You pack a few

  • bags, you know, something to read on the way, and all of a sudden, you're at the moon. For

  • some reason, now, and I read NASA's explanation of this, we were just trying to save money.

  • When was the last time anybody tried to save money in the government? But it took longer

  • than 3 days, in fact, it took from September until January. The news kept saying 3 and

  • a half months, 3 and a half months, but then, then, one news reporter actually gave the

  • exact number of days. It was exactly 110 days. Now, kind of do some math, in your mind, ok.

  • We're going to break this up a couple ways. Number one, that's 11 times 10, number two,

  • it's a couple of numbers we've dealt with before, 77, and 33, and oh, by the way, even

  • if, and it took 110 days to get to the moon, and this just happened by some freak of nature,

  • this happened to be the 110th NASA mission of exploration of the moon. These two numbers,

  • 110 days, 110th mission, ok. I'm doing this for a reason. Cause I'm going to show you

  • something. Ok, ah, upon arrival, when the rocket gets to the moon, these two grail satellites,

  • called Grail One and Grail Two, ah, leave the rocket and Grail one goes into lunar orbit

  • on December 31, just before midnight, 2011. Then Grail two, goes into lunar orbit on January

  • 1, 2012, just after midnight. Remember that 110. Ah, that it's a product of 10 times 11

  • or 11 times 10, depends on whether you're dyslexic or not. Ok, and I got to thinking

  • about this. The winter solstice, is December the 21, which means that Grail one went into

  • lunar orbit 10 days after the solstice, Grail two went into lunar orbit 11 days after the

  • winter solstice. There are those two numbers again. Then we have, now this, now watch this

  • now, ok, 110 days, 110th mission, ok. I'm holding up my 2 fingers, like 2 towers, 2

  • towers that were built, steel construction, 1968. Ah, and then 33 years later, ok, 33

  • years later, September 11, 2001, we wake up to find that these 2 towers which, this tower

  • is 110 stories tall and this tower is 110 stories tall. As soon as the news reporter

  • said, ah, it's the 110th NASA mission and it took 110 days, I'm going, ah, I think I

  • get it. I think I get it. There's a ritual going on, an allegory, a symbol taking place

  • right in front of our very eyes. It's not about finding the gravity of the moon. That's

  • hogwash, ok. NASA is into ritual business, sending a goddess to the god, Jupiter to circle

  • it 33 days and then join with it? And then we send the holy grail, we send the grail

  • to the moon with these exact numbers there and by the way, there's more to it. I haven't

  • got to it yet. Ok, but there's more to it. And so, I'm thinking of a ritual here, and

  • let's go back, remember, we have the 110, 10 x 11, the meaning of the 110, you have

  • the 10 kings, you have the 10 toes, the 10 horns. The number 11 is the number for Babylon

  • herself and they're joined together here in these 2 towers or in this NASA mission of

  • the holy grail and the moon. I want you to just kind of ponder this. Then I remembered

  • in doing all the research about September 11th, I noted that this number, 110, could

  • be divided up by 77 and 33 and those numbers we see all over the place. JFK, on 11/22,

  • which makes a 33, close to the 33rd parallel, JFK is assassinated just blocks before the

  • car is going to get on Highway 77, and I was watching a documentary, ah, about the JFK

  • assassination, and I noted an old film clip, and here's a picture of it here, you can't

  • see it too well, but the limousine that was carrying JFK bore the letters GG, that's a

  • veiled reference to the number 77. Then we have highway 77. Let's start looking at all

  • the things that happened on highway 77. Remember, we're looking at 2 numbers, 77 and 33 that

  • make 110, this number. We're going to go to the Bible here in a minute. Waco, Texas, Branch

  • Davidian compound, David Koresh, ah, Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas is right

  • off of Highway 77, and of course David Koresh was 33 years old. And then to celebrate the

  • Branch Davidian compound burning down, Timothy McVeigh, and others, decided to blow up a

