字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Welcome to CNN 10 where we objectively explained world events in 10 minutes. 歡迎來到 CNN 10,我們將在十分鐘內客觀地解釋世界各國的大事。 My name is Carl Azuz. 我是Carl Azuz。 Glad to be starting off the week with you. 很高興能與你們一同迎接這星期的開始。 Our first story concerns a conflict involving Armenia and Azerbaijan, two countries located in southwestern Asia. 我們的第一個事件是位在西南亞國家的亞美尼亞與塞拜然之間的衝突。 They both won their independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, but even before that, they were fighting each other over a region that they both believed should be part of their territory. 他們都在 1991 年脫離蘇聯而獨立,但在這之前,他們就在為一個雙方都認為應該屬於自己領土的地區而互相爭鬥。 The region is named Nagorno Karabakh. 該地區被命名為 Nagorno Karabakh。 It's located inside the borders of Azerbaijan, but most of the people who live there are ethnic Armenians. 它位於亞塞拜然境內,但居住在那裡的大多數人都是亞美尼亞族人。 Nagorno Karabakh declared its independence from Azerbaijan in 1991. 1991年,Nagorno Karabakh 脫離亞塞拜然,宣佈獨立。 Since then, it's ruled itself with the support of Armenia. 從那時起,它就在亞美尼亞的支持下自治。 But that country and Azerbaijan continued to fight over the region until a ceasefire was declared in 1994. 但該國和亞塞拜然繼續為此地區而戰,直到 1994 年宣佈停火。 It was a shaky agreement. 它是一個不穩固的的協議。 It did calm down a lot of the clashes. 這確實平息了很多衝突。 But it did not calm the tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan. 但並沒有平息亞美尼亞和亞塞拜然之間緊張的局勢。 They have continued to grapple over the issue of Nagorno Karabakh. 他們依然為了 Nagorno Karabakh 爭論不休。 Fighting flared up again between them on September 27th. 9 月 27 日,他們之間的鬥爭再次爆發。 We don't know who's at fault. 我們不知道是誰的錯。 Each side blames the other for shooting first, and it was the same thing over a truce they agreed to over a week ago. 雙方都指責對方先開槍,而且在一個多星期前談成的停戰協議上,也同樣發生過。 Clashes followed, and both sides blamed each other. 隨後就發生衝突,然後雙方互相指責。 Over the past few weeks, the region of Nagorno Karabakh says more than 700 members of its military have died in clashes with Azerbaijan. 過去幾周,Nagorno Karabakh 地區表示,該地區 700 多名軍人在與亞塞拜然的衝突中身亡。 Here's why all of this is internationally significant. 接下來,要告訴你們為什麼它在國際上如此重要。 The nation of Russia supports Armenia. 俄國支持亞美尼亞。 The nation of Turkey supports Azerbaijan, so if the fighting continues, there are concerns that could eventually mean the involvement of two much larger countries. 土耳其支持亞塞拜然,因此若爭鬥持續不斷,人們擔心最終可能意味著更多大國的介入。 The United Nations, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United States have all called for Armenia and Azerbaijan to stop fighting immediately. 聯合國、歐盟、北大西洋公約組織和美國都要求亞美尼亞和亞塞拜然立即停戰。 10 second trivia! 十秒問答! What is the fattest organ in the human body? 人體中最胖器官是什麼? Is that the skin, the liver, the large intestine, or the brain? 皮膚、肝、大腸,還是大腦? Believe it or not, it's the brain that's about 60 percent fat, the fattiest organ we have. 不管你信不信,就是大腦的脂肪佔 60% 左右,是人體脂肪最多的器官。 According to two professors at the University of Central Florida, there is something available to practically everyone that can lower stress, reduce pain, help with symptoms of depression and improve our thinking and motor skills. 根據中佛羅里達大學的兩位教授的說法,實際上有一個東西可以讓每個人降低壓力、減緩疼痛、幫助緩解抑鬱症症狀,並改善我們的思維和運動技能。 It's not a drug, it's music. 它不是毒品,是音樂。 For years, CNN hero Carol Rosenstein has started bands to help people like her husband, who's battling Parkinson's disease and dementia. 多年來, CNN 的英雄 Carol Rosenstein 成立了樂隊,以幫助像她丈夫這樣正與帕金森氏症和失智症抗爭的人。 