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prepare for feasts, treats and temptations as you take in Germany's beautiful scenery, fascinating cities and culture and romantic palaces.
Germany is blessed with beautiful and diverse natural landscapes, from the June covered coasts of the north down to the moody forests, river valleys and vineyards of the center and, of course, the splendor of the Alps in the south, where beautiful natural views are only improved by spectacular castles.
Theo, glamour and grit of Berlin are great for fans of vibrant culture, edgy architectures and fabulous food.
There's not cuisine in a former brewery, all night parties in power stations and world class art in a World War two bunker.
If you're looking for Alpine flavor, Munich has it in spades.
But the Bavarian capital also has plenty of cheerful beer gardens and open spaces.
Toe while away a sunny day, the 19th century romantics found beauty and inspiration in Germany's oldest university town.
Generations of students have attended lectures sung with beer steins in their hands and carved their names into tavern tables in Mr Snow or Shine.
The deep, dark black forest is just beautiful.
If it's back to nature moments you're after, then this sleights of southwestern Germany is the place to go.
Commissioned by Bavaria's most celebrated 19th century monarch, King Ludwig, the second nice von Stein Palace rises from mysterious Alpine forests like a storybook illustration.
High season runs from July through August.
Fallen spring bring ideal weather for outdoor pursuits.
Travel costs in Germany constrained from less than 100 euros a day.
If you choose a hostile and self catering toe well over 200 euros a day for top end hotel and opera tickets, cars are useful for traveling at your own pace.
Although there is an extensive network of regional and long distance trains with frequent departures, Germany is a country of diverse and beautiful landscapes and a fascinating culture and history.
You can stand in a Roman amphitheater and walk along remnants of the Berlin Wall in Germany.