  • building called the Alfred Murrah building which had 33 columns in it. It's just blocks

  • away from Highway 77. Then you have, ah, the Pentagon building, which is 77 feet tall,

  • struck by Flight 77 on longitudes 77. Ok, and oh, by the way, ah the pilot of Flight

  • 11 that flew into the 110 story towers. Mohammed Atta, you see his birthday there, ah, 09/01/68,

  • he was, he'd just turned 33 when he did this and then recently, we had Dan Weldon, ok,

  • race car driver, 33 years old died in a fiery crash while he's driving car number 77. See,

  • it just, there just seems to be a ritual associated with these numbers. Why did it have to take

  • 110 days to get to the moon? It certainly could have taken less time; it could have

  • taken more time. This number was chosen by a reason. And we remember, let's, let's, let's

  • bring it down here to where we can understand the nature of conspiracies. If we think that

  • only men, or only human beings or human minds are putting all this together and they're

  • not saying anything to anybody about it, then it doesn't make sense. If we understand the

  • true nature of a conspiracy, and that is spirits, who are, according to Scriptures are empowered

  • by rituals. You see, let me explain this. True Bible Christianity, requires no rituals.

  • I can be saved and am saved by God's grace alone, not by my works or my rituals. That's

  • the doctrine of the free grace of Jesus Christ, it is not by works. The devil's religion must

  • operate in rituals and let me explain this. How many of you have ever owned a dog, or

  • a cat, or a pet or farm animal of some kind, you know that those animals have a certain

  • nature. We have an old dog that lives in our house. She's an old dog, she's got arthritis

  • in her hips, and she's real old and we discovered one day, because she was getting real skinny,

  • that there was a certain area in the house where she would eat her food, and we had to

  • find that area and when we found that area, she will go and eat in that one place alone

  • in our house. Whereas me and the kids, we eat everywhere in the house, cause we can

  • make decisions, but see, she has an animal nature to her, a beast nature. And in order

  • to get her to do what we want her to do, she has to respond in a certain way to a certain

  • thing in a certain place. That's the whole operation of rituals, is saying certain words,

  • in a certain way, in a certain place. The Roman Catholic Church is nothing but invoking

  • the power of devils because of their ritualism. Freemasonry is the same way. I don't like

  • rituals; I don't like them, ok. So, NASA and rituals, hand in hand here, and they just

  • have to call this thing, the grail, the holy grail. Ah, I went to the 110th chapter of

  • the Bible, just to see what I could find there. We find some interesting things. Leviticus

  • 20, verse 2, again thou shalt say to the children of Israel, whosoever he be of the children

  • of Israel, or the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Moloch,

  • he shall surely be put to death and people of the land shall stone him with stones. Think

  • about Moloch being the god of sacrifice. You see, Moloch, when he, when Moloch was given

  • sacrifices, they had to be, they had to be on fire. Ok, think Dan Weldon, think September

  • 11, 2001 and the fire that erupted in those buildings. I think that was a sacrifice unto

  • Moloch. Here's another one, Leviticus 20, now this is the 110th chapter of the Bible.

  • Verse 13, if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed

  • an abomination, they shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. So

  • God is forbidding the practice of sodomy and God calls it abomination, they should be put

  • to death. Because of this thing. And I want you to think about the things we've studied

  • as far as the androgynous god. Ok, the god, Baphomet, who is male and female, combined

  • together in one body. And I want you to think about that because that's what the role of

  • sodomy is. It's a guy pretending that some other guy is a gal, ok, and the two are fusing

  • together. And then, then it gets interesting in Leviticus chapter 20, now, go back to Genesis

  • 6, we have the sons of God, which are angels, and there's certain groups of angels, notably,

  • cherubs, that have a beast-appearance and a beast-nature. So the sons of God and the

  • daughters of men, locking up and joining together like male and female, like Juno and Jupiter,

