字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 land. 土地。 Thes noodles from northwestern China are incredibly all Dante, and their texture is achieved by pulling the dough. 來自中國西北的麵條不可思議地都是但丁,其口感是通過拉麵團來實現的。 This is why they call it La Mian in Chinese, La means pool and me in means noodle you shadow shadow. 所以中文叫拉麵,拉是池子的意思,我在是面你影子的意思。 You mentioned the high wire mentioned China is noodle heaven. 你提到高鐵提到中國是麵條天堂。 Wheat noodles, rice noodles thin, thick. 小麥面、米粉薄、厚。 The list of options is endless. 選擇的清單是無止境的。 In our first season of eat China, we introduce four main regions of Chinese cuisine. 在《吃貨中國》第一季中,我們介紹了中國四大菜系的主要地區。 This season is all about noodles will be featuring 10 different kinds of Chinese noodles and show you how they're made. 這一季關於麵條的節目將以10種不同的中國麵條為主題,告訴你麵條的製作方法。 First step hand pulled noodles from lanzo. 第一步手拉麵從蘭佐。 Mhm. 嗯 Okay. 好吧,我知道了 No, no. 不,不。 Menzel is an Arab city in northwestern China that straddles the Yellow River. 孟澤是中國西北部的一座阿拉伯城市,橫跨黃河。 It's a city that runs on noodles. 這是一個靠麵條運轉的城市。 Well, let me Indian ships are deluded, genial Landau and use new Lamia. 好吧,讓我印度的艦船受騙了,天才蘭道,用新的拉米亞。 What's your room yet? 你的房間怎麼樣了? Conch. 螺。 You are leaning over? 你是靠過來的? Yeah, it's what you do. 是啊,這是你做的。 So what exactly does noodle school entail? 那麼,麵條學校到底要做什麼呢? You mean you're German? 你是說你是德國人? That was you looking wet. 那是你看起來很溼。 Was that special somebody you guys should know about this year? 今年那個特別的人你們應該知道嗎? Well, Mr Letters is e o e p a sure sense Canada. 好吧,Letters先生肯定是加拿大人。 Their strategy is to train students for a month through repetition. 他們的策略是通過重複訓練學生一個月。 Here's what they do every day. 這就是他們每天要做的事情。 First they way the dough and then combine it with this synthetic ash. 首先他們將麵糰方式,然後與這種合成灰結合。 They mix it together with salt and water and then rip it apart. 他們用鹽和水混合在一起,然後把它撕開。 Need 12 and then poor. 需要12個,然後窮。 Oh, the students aren't given a recipe. 哦,學生們並沒有得到配方。 Belief is that practice makes perfect. 相信是熟能生巧。 These steps are done over and over and over again until pulling noodles becomes a natural instinct. 這些步驟反覆進行,直到拉麵成為一種自然的本能。 E o let me in the show together to show me in the school You didn't put the Jenna how you Jesus and your judgment. 讓我在節目中一起展示我在學校裡你沒有把珍娜怎麼你耶穌和你的判斷。 What's your religion for you? 對你來說,你的宗教信仰是什麼? So you think how Theo ashes? 所以你覺得西奧怎麼骨灰? What gives these noodles its signature elastic texture? 是什麼讓這些麵條有了標誌性的彈性口感? Traditionally, it came from this plan called Panjwayi Tall. 傳統上,它來自於這個叫潘傑威高的計劃。 The plant is roasted and compacted into the stone and then boiled for three hours. 將植物烤熟壓實後放入石中,再煮三個小時。 The water is then incorporated into the dough. 然後將水融入麵糰中。 The main derivative is potassium carbonate, which increases the chewiness of the dough. 主要衍生物是碳酸鉀,可以增加麵糰的嚼勁。 But this method isn't really used anymore. 但這種方法已經不怎麼用了。 Nowadays, there's a synthetic instant version of the ash, which is used in most noodle shops across China. 現在有一種人工合成的速溶版灰,全中國大部分麵館都在使用。 Compare that to end to reach the ruling on a map and when the noodles air pulled and cooked their served in a savory beef broth with chili oil and thin slices of beef And turn up e. 比較終達到在地圖上的裁決,當面條空氣拉和煮他們的服務在鹹牛肉湯與辣椒油和牛肉薄片和打開了e。 They're retarded culture Tungsha Hole. 他們是弱智文化通沙洞。 You may have found the O amount. 你可能已經找到了O量。 So you talk to the tongue using a woman can t o e I wholeheartedly agree. 所以你用女人的舌頭說話可以t o e我完全同意。 Um, you number one angel. 嗯,你這個頭號天使。 She, uh it's a lot of work for just one bowl of noodles, but for people in lens, ill. 她,呃,只吃一碗麵條很費勁,但對於鏡頭裡的人,病。 It's a preferred way to start the day. 這是一天開始的首選方式。 Fun Fact. 有趣的事實。 The word Lehman is actually where ramen gets its name from mhm up. 雷曼這個詞其實就是拉麵名字的由來嗯起來的。 Next, we're going to the city of Xi and where they make Pyongyang noodles. 接下來,我們要去西安市,去他們做平壤面的地方。 The character Byung also happens to be the most complicated Chinese character in the world. 秉字也正好是世界上最複雜的漢字。 Okay? 好嗎?
B1 中級 中文 麵條 中國 拉麵 麵糰 合成 口感 我們去麵條學校學拉麵--《吃貨中國》(S2E1)。 (We Went to Noodle School and Learned How to Pull Noodles - Eat China (S2E1)) 11 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字