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  • Get ready to laugh!

  • Let's learn English with this hilarious and famous scene from Friends -

  • The Test!

  • So this is a really great scene where they play a game

  • to see which of the friends knows each other best.

  • So we get to learn a lot of very funny facts about each of the characters.

  • And if you're new here, every single week we help learners like you

  • understand natives without getting lost,

  • without missing the jokes, and without subtitles,

  • So if you want to be able to do that too

  • then I highly recommend you hit that Subscribe button and

  • the bell down belowt to not miss a single one of our new lessons.

  • Now, let's watch the clip!

  • Hey! Do you love learning English with Friends?

  • Well, we've helped thousands of learners just like you

  • understand natives and improve their English fluency

  • with our premium course Fluent with Friends!

  • You can get a free taste of this right now

  • by signing up for our 3-part mini-course.

  • Just click up here or down in the description below

  • and become the next learner that we help to get Fluent with Friends!

  • Hey! If this lesson is making you laugh,

  • then I highly recommend that you check out this other lesson,

  • where we get to learn all sorts of different secrets

  • about the gang from Friends!

  • Alright! Great job today!

  • Now it's time to test everything that you learned.

  • You can do that that by watching the full scene without subtitles,

  • and you'll find that down in the description below.

  • Also, please support our channel by hitting that Like button

  • and subscribing so you don't miss a single one

  • of our new lessons.

  • Check out that mini-course that I told you about,

  • so that you can take your fluency to the next level.

  • Also, I have two videos here that I think

  • you'll really enjoy.

  • Now it's time to go beyond the classroom,

  • and LIVE your English!

  • Aww yeah!

Get ready to laugh!


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A2 初級 美國腔

看『六人行』學英文 - The Test

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    神之子 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 14 日