  • and you know, the god and the goddess, and Isis and Osiris, so think about that Leviticus

  • 20, verse 16 and if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt

  • kill the woman, and the beast. They shall surely be put to death, their blood shall

  • be upon them. Ah, Daniel, chapter 3, we're talking about beasts, 4 great beasts come

  • up from the sea, diverse from one another, then we have verse 7, after this I saw in

  • the night visions and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly,

  • and it had great iron teeth. This 4th beast represents the power, represents the anti-Christ

  • rising up in the last day. It is a spiritual being coming up out of the depths, or the

  • heart of the earth. Ah, so I want you to think about this. Here we have the sons of God,

  • represented as angels or beasts, we have the woman in the 110th chapter of the Bible, God

  • says, this should never come into this. Ok, most people, most people don't need a law

  • to tell them that. Ok, God specifically recorded in his Scriptures because he knew what had

  • happened before the flood, he knew what had happened after the flood and God sees the

  • days that you and I are living in right now. So I want you to think about, think about

  • that, the symbolism of the 110, the 110 days, the 110th mission of the G.R.A.I.L. So, here's

  • what happens, all right, ah, I'm listening to the news, and I hear that, ah, you know,

  • that Grail One, goes into orbit December 31, just before midnight of the old year. Grail

  • Two goes into orbit January 1, 2012, right after the new year started, ok. And I'm pondering

  • that, and I'm thinking about that and I'm shaving, cause I'm getting ready to come to

  • the church, and I remembered, I remembered reading something from, I don't remember when,

  • about what the word, January, meant. The word January. January was named after, here we

  • go, after a god. A god by the name of Janus, J-A-N-U-S. And Janus, you Google this, you'll

  • see it, here's a representation of Janus right here. Janus has two faces, I happen to know

  • some people like this, you probably do too. Janus has 2 faces, ok. You might say that

  • he is, like the fusion of opposites and they're both facing, not looking in the same direction,

  • they're both facing in different directions. I want you to notice also that he has like

  • a scepter, so he represents a king, he's on a throne, and, oh, by the way, he has a key,

  • we'll talk about that. That is related to the Masonic symbol, which I did a little bit

  • more research on this particular emblem and found out like it's been everywhere. It's

  • not just masonry, it's everywhere. Ah, of the double headed eagle, ok, now Manly Hall

  • talks about this and Albert Pike talks about the double-headed eagle as, since they are

  • facing opposite directions, ah, you have the representation of opposites. Two things that

  • are opposite one another that are fused together in the same body. Remember the great pyramid

  • with the capstone. Two things that are opposites. Ah, Isis, and Osiris and they are fusing together

  • to form the apex of that, which would be Horus, the all-seeing eye which would be the hybrid,

  • or the anti-Christ. Ok, ah, that's, here it is right here, ok, there's a close up of it,

  • but, it's right here on this book, the Morals and Dogma of the Secret of Freemasonry, written

  • by Albert Pike. And so, and order, Ordo ab Chao, we talked about that which means order

  • comes up out of the pit. Ok, that's what Chao means, it means the abyss. So, then I remembered,

  • I'm remembering January means Janus, and I remember that Janus had 2 faces and I'm shaving

  • and I'm thinking about this and I'm going, I remember reading what those 2 faces represented

  • and why the first month of the new year is named after the god with two faces, that is

  • looking in 2 different directions. Ok, one face of Janus is looking to the past, to the

  • old year, one face of Janus is looking to the future, to the new year. So think about

  • this, ok, think about it, around the time of January, 2 grails are sent to the moon,

  • one goes into orbit in the old year, one goes into orbit right after in the new year. Why,

  • it was designed this way. Not to save the tax payer money, not because of the lunar

  • alignment and the orbits and the way, you know, this, that, the other, no, no no. It

  • was designed this way to show the ritual, to show, to reveal or to further veil the

  • secret and what's that secret? It's the secret of the hybrid. We get into Daniel, chapter

  • 2, they, shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, that's what Janus actually represents.

