字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This video was made possible by Brilliant. 這個視頻是由Brilliant公司製作的。 The first 755 people to sign up over at Brilliant.org/reallifelore, will get 20% off their premium subscriptions. 前755名在Brilliant.org/reallifelore註冊的人,將獲得20%的優惠。 There are millions of lakes in the world and Canada is home to over 60% of them. 世界上有數百萬個湖泊,加拿大是其中60%以上湖泊的所在地。 Fortunately for Canadians though, none of these lakes are anywhere near as bad as the most dangerous one in the world which is actually located 不過幸運的是,加拿大人的這些湖泊都沒有世界上最危險的一個湖泊那麼糟糕,它實際上位於 here in Africa, between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. 剛果民主共和國和盧旺達之間的非洲這裡。 This is Lake Kivu, and if you look at pictures of it on Google 這就是基伍湖,如果你在谷歌上看它的圖片。 it doesn't really look all that dangerous, so what gives? 它看起來並不真的所有的危險,所以什麼給? It's kind of a big lake I guess. It's the 9th deepest lake in the world too, but that means that there is 8 more that are even deeper. 這也算是一個大湖吧。它也是世界上第9深的湖,但這意味著還有8個更深的湖。 There's other lakes like this one, that's literally called Boiling Lake, 還有其他像這樣的湖泊,那是字面意思,叫沸騰湖。 because the temperature can get up to 92 degrees Celsius. 因為溫度可以達到92攝氏度。 So what makes the innocent-looking Lake Kivu so dangerous? 那麼,是什麼讓看似純真的基伍湖變得如此危險呢? It probably has something to do with the fact that the lake seems to occasionally explode and kill everything around it. 這可能與湖水似乎偶爾會爆炸,殺死周圍的一切有關。 But how does that happen? 但這是怎麼發生的呢? A lake exploding sounds pretty weird, but it's because it doesn't happen very often. 湖水爆炸聽起來很奇怪,但這是因為它並不經常發生。 The first time in recorded history that we observed something like this was just back in 1984 at another African lake here, Lake Manoun. 有史以來,我們第一次觀察到這樣的東西是在1984年,在另一個非洲湖泊馬農湖。 On August 15th of that year, local people reported hearing a loud noise and seeing a gas cloud emanating from the lake. 當年8月15日,當地民眾稱聽到一聲巨響,並看到湖面上有氣體雲霧散發出來。 37 people ended up dying with reports of skin discoloration, 37人最終因報告皮膚變色而死亡。 which lead to investigators to initially believe that the incident was a terrorist attack. 導致調查人員初步認為該事件是一起恐怖襲擊。 But, two years later, the nearby Lake Nyos experienced a very similar, but even more catastrophic event. 但是,兩年後,附近的尼奧斯湖經歷了一次非常類似的,但更加災難性的事件。 Here's what really happened in both cases: 以下是這兩起案件的真實情況。 The lakes were completely saturated with gases, like CO2, 湖泊中的二氧化碳等氣體完全飽和。 the CO2 may have come from volcanic gas below the lakes, or from the decreased composition of organic materials. 二氧化碳可能來自湖泊下面的火山氣體,或者來自有機物的成分減少。 But the end result of a high concentration of the gas in the water is the same. 但水中氣體濃度高的最終結果是一樣的。 Before the lake becomes saturated though, it behaves much like an unopened soft drink. 不過在湖水飽和之前,它的行為很像未開封的軟飲料。 Meaning that the CO2 is dissolved in the water. In both the lake and the soft drink, CO2 dissolves much more readily at higher pressure. 意味著二氧化碳溶解在水中。在湖水和汽水中,二氧化碳在高壓下更容易溶解。 This is why bubbles in a can of soda form only after the can is opened, 這就是為什麼汽水罐中的氣泡要在開罐後才會形成。 the pressure is released and so the CO2 comes out of solution. 壓力被釋放,所以二氧化碳從溶液中出來。 In the case of lakes, the bottom experiences way higher pressure than the surface, the deeper it is, the higher the pressure at the bottom is. 在湖泊的情況下,底部經歷的壓力比表面高得多,越深,底部的壓力就越大。 This means that huge amounts of CO2 can be dissolved in large, deep lakes, like both of these were. 這意味著,大量的二氧化碳可以溶解在大型深湖中,就像這兩個湖泊一樣。 CO2 also dissolves much more readily in cooler water, like at the bottom of a lake. 二氧化碳也更容易溶解在較冷的水中,比如在湖底。 So once a lake is saturated with CO2 like this, it becomes extremely unstable, 所以,一旦湖泊被這樣的二氧化碳飽和,就會變得極不穩定。 all it takes is a trigger event, like a volcano, earthquake or explosion to set the whole thing off. 所有它需要的是一個觸發事件, 像火山,地震或爆炸 引發整個事情。 Whatever the cause, the trigger event pushes the saturated water higher into the lake, 無論原因是什麼,觸發事件都會將飽和的水推向更高的湖中。 where the low pressure can't keep the CO2 contained anymore. 低壓無法再容納二氧化碳的地方。 Bubbles start forming at the surface, a column of gas erupts on top, the water at the bottom is pulled up by suction which causes a runaway loss of CO2 海面開始形成氣泡,頂部爆發出氣柱,底部的水被吸力拉起,導致二氧化碳失控流失。 and an eventual explosion. 並最終發生爆炸。 Imagine shaking a can of soda and opening it, but on an epicly bigger scale. 想象一下,搖動一罐蘇打水,然後打開它,但規模卻大得驚人。 At Lake Nyos, this event happened in the middle of the night and sent a 25 meter high tsunami surging into the other side of the beach, 在尼奧斯湖,這一事件發生在半夜,並使25米高的海嘯湧向海灘的另一邊。 