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[S]Ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be presenting you with one of our favorite snacks to have:
The Katsusando!
[S]What the f*** [M]is happening in the background?
Now when you hear 'sando' the first thing we thought of was like, sand? Like is this involving sand or something?
Sando is short for: sandwich
It's a katsu sandwich. Now 'katsu' comes from the 'donkatsu'. 'Don' is Japanese for pork, 'katsu' is actually short
這是一個Katsu三明治。現在 "katsu "來自 "donkatsu"。"Don "是日語中豬肉的意思,"katsu "其實是豬肉的簡稱。
for 'ka-tsu-re-to'. So it's supposed to be pork cutlet, so there's the short of katsureto,
為 "ka-tsu-re-to"。所以應該是豬排,所以有katsureto的簡稱。
and then the short of the 'sandwich'
然後是 "三明治 "的短處。
It's the 'katsu-sando'. [M]It's very complicated if you think about it. [S]Why are there so many abbreviations and words put together?
[M]Jamming things together
[S]I'll tell you the one thing I really like about Japanese food is when they name it, there's never anything like
ambivalent like: "Here's a
foghorn legless" in which you look at the title and have no idea what it is. [M]Oh! Like in Britain when they're like "A spotted dick!" and
foghorn legless",在其中你看標題,不知道它是什麼。[M]哦!就像在英國,當他們像 "一個有斑點的傢伙!"和。
I'm like what am I about to eat right now? Why would you make that name? [S]There's no guesswork in the names,
they say what they are. This is a cutlet sandwich.
[M]Now I hear you, you guys might be saying something like
"Are you really, doing a video on a cutlet sandwich?"
[S]The answer is yes
[M] Yes we are.
So we got two different kinds of katsusandos today. This one here is kind of like the traditional one that I would say
you can find everywhere, and this one we got from like a hiri katsu shop
They also make sandwiches on the side, this one was more expensive this one was $5.
[S]Don't laugh, this package is a lot smaller than expected, but it's enough!
It's enough to be satisfying.
[M]I only bought the like, three-piece set because I knew we were eating two sandwiches.
[S]What the f***... [M]... listening to what's happening in the background there
[S]什麼是他媽的... ...[M]... ...聽著背景中發生的事情。
[S]What the f*** this happening behind us?
[S]I think we picked the wrong spot in the park today
[M] (giggles) We picked the weird place, [S]We picked the weird place.
[M]Oh, look at that perfectly sauced, little piece of magic right there. [S]You ready?
[M]哦,看那個完美的醬, 小片的魔法就在那裡。[S]你準備好了嗎?
[S]Here we go [M]Time to get messy
來了,我們走吧 是時候亂了
[S&M] Mhh
[S&M] Mhh
Believe in your dreams. This one was: Hiri katsu
相信自己的夢想。這個是。Hiri katsu
which means that [they] cut off all the fatty bits so that when you bite into it,
這意味著,[他們]切斷所有的脂肪位 所以,當你咬到它,
you don't hit any like nubbles of fat or tendon. [S]Right. Perfectly smooth meat. [M]Smooth is always a terrible description that we do,
[M]But, it's true! [S]No, you don't want crunchy meat, you want smooth meat!
[M]But it's not like the heavy breading that you get with like a cutlet in Europe and in Canada
[M]但它不像你得到的厚厚的麵包屑 像在歐洲和在加拿大的牛排
Like the cutlets that I grew up with, coz I'm European or you know like pounded down meat
and then you bread it,
and it's got like egg and flour and then it's deep-fried and then when you like cut into it and you try to like bite
into the sandwich, this whole like breading would like slide off.
[S]It's just a fried pork cutlet with sauce on the cutlet and just pure white bread with the crust cut off.
And what's so amazing about that is that you would think: "Don't you need more?"
You don't, this has all the flavor that you need. The sauce is also perfect because it's added to the cutlet rather than the bread,
because if you add for the bread it might soak through the bread, but it stays onto the cutlet perfectly.
[M]Now he's juggling.
He was throwing sticks in the air, but now he's juggling!
The other thing that's amazing about it is they add the sauce to the outside of the crust when it comes right out of the fryer so when
It's like super, super hot, they sauce it and then it kind of like both: soaks in and almost doesn't, because I think the oil
這就像超級,超級熱, 他們醬它,然後它有點像兩者: 浸泡在幾乎沒有,因為我認為油
so creates that little bit of a barrier and the panko crust on the outside
所以,創造了一點點的障礙 和五花肉的外殼在外面的
I think is key as well.
So panko is like a Japanese type of breadcrumb and it's soft and airy. It's not like a heavy drudging of flour
That's the right word right? Drudging? [S]Dredging. [M]I'm drudging making this.
[S]I have a question. [M]Question is: [S]There's an old dude that just walked past us with a marijuana hat on, [M]Yes? [S]Does he know what
[S]我有個問題。[M]問題是:[S]有一個老夥計,剛剛戴著一頂大麻帽從我們身邊走過,[M]是嗎?[S]Does he know what
it means? Yes? No? What do you think? [M]Leave a comment in the comment section below...