  • Ah, here's the article from Wikipedia that describes Janus a little bit. In ancient Roman

  • religion and mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings and here it is, transitions. Thence,

  • also of gates, doors, and doorways. I want you to think about that. Endings in time.

  • He is usually a two-faced god since he looks to the future and to the past. Now, I'm one

  • of these that just believes, you know I read Wikipedia and I'll read Morals and Dogma and

  • I'll read, ah, the Aquarian Conspiracy, and I'll read everything that Dan Brown writes

  • and all that stuff, but, I, I'm one of these that just really thinks that the real key,

  • if you just want to know they mysteries and the secrets, you go no further than the King

  • James Bible. What is the two-faced god a representation of? Remember, he looks to the past, and he

  • looks to the future. Revelation, chapter 17 again, the beast that thou sawest was. That's

  • past tense. Is not, that's present. And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, that is

  • Chao, or chaos, or the abyss, and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth

  • shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of Life, from the foundation of

  • the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The beast! Janus

  • is a representation of the what really the Holy Grail represents. Janus is a representation

  • of the beast, who was, and shall be. Look at Revelation, chapter 17, verse 10. There

  • are 7 kings, five are fallen, one is and the other is yet, not yet come. And when he cometh,

  • he must continue a short space and the beast that was, and is not, even he is the 8th and

  • is of the 7th and goeth into perdition. I want you to remember that he is the 8th. So

  • here we have the concept of past and future, or, or as it's termed in the new age culture,

  • or even the emerging church culture. It's referred to as ancient-future. What, what

  • was in the past will be in the future. Notice the little, ah, the little triquetra symbol

  • there. There is a movement in the emerging church, referred to as ancient-future faith,

  • and or ancient-future evangelism. Now here's what they'll do. They'll go in and they'll,

  • they'll bring in, and this is where contemplative prayer and labyrinth walking and all this

  • stuff comes into play, and you'll hear, you'll hear some of these new age preachers, very

  • subtly start talking about spiritual formation and ancient-future practices. You'll read

  • magazine articles, and I've seen this, I've seen how they write it. They say, our key

  • to the future, is located in the past, in ancient times. That's when they'll start talking

  • about, back 1500 years ago, monks in monasteries used to go into contemplation and they used

  • to receive visions from Godthat's what contemplative prayer is all about and labyrinth

  • walking is actually an ancient-future practice and now you know, now you know the ancient-future

  • practice is in relation to the beast that was, is not, and yet shall be. So, it's all,

  • it's all, all comes together, ok, on one god with 2 faces or 2 headed eagle, or, I got

  • some other representations of it, but anyway, let's get into the holy grail. We talked about

  • the holy grail in our video on the Davinci Code, unlocking the Davinci code, if you don't

  • have that video, we'll get it to you, and it'll kind of make more sense. I'm not going

  • to cover all that information again, because when Dan Brown wrote the Davinci Code, it

  • was all about what he perceived to be the holy grail. That's what got me started. Ok,

  • that's what got me going into trying to find out what all these secrets were, that's where

  • I learned about what Shekina really was. We have some videos on that. Ah, or look it up

  • yourself, Shekina is not in the Bible. Ok, ah, but the holy grail, remember, now Joseph

  • of Arimathea, here's the myth, the legend, Jose of Arimathea, took the blood of Christ

  • in this cup, and he went to Glastonbury, England, and ah, he hid the grail. Now, there were

  • a line of kings, called the grail kings. King Arthur was one of them. Here's a picture of

  • King Arthur. By the way, ah, Arthur, King Arthur, and some people say, well he never

  • really existed, but some say he did. Ah, but here's the interesting thing about King Arthur.

