字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 goal. 目標: Four of the Sustainable development Goals Quality education. 可持續發展目標中的四個目標:優質教育。 Ideas on how to make schools safer. 關於如何使學校更安全的想法。 The number of school shootings in the United States is rapidly increasing. 美國的校園槍擊案數量正在迅速增加。 Government officials and concerned citizens have offered ideas to help protect students and faculty, but an agreement is not being made. 政府官員和有關市民為幫助保護師生出謀劃策,但目前還沒有達成協議。 Perhaps the most controversial idea is to arm teachers with firearms. 最有爭議的想法也許是用槍支武裝教師。 Some say the funds used to arm educators can be used to buy more school supplies or increased teachers. 有人說,用於武裝教育工作者的資金可以用來購買更多的學習用品或增加教師。 Wages are the drawbacks to this idea. 工資是這個想法的弊端。 Include the training teachers would need to take as well as the psychological probability that if given a weapon, the teacher would not use it against students or other faculty members. 包括教師需要接受的培訓,以及如果得到武器,教師不會對學生或其他教職工使用武器的心理概率。 The idea of hiring armed guards to monitor schools presents the opportunity of another possible shooter on campus. 僱傭武裝警衛監視學校的想法,為校園內可能出現的另一個槍手提供了機會。 Many people debate about how to keep schools safe, but no one seems to be able to agree on one solution. 很多人都在爭論如何保證學校的安全,但似乎沒有人能夠就一個解決方案達成一致。 One way to make schools safer is to stop the problem before it begins. 讓學校更安全的方法之一是防患於未然。 Many school shooters have Bean identified as students who have bean victims of bullying, having counseling for bullied students, and stricter rules for bullying can help degrees. 很多校園槍手都豆確定為受欺凌的學生,對被欺凌的學生有諮詢,對欺凌有更嚴格的規定,可以幫助度。 The number of bullying shooters. 霸氣的槍手數量。 Another controversial but effective method would be stricter. 另一個有爭議但有效的方法是更加嚴格。 Gun laws making it harder for people to obtain automatic weapons can also help degrees the number of casualties and lessen tragedies by limiting the dangerous equipment the mentally ill can get their hands on. 槍支法使人們更難獲得自動武器,也可以通過限制精神病人可以得到的危險設備,幫助減少傷亡人數,減少悲劇的發生。 Schools should be gun free and safe for all who attend in times of emergency. 學校應該是無槍的,在緊急情況下,所有上學的人都應該是安全的。 A method should be employed to make sure officers arrived fast in after de escalate the situation. 應採用一種方法,確保人員在將情況升級後快速到達。 Um, finding a permanent fix for classroom safety will be a long but worthwhile process. 嗯,為課堂安全找到一個長久的解決方法將是一個漫長而值得的過程。 Children and teachers should feel safe at school to get the most out of their education. 孩子和老師在學校應該有安全感,才能得到最大的教育。 With a little time and effort, we can help make our schools safer. 只要花點時間和精力,我們就能幫助我們的學校變得更安全。
B1 中級 中文 學校 教師 槍手 欺凌 安全 校園 如何讓學校更安全 (How to Make Schools Safer) 36 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字