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Whenever you're flying in an airplane and you're looking out the window, you generally feel pretty safe.
Air travel, after all, is statistically the safest way that you can travel.
But what happens during the rare times when it's not safe?
And how could you survive if, say, the plane exploded up in the air and you had a fall all the way down to the crowned without a parachute?
It seems impossible, but surprisingly, people have done it before, and none have fallen from, ah, higher distance than Vesna Vlaovic, the woman who survived a fall from 33,000 ft up in the sky.
這似乎是不可能的,但令人驚奇的是,以前有人做過,沒有人從,啊,更高的距離墜落,比Vesna Vlaovic,從33000英尺高空墜落倖存下來的女人。
Villa Vich was born in Belgrade in what was then Yugoslavia and became a flight attendant for J.
A T, which was Yugoslavia's national airline less than one year after she had gotten the job, and at the young age of only 22 she was a part of the flight crew on J 80 flight 367 On January 26th, 1972 the plane was flying from Stockholm to Belgrade with two stopovers along the way, scheduled in Copenhagen and Zagreb.
A T,這是南斯拉夫的國家航空公司,她得到這份工作不到一年,年僅22歲的她就成了J 80 367班機上的空乘人員 1972年1月26日,飛機從斯德哥爾摩飛往貝爾格萊德,途中有兩次停留,計劃在哥本哈根和薩格勒布。
And it was in Copenhagen, where the original crew was cycled out with fellow Vick's crew.
It was a fateful accident because below vich wasn't even supposed to be on the flight.
But the company had apparently mistaking her with another flight attendant, also named Vesna.
Regardless, she and her crew boarded the flight anyway, and the plane took off from Copenhagen towards the grab the flight, initially, when smoothly and everything was calm for a while.
But 46 minutes into the flight, when the plane was just above the town of Serbska common Nitze and Czechoslovakia, something unusual happened.
A bomb went off in the Plains luggage compartment.
The plane was cruising at an altitude of 33,330 ft when the explosion took place, and as a result, the entire plane broke apart into pieces.
There were 28 people on board the plane, counting all passengers and crew members.
The cabin immediately became depressurized, and everybody was blown out to fall down to their deaths.
Except for Malevich at the height of 33,330 ft, the height that everybody had to fall from was essentially the same as Mount Everest, with Mount Washington in New Hampshire stacked on top.
Gilovich, however, had a Siris of almost miraculous events on her side that saved her life.
When the explosion happened, she was hit by a food cart that pinned her down in the back of the plane fuselage.
This prevented her from getting blown out of the cabin like what had happened to everybody else.
After falling in horrific freefall, the entire 33,000 ft pinned inside the fuselage landed at an angle in a heavily forested mountainside covered in a thick layer of snow that helped insulate the landing further.
Gilovich suffered from very low blood pressure.
This caused her to pass out and lose consciousness the moment the bomb went off in the cabin depressurized.
This also prevented her heart from bursting by the force of the crash impact on the mountainside.
Vlaovic had lied about her heart condition during her interview at J.
T, out of fear of not getting the job and had apparently drank a quote exorbitant amount of coffee to pass her medical exam.
A local check Villager who lived nearby quickly arrived at the scene of the crash to search for survivors and discovered Gilovich alive inside of the wreckage she had been screaming in her turquoise.
Uniformed was covered in blood.
While Gilovich was indeed alive.
She had suffered a fractured and hemorrhaged skull.
Both of her legs were broken.
Her pelvis was shattered.
She had several broken ribs and three broken vertebrae, but still alive.
She may have died from her injuries inside of the wreckage, and we would have never known that she survived the fall at all.
Were it not for the local Villager who discovered her and who just happened to have been a medic during the Second World War, he managed to keep her alive long enough for emergency services to arrive.
That took below which to the closest hospital, and it was there that they managed to save her life.
She suffered a coma for a month and had complete amnesia of everything that had happened one hour prior to the crash.
Up to the moment that she woke up again.
The last thing that she remembered where the passengers getting on board the plane.
She woke up to her parents, who had to show her in newspaper article about the crash before she believed what had actually happened to her.