Like a lot of CNN heroes, Rosenstein has found new ways to reach and help people, despite the restrictions related to coronavirus and her ongoing work is music to the ears of many senior citizens. 像許多 CNN 的英雄一樣,儘管有與新冠肺炎相關的限制,Rosenstein 找到了新的方法來接觸和幫助人們,她正在進行的工作是陪伴許多老年人玩音樂。 COVID just makes it doubly difficult for our seniors to sustain their levels of wellness because they've got so much isolation going on in their environments. 新冠肺炎讓老年人維持他們的健康水準倍感困難,因為他們在環境中已經受到太多的孤立了。 This isolation is bringing with it a huge toll because we as humans are so accustomed to togetherness, we are going to see people deteriorating faster. 這種孤立帶來的是巨大的損失,因為我們人類已經習慣了親密無間的感覺,我們可以看到人們惡化速度加快。 People have declined much faster because they were, you know, for months and months in this very restricted environment. 人們因為在這種限制很多的環境中待了四個月,所以惡化得更快。 A lot of people probably didn't realize what a disaster many areas would turn into. 許多人沒有意識到這將給許多地區帶來災難。 Music is the language of the brain, it stirs up feelings, thinking processes, the motor system. 音樂是大腦的一種語言,它能激起情感、思維過程中的運動系統。 You have substantial hard science (scientific) evidence (on) how music can help the brain. 有關於音樂如何幫助大腦的大量可靠的科學證據。 Some of the areas that musical memories are located aren't actually attacked by Alzheimer's disease, they're spared, they're preserved. 腦中某些音樂記憶所在的區域,其實並沒有阿滋海默氏症侵襲,它們幸免於難,得以保存。 When people with severe memory disorders, when there is a musical memory trigger that can remember the music. 有嚴重記憶障礙的人們,當腦中有記憶音樂的觸發器,就可以讓他們記住音樂。 But they also remember usually some autobiographical other memories that are connected to this particular song. 但是他們通常還會記得與某首特定歌曲有關的一些自傳性回憶。 And so there is a moment of memory of ... restoration, so they don't just remember the song. 因此也有恢復記憶的片刻,所以他們不只是記得那首歌。 They also remember, at least for a moment, where they are and who they are. 至少在那麼一刻,他們會記得自己在哪裡和自己是誰。 And so music can recreate some of the thinking, feeling and expression and movement experiences that we need. 所以音樂可以重新創造一些我們所需的思維、感覺和表達以及行動經驗。 Even if a spouse just sits down with a partner and says let's listen to music together, or we can sing together. 即使配偶只是和伴侶坐下來說讓我們一起聽音樂或一起唱歌吧。 Or if the person who is afflicted by this neurological decline they can still play something, help him to play something. 如果受到這種神經衰弱困擾的人仍然可以玩這些東西的話,就幫助他們玩吧。 [singing] All of me, why not take all of me (歌詞) 我的一切,為什麼不帶走我的一切 Or (you can) listen to a piece of music together, all these things help. 或 (你們可以) 一起聽一首歌,這些東西都有幫助。 I can play music for somebody, and I still maintain social distance. 我可以為別人演奏音樂,而且我依然能保持著社交距離。 Music can travel, can bridge distances. 音樂可以遨遊四海、也可以拉近距離。 It's so important at this time to connect and to reach out to our seniors. 在這個時候,就要和我們的長輩建立連結和給他們支持。 In some way, it's critical for everyone (to) feel the love that we are missing in person. 在某種程度上,保持讓每個人感受到因無法面對面接觸而缺失的愛,同時確保如何安全地達成這件事是非常重要的。 And to be able to do this safely at this time is imperative and one of the easiest ways, especially if you're living distances apart, is to use our internet and be able to reach out and speak to our loved ones so that they are reassured that they are not alone. 這是非常重要而且最簡單的方法之一,尤其是當你們相隔遙遠的時候,就是利用我們的網路,且給我們愛的人支持、和他們聊天,讓他們知道他們並不孤單。 Thank you, everybody, for coming to our party today. 謝謝大家,今天來參加我們的聚會。 I am deeply honored. 我深感榮幸。 Our last story today concerns protective face masks. 我們今天的最後一個報導是有關防護口罩。 In some areas, there optional; in some, they're recommended; in some, they're the law. 有些地區可戴可不戴;有些地區建議要戴;有些地區則是一定得戴,否則會觸法。 