  • King Arthur was of a group of kings, called the Pendragons. See, it's got the word dragon

  • in it, had to look it up, ok. Pendragon means, the chief dragon king. Ok, that's who Arthur

  • was. Ah, and of course Arthur had his magician, Merlin the magician, ah, C. S. Lewis, I read

  • this in high school, wrote what is called the space trilogy. The third part of that

  • trilogy was about the re-emergence of Merlin the magician who's been given power by the

  • angels or the gods, ah, in order to bring back King Arthur from the dead. You know C.

  • S. Lewis, that great, Christian writer. But anyway, King Arthur was a guardian of the

  • holy grail. King Arthur, the Pendragon, along with Merlin, ah, the magician. The holy grail

  • was something that represented, ah, eternal youth, immortality, as you see in Indiana

  • Jones, the illumination. The holy grail means different things in different backgrounds,

  • but it really points to the same thing. It's about humans never dying and becoming immortal

  • or becoming gods or having the knowledge of the gods. You could go right back to Genesis

  • chapter 3 and see the promise of the holy grail given by none other than the dragon,

  • the serpent, the devil, who promises Eve, that number 1 her eyes will be opened and

  • number 2 that she will receive immortality and she will become the god, she will never

  • die, if she will drink of the cup of the holy grail. The holy grail was a constant theme

  • in alchemy. It was referred to as, here we go, the sorcerer's stone, remember Harry Potter,

  • or the philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone was some sort of alchemical magic that

  • once discovered, once the, the, alchemist, and once the magicians could figure out how

  • to make the philosopher's stone, that if they took it into themselves, somehow, someway,

  • they would live forever. There was once such character from alchemy called Nicholas Flamel.

  • Nicholas Flamel was an ancient alchemist, lived about 500 years ago, whose name just

  • shows up on the list of the Grand Masters, or the grail kings, ah, of the guardians of

  • the holy grail, the Priori of Zion. Nicholas Flamel's name shows up as a character in the

  • very first Harry Potter book, ok, an alchemist who found the philosopher's stone and he was

  • 500 years old, by the time this thing came around, ok. By the way, another term for the

  • alchemy stone, or the philosopher's stone, or the holy grail, the philosopher's tone

  • was a ruby stone. A ruby stone. Remember JFK and the number 33 and the number 77, kind

  • of coming together? And the guy who avenged, quote, unquote JFK's death? Guy by the name

  • of Jack Ruby. Right? It's not his real name. Jacob Rubensteinyou know what the name

  • Rubenstein means? Ruby Stone. Philosopher's stone. It shows up there. Ah, we have the

  • myth of Hermes Trismegistus or thrice majestic, who is part of the grail legend, part of the

  • alchemical legend, who formulates a human being who is both, here it is, male and female

  • together. Notice the 2 heads or two faces, this image, I'm just showing you images of

  • Janus. Here we have another one here, on a tarot card, ah, we have the two face god,

  • male and female together, we have the serpent, or the dragon with its tail in its mouth,

  • that's a symbol of male and female together. And, we have the man, the eagle, the ox, and

  • the lion, that is from Revelation, or excuse me, that's Revelation, chapter 4, and Ezekiel

  • chapter 1, and that is a representation of man's DNA. That is illustrated for us in Scripture

  • in Daniel chapter 2 in Daniel's vision, ah, as the toes of the feet being part iron and

  • part clay so that the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken, they shall mingle

  • themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron

  • is not mixed with clay. It's represented by the square and compass, you see opposites

  • here, one pointing up and one pointing down and then we have a fusion in the middle, notice,

  • there's the all-seeing eye, there, that's the eye of Horus, who is the product of the

  • male and the female or the beast and the woman, coming together. In Jachin and Boaz, the two

  • pillars which are a representation of the chromosomes in the human cells, notice the

  • ivy twining around it, looking like DNA. They are fused together. We have the symbol of

  • the sun and the symbol of the moon, fusing together at a focal point to bring about the

  • magic of the holy grail. Then there's our, our old nemesis, Baphomet, who is the perfect

  • representation of both human and beast together, angel and human together, male and female

  • together, and notice, we have his, one hand, solve coagula, one hand has two fingers down,

  • 3 fingers up, that's 23, the other hand has 2 fingers up and three fingers down, that's

  • 23, that's 46, that's the number of chromosomes, we have where our DNA is, the 2 pillars of

  • Jachin and Boaz, in the Bible, were 23 cubits tall, 23 cubits tall. It's all about the seed

  • of man and, and the hybridization. That's what the holy grail represents. The hybridization.

