The true Ending a sores wrath Players of Capcom's action heavy assures wrath were surprised to reach the ending of the game and discover it didn't actually exist yet in a bold but incredibly insulting move, Capcom and Developers Cyber connected to had their game and on a cliffhanger, the final four episodes were released as the true ending DLC Two months after the game's launch and if you wanted it, you have to pay 6 99.
真正的結局一個瘡的憤怒卡普空的動作重保證憤怒的玩家驚訝地達到遊戲的結局,發現它實際上並不存在還在一個大膽的,但令人難以置信的侮辱性的舉動,卡普空和開發商網絡連接到有他們的遊戲和懸崖,最後四集被釋放作為真正的結局DLC兩個月後,遊戲的推出,如果你想要它,你必須支付6 99。