But wherever people stand on wearing them, we've seen some pretty creative solutions out there, from the silly and somewhat scary, to designer masks that can run upwards of US$140. 但無論人們站在什麼立場上戴它們,我們發現了一些很有創意的解決方案,從可笑的到有點恐怖的口罩都有,而設計師口罩市價可以達到 140 美元以上。 But this is the first time we've heard of a scented one. 但這是我們第一次聽說有香味的口罩。 It's the smell that won't let sleeping dogs lie. 那個味道是睡著的狗也無法抗拒。 Bacon, bacon, where's the bacon? 培根,培根,培根在哪裡? It's on your face! 它在你的臉上。 The Hormel Bacon folks figured what better scent in which to swaddle your nose. Hormel Bacon 的團隊想出了更好的辦法來遮住你的鼻子。 -It's one of those foods that just truly makes everything better. -Even a pandemic? - 這是可以讓一切都變得更好的食物。 - 它也可以讓疫情變好嗎? They came up with what Hormel calls a "smell-licious" innovation. 他們想出了 Hormel 所謂「好聞」的新概念。 The breathable bacon mask is now reality, though you have to win the right to wear one, enter for a chance to whiff. 現實中,已經出現有味道的培根口罩了,但你得有權力才能戴它,輸入就有機會一聞。 A PR person who got one tweeted: 一位得到它的公關人士發在推特布貼文: "This smells so good I'm considering wearing it all day, even though I have no plans to leave the house." 這味道真好聞,雖然我一整天都沒有計畫,不會出門,但我正考慮戴著它一整天。 Someone else joked: "Accidentally nibbled a hole in my bacon-scented face mask." 還有人開玩笑說:「不小心把我培根味的口罩咬出個洞。」 "Don't eat bacon, inhale it" is the mask's motto. 這個口罩的座右銘是「不要吃培根,吸入它」。 It's not too overpowering. 它的味道不會太強烈。 Sure, there are plenty of novelty masks out there, from a dog's snout, to lips, to sharp teeth, to missing teeth, to a burger. 當然,新奇的口罩很多,從狗鼻子、嘴脣、尖牙、兩顆缺牙到漢堡應有盡有。 Someone even mocked up actual bacon into the shape of a mask, but none of those actually smell. 甚至有人把真正的培根模擬成口罩的形狀,但這些都沒有氣味。 Similar to what you would see on scratch and sniff ... 就像是你能抓到和聞到的... So, we actually found an ink, um, that we could print on the back of these masks. 我們真的發現了一種墨水,嗯, 讓我們可以印在這些口罩的背面。 It smells just like our bacon. 它聞起來就像我們的培根。 Other companies, like Banana Republic, have made masks promoting themselves, but they didn't literally raise a stink. 其他公司雖然也做過口罩宣傳,但他們並未掀起軒然大波,例如 Banana Republic。 The bacon mask reminds us of a short-lived invention from the 80s, the scent alarm clock that woke you up with a scent of bacon. 這款培根口罩讓我們想起了八十年代一項短暫的發明,香味鬧鐘,它會用培根的香味喚醒你。 The pork aroma on the mask will start to dissipate after two or three washings. 口罩上的豬肉香味在洗了兩三次之後就會開始逐漸散去。 Until then, keep the dog away from your face. 直到那時,別讓狗靠近你的臉。 -Jeannie Moos, CNN, New York. -It's bacon! Jeannie Moos,CNN,紐約。 If you think masks feel hot, that one sizzling, it's one way to be "bacon" up enthusiasm for something that could get you pork belly laughs whenever you wear it. 如果你認為戴口罩很熱,感覺很悶,這是一種激發熱情的方式,每當你戴它時,可以讓大家笑破「豬」皮。 It'd be pretty piggish toe where it on a farm, though I don't know "sow" someone could be that "boar"-ish. 儘管我不「豬」到會是哪種「野豬」,但在農場裡它的腳趾卻像豬一樣。 The animals might show at you and you really wouldn't be able to "swine" about it. 這些動物可能會向你們展示,你卻無法「豬」視它。 I'm Carlos Azuz, "hogging" up your day with pig puns on CNN 10. 我是 Carlos Azuz,用有趣的雙關語來結束本集 CNN 10。 Shout out to Cascade High School. 我們向 Cascade 中學表達致意。 It is in Leavenworth, Washington, and that's the school picked from the subscriptions and comments we received at youtube.com/CNN10. 此中學是位於華盛頓的 Leavenworth,而它是我們從訂閱和我們在 youtube.com/CNN10 的留言中挑選出來的。
B1 中級 中文 口罩 培根 亞美尼亞 地區 香味 衝突 【CNN10】亞美尼亞-亞塞拜然衝突、音樂對人的影響、培根口罩 | 2020年10月19日 (The Impact Of Music On The Mind | October 19, 2020) 4778 180 林宜悉 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字