  • In the Davinci Code, the, it comes out that there was a woman, who is of the direct descendancy

  • of Jesus Christ, the God, and Mary Magdalene, the human woman, the goddess. Ok, that's what

  • it's all about, it's about the hybrid. In the X-Files, I watched every episode of the

  • X-Files and I can tell you, they made several references to the holy grail in the X-Files.

  • You know what it was? It was the idea that aliens and humans came together and produced

  • a hybrid. That's what the holy grail was all about. Here's another tarot card called the

  • magician. Remember the beast who was the 8th? Want you to notice he has a symbol for immortality

  • around his head, that's the number 8, by the way. The magician has a cup, it's the holy

  • grail, it' immortality, its illumination and notice he also is a fusion of opposites, one

  • had pointed up to the sky, one hand pointed down to the ground. What's up in the sky are

  • the gods, what's on the ground are the humans and they're joined together in the magician's

  • body and that's the representation of what the holy grail is all about. Let me, let me,

  • let me explain to you from the Bible, from the Bible, what this quote, unquote, holy

  • grail is. Remember, Jesus never drank from a literal cup at the last supper. But he did

  • drink from a cup of sorrows that he talked about in the garden of Gethsemane. What is

  • that cup that is the holy grail? Paul talked about it in 1 Corinthians 10, he said you

  • cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils. You cannot be partakers of the

  • Lord's table and of the table of devils. And then he says in 2 Corinthians, chapter 6,

  • be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Now I want to stop right here. This is opposites,

  • ok, fusing with opposites, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and

  • what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath Christ with Belial. Notice

  • the word, communion there. Ok. What part hath he that believes with an infidel and what

  • agreement hath the temple of God with idols, for ye are the temple of the Living God as

  • God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God and they

  • shall be my people. Now, so God clearly says, you're not to fuse the opposites together.

  • We look back at Janus and that's clearly what he is. And that's what NASA was trying to

  • symbolize with the grail mission, the fusion of opposites, which is in fact, the holy grail.

  • Now I want you to notice that Janus has a key in his hand. That's, that's interesting

  • to me. Manly Hall talks about this in the Secret Teachings of All Ages. He says that

  • the pagans appointed their 2 faced Janus as custodian of the key to the temple of wisdom,

  • that would be illumination. Janus has been metamorphosed into St. Peter, so often symbolized

  • by holding in his hand the key to the gate of heaven. The gold and silver keys of God's

  • vicar on earth, the Pope, symbolizes the secret doctrine which when properly understood, unlocks

  • the treasure chest of the Christian and Jewish kabala. He then later on says, that there

  • exists a secret church of the holy grail through apostolic succession from Joseph of Arimathea,

  • into whose keeping had been given the perpetual symbols of the covenant, the ever flowing

  • cup and the bleeding spear. Now I want to stop right here, in fact, let me show you

  • this graphic here, this is the official papal seal. Notice that it has 2 keys. I'll show

  • you what those keys are in a little bit, ok. But I want you to get this, because Dan Brown

  • was scoffed at when he put out the idea that there was, sort of an apostolic succession

  • of men who were guardians of a great secret, they said, oh, these people never existed.

  • Here Manly Hall's writing about them, and he says, and what he's, in reading in the

  • context of what he said, he said that you have the outer core of the Roman Catholic

  • Church, which looks like it's maintaining the doctrines of the Bible, which it's not.

