字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What is Chinese food? 什麼是中餐? It's much more than just stir fries, noodles and dumplings. 它不僅僅是炒菜、麵條和餃子。 Up until the last decade or so, Chinese restaurants in the West haven't been very diverse, But China itself is, and it's climate, geography, culture and consequently, its food. 直到過去的十年左右,西方的中餐館還不是很多元化,但中國本身就是,它的氣候、地理、文化,以及隨之而來的食物。 This is our breakdown of regional Chinese cuisines for simplicity sake. 為了簡單起見,這是我們對中國地區美食的分類。 We've divided China into four regions north, south, east and west. 我們把中國分為北、南、東、西四個區域。 Fit in the north because of the cold. 因為寒冷,適合在北方。 Climate is heavy on meat and cards. 氣候重在肉和卡。 The southern seaboard is rich with seafood, and the regions around the Yangtze River Delta in the east are teeming with river fish and crustaceans. 南方沿海地區盛產海鮮,東部長三角一帶地區盛產河魚和甲殼類。 Meanwhile, the tropical southwest is lush with vegetation. 同時,西南熱帶地區植被茂盛。 Still, it's difficult to categorize Chinese food. 不過,對中餐的分類還是很困難的。 Provincial borders are not the best markers, as many of them have shifted over time with the rise and fall of dynasties. 省界並不是最好的標誌,因為很多省界隨著時間的推移,朝代的興衰而變化。 Now, Chinese food can be broken down into many different categories, But searching regions cuisines have become dominant simply because of their international reach. 現在,中餐可以細分為許多不同的類別,但搜索地區的美食已經成為主導,只是因為他們的國際影響力。 Generally speaking, China has two main carbs wheat and rice, and their prevalence follows a north south divide. 一般來說,中國有兩種主要的碳水化合物小麥和水稻,它們的流行程度遵循南北分界線。 Rice requires a lot of water, and the self gets plenty of it with more rain on average than the North. 水稻需要大量的水,而自己得到的水很多,平均雨水比北方多。 Therefore, rice is consumed more in the south, and the North specializes in wheat because it doesn't need all that much water. 所以,南方的大米消耗得比較多,北方專門種植小麥,因為它不需要那麼多水。 In the north, you'll see a lot of wheat noodle dishes and quite a bit of buns. 在北方,你會看到很多小麥麵食,還有不少包子。 In the South, you'll see a lot of fried rice, rice noodles and rice noodle rules. 在南方,你會看到很多炒飯、米粉、米線規則。 Let's zoom into the south. 讓我們放大到南方。 The Southeast, including Guangdong Province and Hong Kong, is home to Cantonese cuisine. 東南地區,包括廣東省和香港,是粵菜的發源地。 The flavor profile here tends to be salty and sweet, and because of its proximity to the sea, there's a lot of seafood. 這裡的口味偏向於鹹甜,因為靠近大海,所以海鮮很多。 This region is also the birthplace of oyster sauce and hoisin sauce, and people here are really good at making sweet, barbecued meat. 這個地區也是蠔油和胡辣醬的發源地,這裡的人真的很會做甜燒肉。 Cantonese cuisine also includes dim sum, a class of small brunch fights powered by steam think rice noodle roles and delicate shrimp dumplings wrapped in tapioca flour. 粵菜還包括點心,一類由蒸汽認為米粉角色提供動力的小型早午餐戰鬥,以及用木薯粉包裹的精緻蝦餃。 Just above is the east. 正上方是東。 Among the four regional cuisines, it is the sweetest. 在四大地方菜中,它是最甜的。 Fish is deep fried and ladled with sweet and sour sauce, and pork ribs are coated with soy sauce and sugar. 魚肉經過油炸,淋上糖醋汁,排骨則塗上醬油和糖。 It's proximity to a lush network of waterways has earned it the moniker land of fish and rice, Freshwater fish and crustaceans tend to dominate the menu. 靠近茂密的水路網,使它獲得了魚米之鄉的美譽,淡水魚和甲殼類動物在菜單中占主導地位。 It also happens to be the home of soup, dumplings or shallow ball and yams fried rice. 這裡也恰好是湯圓、餃子或淺團、山藥炒飯的故鄉。 Over in the west, you have a lush area that's known for its sub tropical climate, pandas and spicy food. 在西部,你有一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的地區,它以亞熱帶氣候、大熊貓和辛辣食物而聞名。 Fresh greens are abundant here, and the flavor profile is spicy and numbing. 這裡的新鮮綠色蔬菜很多,味道特點是辣和麻。 This is also the home of the Sichuan peppercorn, a Chinese spice that will literally numb the tongue. 這裡也是四川花椒的故鄉,一種中國的香料,真的會讓人舌頭髮麻。 And finally, we have the north. 最後,我們還有北方。 Leafy greens are harder to find here. 葉菜在這裡比較難找。 Potatoes, eggplant, onions and cabbage tend to be the plants of choice. 洋芋、茄子、洋蔥和捲心菜往往是首選植物。 Meat is dominant, especially beef and lamb. 肉類為主,尤其是牛羊肉。 And because it's a wheat heavy region, noodles, buns and dumplings are everywhere. 而且因為是小麥重地,麵條、包子、餃子隨處可見。 You'll see dishes like a lamb dumplings and beef noodle soup. 你會看到羊肉餃子、牛肉麵湯等菜餚。 So there you have it. 所以,你有它。 A very simple break down to the four most prominent regions of Chinese cuisine. 很簡單的分解到中國美食最主要的四個區域。 Coming up will be doing a much deeper dive into each of these four regions. 接下來會對這四個區域分別做更深入的研究。 We've enlisted four tour guides and four chefs to teach us more about the respective cuisines. 我們請來了四位導遊和四位大廚,來教我們更多關於各自的美食。 This is just the beginning, so keep your eye on this channel for more. 這只是一個開始,更多內容請關注本頻道。
B2 中高級 中文 地區 小麥 餃子 中國 炒飯 故鄉 中華美食101:南北對決東西對決--吃貨中國(S1E1)。 (Chinese Food 101: North vs. South vs. East vs. West - Eat China (S1E1)) 22 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字