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a studio engineer, uh, San Antonio Way consuming.
Inside this remote factory in northeastern China, there is a man who brings metal to life.
Yeah, yeah.
Or Sun is the creator of China's first giant robot suit only the third of its kind in the world with a, uh, while kitchen at an art school, he started making giant robot sculptures for movie productions on gaming companies.
His work includes this 23 ft tall Bumble bee, the world's biggest sonic action figure on this life size model of G one optimist.
Prime, uh, throw A When we talk about giant robots, you might think of gun down from Japan or Transformers from the U.
擎天柱,呃,扔A 當我們談到巨型機器人時,你可能會想到日本的槍殺或者美國的變形金剛。
China has no internationally recognized robot icon, so soon decided to make one a trio Thio Theune in 2015 megawatts in the U.
中國沒有國際公認的機器人偶像,所以很快就決定做一個三人組Thio Theune在2015年兆瓦的美國。
Created the world's second theme.
M K two in 2017 soon led his team to build the world's third with a Chinese theme.
2017年M K兩很快就帶領他的團隊打造了世界上第三個以中國為主題的。
His robot is caught the Monkey King, named after a legendary figure in the 16th century Chinese story journey to the West.
Uh, yeah, uh, trio bringing such a huge machine to life is challenging.
It takes up to four months to complete.
She Oh, e o How could a video a, uh a, uh, a yeah soon gets support from his friends who, working programming and mechanics to commemorate the Year of the Rat.
她哦,e o怎麼可能一個視頻一個,呃一個,呃,一個耶很快就得到了他的朋友的支持,他的朋友們,工作編程和機械,紀念鼠年。
He recently completed this shape shifting motorcycle robot, Uh, since obsession with robots started when he was a child.
And over time he has acquired a collection of 13,000 toy robots, uh, cool as a whole to demand that she be the they look and a potential a.