  • He said and then you have an underground church, deep within, where there has been another

  • apostolic succession from Joseph of Arimathea, remember he has the cup, the apostolic succession

  • from Joseph of Arimathea, who have maintained the guardianship of what the holy grail, it

  • really is. And so, I doubt, like in the movie, I doubt that at some point, somebody's going

  • bust into a chamber and they're going to find a cup and they're going to go, oh that's the

  • cup that Jesus drank out of. That's not going to happen, but the real mystery behind the

  • grail that NASA was trying to conceal but yet reveal to people was the hybridization

  • of mankind being both god and human together in the same body. Unfortunately, God said,

  • Daniel, chapter 2, that it won't work. And I want you to go back to this graphic again,

  • we have the keys which makes an X, like the chromosome where our DNA is, and so we have

  • 2 keys here. That's interesting because Revelation, chapter 1, verse 18, Jesus said I am he that

  • liveth, and was dead and behold I'm alive forever more, amen and have they keys, plural,

  • of what? Hell and death. That's what these 2 keys are in the Vatican symbol. They are

  • the keys, they are not the keys of immortality, not the keys of life, not the keys to heaven.

  • This is the keys of hell and death together. So what happens? Revelation chapter 9, the

  • 5th angel sounded and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth, and to him was given

  • the key of the bottomless pit. What happens when he unlocks the pit? What happens when

  • he opens up chaos, the abyss? Revelation 9-11, they had a king over them which is the angel

  • of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue

  • hath his name Apollyon. So here we have Janus, here he is again, 2 faced, he represents hybridization

  • of mankind, he is holding the key in his hand. What does that key unlock? That key unlocks

  • the bottomless pit, because that is where this holy grail is. It's hidden, it's secret,

  • it's, it's related to in Morals and Dogma, it's related to the Great Arcanum, or the

  • great secret, the secret that all Masons and all the occultists and all, and everybody

  • else is trying to keep hid, from the foundation of the world. It's that secret that, that

  • Pike said would overturn heaven and earth, it would just turn everything upside down,

  • and that's in the Bible too, by the way, what they are really trying to conceal is what

  • the Masons call the lost word. The lost word is buried, it's hidden, it's locked up in

  • a casket. It needs a key to release it, so that the whole world now, the whole world,

  • you watch National Treasure? They're always, there had to be a key that unlocked the treasure

  • so that the whole world could partake of this particular cup, but it's the cup of Lucifer

  • himself, it's not the cup of Jesus Christ. And here's one more thing that just really

  • stuck out to me. As I looked at this image of Janus, I see a body with 2 heads, 2 brains,

  • double-minded. James, chapter one, verse 8, a double minded man is unstable in all his

  • ways. I would rather just stick to the cup of Christ, the blessings of salvation in the

  • revealed Word of God. So now we know a little bit more than we did last year. Now we know

  • that NASA is involved in ritualism, now, now we see that there is a spirit behind a conspiracy

  • to bring about through rituals, to empower these gods and these devils through ritualism

  • to bring in a new world order. That's the only way they do it, and by the way, they're

  • using our tax dollars to do it, too. See, I, I'm one of these kids, I grew up watching

  • the astronauts, wanting to be an astronaut, wanting to fly into space, I, I, I would always

  • supported space exploration, but I'm looking at this and I'm going, this is not about finding

  • out what's on the moon and finding out what's on Mars. This is about unlocking a door, because

  • that's what Janus represents, he, he is the god of opening portals, doorways, gates, things

  • that are locked and probably should stay locked, he's the god that's going to open them up.

  • This is how we started the year of 2012. How will it end? God knows, and we'll see it in

  • the Scriptures. This is Pastor Mike, God bless you, I love you, and we will see you the next

  • time. Bye Bye.



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NASA與聖盃。 麥克牧師[CC for Hearing Impaired] (NASA and the Holy Grail: Pastor Mike [CC for Hearing Impaired])

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