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hey everyone Jennifer home Tarle Speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is how do I pronounce the word stool and stool can mean a place where
you sit and it can also mean poop and it's a medical term and also stole and
stole can be a woman's scarf or to steal so let's go ahead and take a look at
these words this is actually a very quick lesson today so we have stool and
stole the difference is the vowel we have the long vowel oo and to make that
vowel think about puckering your lips and your tongue is going to be
relatively flat in your mouth and then for the O vowel your mouth is going to
open a little tiny bit to get started and when you do that the tip of your
tongue is going to be a little bit lower in your mouth and then when you close
舌頭會在你的嘴裡低一點 然後當你閉上嘴時
your mouth to pucker your tongue moves up to the middle of your mouth oh oh so
你的嘴撅起 你的舌頭移動到你的嘴的中間 哦,哦,如此。
we have ooo and then oh oh ooo oh so we have stool and stole a few other things to
keep in mind is when you say that s T we do not put a sound before the S or
要記住的是,當你說,S T我們不把一個聲音之前的S或
between the s and the T it's not a stool and it's not sa tool it's a stool to do
在 "S "和 "T "之間 它不是凳子,也不是工具,它是一個凳子,用來做的
that let the air move out of your mouth for that s and then touch your teeth for
the T t t t then a tip for the L at the end of the words make sure that you
的T t t t然後一個提示的L在最後的話,確保你。
touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth for the L sound
and hold it there for a second at the end of the word let's try those all
together stool stool stool stole stole stole
凳子 凳子 凳子 凳子
someone stole the woman's stole off of the stool give it a try I know people
有人從凳子上偷了那女人的東西 你試試吧 我認識的人都知道
are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we'd love a like
and a share don't forget to subscribe and if you're looking for more practice
please visit us at Tarle Speech for details or check us out on Google Play
請訪問我們的Tarle Speech瞭解詳情,或在Google Play上查看我們。
and iTunes thank you so much and I'll see you again soon