字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 From feet and urine to bondage and other inanimate objects like leather, 從腳,尿液,綁縛到其他物體,如皮革 people have all sorts of interesting sexual desires and fetishes. 人們都有著各種有趣的性慾和戀物癖。 But is being aroused by non-living objects or non-genital body parts normal? 但因這些物品而引起性慾,又是否正常呢? Within the brain what you find sexy is a combination of cognitive, emotional and physical processes. 當一件物品令你感到很有性慾時,其實你的大腦把你的認知,情感和生理結合起來。 Of course the private aspect of sexual behavior has made studying fetishes challenging. 當然,基於性行為的私隱度很高,使得研究戀物癖充滿著挑戰性。 To get around this, 有人為了研究戀物癖好 one study used online Yahoo groups to estimate the relative frequency of atypical sexual preferences. 在Yahoo群組裏訪問了5000個用戶來估計非典型性偏好的相對頻率。 Looking at 5000 online users, 研究人員發現,最多人的戀物偏好不僅僅只有身體部位 researchers discovered that the greatest number of fetishes were not just of body parts 什至有與身體部位相關的物體,例如鞋子或耳機。 but of objects associated with body parts like shoes or headphones. 受歡迎的物品包括體液(9%)和身型(9%) Popular groups included bodily fluids and body size 而最受歡迎的物體側是腳和腳趾(47%) but the most popular group was by far the feet and toes. 實際上,戀腳癖的確有由神經病學支持的科學根據。 This is because there's actually a Neurological basis for foot fetishes. 如果我們調查這個顯示大腦的哪些區域專門處理感官功能的視覺圖, If we investigate this visual map showing which areas and proportions of the brain are dedicated to processing sensory functions, 我們可以看到處理腳,腳趾和生殖器的感官部份 we see that feet, toes and genitals 在大腦中都是彼此鄰近 are all physically right beside each other in the brain. 一項研究就能夠突顯 One study was able to highlight this link between 患有癲癇的男性與性慾,以及戀針癖之間的聯繫 sexual desires and brain regions with the man who experienced epileptic seizures as well as a fetish for safety pins. 在經過部分顳葉切除術或去除部分腦的手術後, After getting a partial temporal lobectomy or removing part of his brain, 他的癲癇和戀針癖都消失了。 both his seizures and sexual fixation on safety pins stopped. 而早期經歷引至會出現性幻想的原因,是因為你的大腦中形成了更多的突觸和神經線 Sexual fantasies likely developed during early experiences as this is when there is more synapse formation and neurogenesis in your brain. 性別印記(暫譯)是我們在年輕的時候 Sexual imprinting is the process in which we and other animals 透過和其他人相處而慢慢發展出對理想伴侶特徵的期望的過程。 learn the characteristics of desirable mates at a young age, 而這經常受到養大我們的人影響。 often influenced by those who raised us. 一項研究發現,被領養的女兒最終多會選擇與養父的面部特徵相似的丈夫。 one study found that adopted daughters end up choosing husbands with a significant resemblance to facial traits of their adoptive fathers. 報告也顯示與父親關係比較好的女性 Women who report having a more supportive emotional relationship with their fathers 更有可能選擇與他們的父親有相似特徵的伴侶,而不是與他們的父親有負面感覺的人。 were also more likely to choose mates with similar features to their dads than those who had negative relationships with their fathers. 不過,這種性別印記也可以發生在物品上。 But with fetishes this sexual imprinting can be with objects as well. 有一項研究使用了兩組大鼠做實驗,第一組在第一次性交時穿著一件小魔術貼夾克 A study using two groups of sexually naive lab rats had one group wear a small Velcro jacket during their first sexual experience 另一組側是控制,什麼都不穿 while the other group, the control wore nothing. 當性成熟時,控制組在不管有否穿著夾克,都顯示有正常的交配行為, When sexually mature, the control group displayed a normal copulation behavior whether wearing the jacket or not 而夾克組在沒有穿著夾克的情況下側無法引起有性慾 whereas the jacket group were unable to achieve sexual arousal without their jackets. 同樣的研究在其他對象進行時,都得到了類似的結果。 This same study has been done with other objects and had similar results. 這可以解釋為什麼一個戀皮革癖的人在沒有皮革的情況下可能很難有性慾。 This could explain why a person with a leather fetish may have difficulty getting off without leather. 另一項關於老鼠的研究表明,當一組雄性小鼠躺在充滿檸檬味的床上, A separate study on rats had one group of male rat pups lie on bedding scented with lemon 而另一組則躺在無味的床上, and the other group lie on unscented beds. 在他們第一次性交時, For their first sexual experience, 他們都有兩個不同的選擇傾向 they had the option of two sexually receptive females 有檸檬香氣的與沒有香氣的。 one scented with lemon and one without. 控制組能正常地與任何一個女性交配 The control group mated with either female at a normal frequency 而檸檬組則優先選有檸檬香味的女性。 while the lemon laying group preferred lemon scented females. 不過這些特別的慾望或偏好,可以被內啡肽或納洛酮(一種令人感覺良好的神經遞質),與大腦受體結合而產生的納洛酮阻斷 But these specific desires or preferences could be blocked by a naloxone which blocks endorphins or the feel-good neurotransmitters from binding to the opioid receptors in the brain, 從而阻斷了由夾克或檸檬味引起的性慾。 thus blocking the sexual reward that is attributed with the velcro jacket or the smell of lemons. 不過雖然我們知道很多關於老鼠的戀好,但對人類罕見的性偏好我們就沒有太多的研究 While we know a lot about rat fetishes, there isn't much research on rare sexual preference in humans 過去這類性偏好什至經常被列為精神障礙。 and in the past they were often listed as mental disorders. 最後,雖然你特別的戀物癖可能對你和你的經驗來說是獨一無二的, But while your specific sexual desires and fetishes may be unique to you and your experience, 其實現代科學確實表明,這是人類正常的一部分 modern science does show that having one in the first place is a normal part of being human. 而且如果你的癖好不傷害到你或別人的話,他們可以當作健康的性生活的一部分。 And if it isn't harming you or someone else, they can exist as part of a healthy sex life. (廣告)現在大家可以看看我們只為科學愛好者和LGBTQ盟友而新出的「我是科學同志」襯衫,接下來的兩個星期都可以購到 Check out our new I'm gay for science shirt available for the next two weeks only for all our queer science lovers and LGBTQ allies. 您可以按下面的鏈接來購買我們多種設計的襯衫,甚至杯子。 You can use the links in the description to get the shirt in multiple designs or even get it as a mug. 在它消失之前快買啊,因為都是限量的。 Get it before it's gone as there's a limited amount. 再次感謝您們一直支持我們的頻道,幫助我們的「科學愛好小角落」蓬勃發展。 Thanks again for always supporting our channel and helping our little corner of science love thrive. 並記得訂閱每星期四更新的每週科學視頻。 And subscribe for more weekly science videos every Thursday.
B2 中高級 中文 性慾 研究 夾克 科學 大腦 特徵 Is Your Sexual Fantasy Normal? (SFW) 17 1 Summer 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字