The bombing of J 80 Flight 367 was likely part of a terror campaign conducted by Croatian nationalists against the Yugoslav government.
轟炸J 80 367班機很可能是克羅地亞民族主義者對南斯拉夫政府進行的恐怖活動的一部分。
The very same day of the plane bombing, a train traveling from Vienna to Zagreb was also bombed.
Croatian nationalists carried out a total of 128 terror attacks against Yugoslav civilian and military targets between 1962 and 1982.
However, nobody was ever held accountable for the bombing of J 80 Flight 367 and to date, no arrests or suspects have ever been made in connection with the attack.
然而,從來沒有人對J 80 367班機爆炸事件負責,至今也沒有逮捕任何與此次襲擊有關的人員或嫌疑人。
As for Vista, below vich she continued to live a long life after she survived The impossible every year after that was kind of like a bonus year that she could enjoy.
至於Vista,vich以下的她在熬過了The impossible之後繼續長壽,之後的每一年都有點像她可以享受的紅利年。
She regained her ability toe walk only 10 months after the crash, and she spent a total of 16 months in recovery.
Her parents had to sell both of their family cars in order to pay for her medical bills.
But still, she was alive.
Since she had no memory of the fall, she never developed a fear of flying and wanted to continue being a flight attendant.
The airline feared the publicity of having her on board another plane, though, so they moved her down into a desk job.
Vesna Vlaovic became a kind of celebrity in Yugoslavia afterwards, who was celebrated as a hero across communist Europe and the Soviet Union.
Vesna Vlaovic在之後的南斯拉夫成為了一種名人,他作為英雄被整個共產主義歐洲和蘇聯所傳頌。
She was never able to have Children of her own due to complications from her injuries, and she was fired from J 80 in the 19 nineties for taking part in anti government protests against Slobodan Milosevic in what's possibly the lay missed smear campaign ever conducted in history.
她從來沒有能夠有她自己的孩子,由於從她的傷害的併發症,和她被解僱了J 80在19 90年代參加反政府抗議斯洛博丹米洛舍維奇在什麼可能是躺在錯過的抹黑運動有史以來進行。
Pro Milosevic tabloids attacked her story by claiming that her plane had actually been shot down by a Czechoslovak missile and that she had actually Onley fallen from a slightly lesser altitude.
Regardless, her fax one out, and she continued to live her life until 2016 where she passed away in her apartment from her heart complications.
She was 66 years old, and she died 44 years after she was supposed to die aboard J 80 Flight 367 The Reaper comes for everybody eventually, but sometimes people like Vesna Gilovich say no, not today, and the Reaper had toe wait 44 MAWR years before he came knocking again.
她當時66歲,在她本該死在J 80 367次班機上的44年後,她死了 死神最終會來找每個人,但有時像Vesna Gilovich這樣的人說不,不是今天,死神不得不等待44 MAWR年後才再次來敲門。
Life is full of 2nd, 3rd or fourth chances, and they don't always have to be so dramatic.
Sometimes you may just want to get another chance with a new job, a new hobby or a new passion.
But those all often require you to learn a new set of skills that you haven't experienced yet.
I've been wanting to actually film more videos for this channel lately, so I've been taking a course on skill share called D.
Y cinematography.
Make your video look like a movie by Ryan Booth, a filmmaker who's worked on projects for MTV and Spotify.
讓你的視頻看起來像一部電影,由曾為MTV和Spotify項目工作的電影製作人Ryan Booth製作。
If you're an aspiring filmmaker too thin, I highly recommend checking out that class.
But even if you're not, skill share has over 25,000 classes on an enormous variety of different subjects.
So if there's something that you've been wanting to learn, then there's a good chance that they have a course on it.
The best news is that whatever it is you're wanting to learn, there's no risk to check it out because you can watch any of their courses completely for free for two entire months.
When you click the link in the description or by heading over to s K l dot s h slash real life floor 25.
當你點擊描述中的鏈接或通過前往s K l點s h斜線真人25樓。
So go ahead and check them out and learn something cool in new and thank you for watching, okay?