the lake turned a deep red and a 1.2 cubic kilometer toxic gas cloud of CO2 started migrating off the water and into the nearby villages. 湖水變成了深紅色,1.2立方公里的二氧化碳有毒氣體雲開始從水面遷移到附近的村莊。 Because CO2 is denser than air, it has a bad tendency to stick to the ground while pushing breathable air up, 因為二氧化碳的密度比空氣大,所以它有一個不好的傾向,就是粘在地上,同時把透氣的空氣推上去。 as a result, when the cloud entered the surrounding villages, people couldn't breathe and experienced severe CO2 poisoning. 結果,當雲霧進入周圍村莊時,人們無法呼吸,出現嚴重的二氧化碳中毒。 Nearly everyone around the lake that night died and people as far away as 25 kilometers even suffered from it. 當晚湖邊的人幾乎都死了,遠在25公里外的人甚至也受其影響。 In all, over 1700 people lost their lives in the catastrophe, as well as thousands of cattle and wild animals. 共有1700多人在這場災難中喪生,還有數千頭牛和野生動物。 But as bad as all of that was, the potential for the same thing happening at Lake Kivu would be a lot worse. 但儘管所有這些都很糟糕,但在基伍湖發生同樣事情的可能性會更大。 These lake explosions are called Limnic Eruptions, and Lake Kivu has the exact same symptoms that the previous two lakes had, 這些湖泊爆炸被稱為石灰岩噴發,基伍湖的症狀與前兩個湖泊完全相同。 the only differences are that Lake Kivu is a lot bigger and has a lot more gas built up inside of it. 唯一不同的是,基伍湖的面積更大,裡面積聚的氣體更多。 65 cubic kilometers of methane and 256 cubic kilometers of CO2, 65立方千米的甲烷和256立方千米的二氧化碳。 2 million people live around the shores of the lake and if an eruption were to happen here, all of their lives would be in jeopardy. 200萬人口居住在湖邊,如果這裡發生火山噴發,他們的生命都將受到威脅。 Even creepier though, geologists operating around the lake discovered evidence that suggested a local extinction event happens about once every 1000 years 不過更令人毛骨悚然的是,在湖邊作業的地質學家發現了證據,表明當地的滅絕事件大約每1000年發生一次。 that wipes out a large part of the local wildlife. 抹去了當地大部分的野生動物。 If it's the lake exploding once every thousand years like it seems, well, that's pretty bad news. 如果是湖水像看起來那樣一千年爆炸一次,那可真是個壞消息。 So what are we doing to fix this problem? 那麼我們該如何解決這個問題呢? Not really anything at all right now, the Rwandan government extracts a lot of methane from it for energy purposes, 現在還真沒有什麼,盧旺達政府從中提取了大量的甲烷,用於能源。 when it's probably not enough to guarantee that the disaster won't ever happen. 當它可能不足以保證災難不會發生的時候。 At the first two lakes I talked about, they've installed a series of pipes to release the gas above the surface, 在我說的前兩個湖泊,他們已經安裝了一系列的管道,將氣體釋放到地表之上。 but since Lake Kivu is so much bigger that may not be as practical. 但由於基伍湖大得多,可能不那麼實際。 Releasing that much gas would be 2% of the annual amount humanity releases from burning fossil fuels and it would cost millions of dollars to do, 釋放這麼多的天然氣,相當於人類每年燃燒化石燃料釋放量的2%,而且需要花費數百萬美元。 which the neighboring countries may not be so willing to spend. 周邊國家可能不大願意花錢。 The solution to the most dangerous lake in the world remains elusive and with no clear answer and sight 世界上最危險的湖泊的解決方法仍然遙遙無期,沒有明確的答案和景象。 it may only be a matter of time until another disaster happens. 另一場災難的發生可能只是時間問題。 If you want to be the one to come up with the answer you can mention it in the comments, but before you do, 如果你想成為那個想出答案的人,你可以在評論中提到它,但在你這樣做之前。 you should probably learn a bit about physics and chemistry by visiting the courses over at Brilliant.org. 你也許應該通過訪問Brilliant.org的課程來了解一下物理和化學。 Brilliant is the best place to learn about things like everyday physics, special relativity, computer science and more Brilliant是學習日常物理學、狹義相對論、計算機科學等知識的最佳場所。 because they teach you how to understand things visually without making you check for pointless rules. 因為它們教你如何直觀地理解事物,而不會讓你檢查無意義的規則。 With Brilliant you learn by playing through puzzles that help you build you core knowledge and intuition so you can actually come to learn about these concepts. 在Brilliant中,你通過玩拼圖來學習,幫助你建立核心知識和直覺,這樣你就可以真正來學習這些概念。 You can take as many of these masterfully designed courses as you want with their premium subscription which, 你可以通過他們的高級訂閱,儘可能多地參加這些精心設計的課程,其中。 by being one of the first 755 people to click on the link in the description, you can get for 20% off. 通過成為前755人點擊描述中的鏈接,你可以得到20%的折扣。 You can learn something cool and support RealLifeLore at the same time and I'll see you again next Friday for another brand new video then. 你可以學到一些很酷的東西,同時也可以支持RealLifeLore,我們下週五再見,到時再看另一個全新的視頻。
B1 中級 中文 湖泊 二氧化碳 氣體 爆炸 事件 火山 為什麼這個湖是世界上最致命的湖? (Why This Lake is the Deadliest in the World) 14 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字