If he floats up behind us and goes:
"Oh man I could really go for that katsusando."
Then we'll be like: "Yeah, we know what's happening here."
Also look at the bread right here, you see how thin that is? None of the sauce has gone through the bread.
This is holding the cutlet perfectly, for bite sized nibbles.
[M]"For bite, sized, nibbles". That sounds like, I don't know, nibbles are nibbles and bites are bites,
M]"為一口、大小、咬合"。這聽起來像是,我不知道,"咬 "是 "咬","咬 "是 "咬"。
I think those two shouldn't come together.
If you're sharing with Simon though, that makes sense because he's like I'll just have a nibble bite.
And then I look down and there's like, half my sandwich is gone. You ate half my sandwich.
然後我低頭一看,有像, 我的三明治的一半不見了。你吃了我一半的三明治。
[S]Yes! [M]It's only this big!
[S]What? It's half for us, we're sharing.
[M] It's like the size of a dice.
[S]You know what else is super important about this too?
Look, I'm an adult. We're all adults here watching right? Hey everybody?
I want my sandwiches to have the crust cut off.
Why is it that we only had the crust cut off as kids and as soon as we hit a specific age
you're like "hey, we have to have the crust on." Nah. I don't want to have crust on my sandwich.
你就像 "嘿,我們必須有地殼上。"不,我不想在我的三明治上放麵皮。我不希望有地殼 在我的三明治。
Just give me the perfect amount of soft, milky
只要給我一個完美的量 軟綿綿的,乳白色的。
fluffy Wonder Bread kind of dough that's all I want.
[M]They do have other types of bread here like European breads, hard crust on the
outside you know. But when it comes to the katsusando, it's made with that wonder type bread
that you were saying. But it's a little bit sweeter,
and I would say it's not as doughy.
When you have Wonder Bread,
and you kind of bite into it, it kind of sometimes sticks to the roof of your mouth, almost like paste-y
你咬它,它有點有時 粘在你的嘴上,幾乎像糊狀的
And it's super porous at the same time as well. It's not that gluey kind
[M]Gluey! There it is, that's the description
It's more like a milky,
fluffy type taste of bread, like if you've ever had a meatball sub on like a crusty bread when you bite into it the bread
is so crusty and it just so hard, and you bite that it just shoots out your
是如此的硬殼,它只是這麼硬, 你咬,它只是射出你的。
meatballs likes like spit ball pellets and what not, that that is a terrible realization of a meat sandwich. Japan does it right.
So, I'm so confused. They're playing really creepy music in the background as well.
[M]I am gonna step in there for a second, you made a terrible mistake by not getting any water or milk.
[S]The flavors are in our mouths so we can describe them more.
[M]I'm so thirsty! So thirsty...
[S]Are you thirsty for another sandwich?
[M]We're going onto the second sandwich,
and I'm gonna say from the get-go that this is not the traditional kind that you would get at a convenience store.
我要說的是,從一開始,這不是傳統的那種 你會得到在便利店。
[S]No. [M]Every single katsusando we've ever seen, ever! always has the crust cut off.
[S]沒有。 [M]我們所見過的每一個葛洲島,永遠!總是被切掉外殼。
This motherf***** right here.
[S]They got crusts on!?
They got crusts on!? (slower)
[M]Now the only reason we're giving them a forgiveness pass, is because this is not actually a katsusando shop, this one makes the
cutlets and they serve it over rice.
And then on the side they happen to have like a couple of sandwiches that you can buy. We think that this is kind of
然後在側面,他們碰巧有 像一對夫婦的三明治,你可以買。我們認為,這是一種
like, could be, an ante up version of a normal katsusando. [S]We're not sure, we're gonna experience this together
Have a smell of that, what's that smell like? [M]Oh yeah. [S]Hey, here you go, grab yours
[M]I, feel uncomfortable, and worried about my well-being
I think what's happening with this one is that you're supposed to order it at the shop, and like eat it right away
我覺得這個是怎麼回事 你應該在店裡點菜,然後馬上吃了它
like it's supposed to be for lunch cuz you can already see that
this is soaking through and that's a big sand-don't if you ask me, not a sand-do.
Huh? Usually you're the one with the bad jokes. [S]You you know what? When we were walking and talking Martina actually thought of that
joke a while ago. This isn't on spot Martina has been reciting this in her head. This could be delicious
I'm so weirded out by...
He literally has a ball on his head. [M]Now he has a ball on his head
You know what this is like?
"Hey, do you have any talents that aren't that talented, but like you can bounce ball on your head? Well come on down..."
[S]Okay no, we got to eat our sandwich. Here we go.
[M]Oh man, [S]Whoa! I was being really judgy, but this is vastly superior in taste. Oh man, this is still crunchy!
[M]Yeah, because it was just straight out of the fryer right? [S]Oh man.
[M]So the crust is quite unoffensive because it's like a Wonder Bread one. [S]Oh, I was so judgy. I was so wrong
[M]Mmm now something we didn't talk about before was the katsusando sauce.
It's usually a tonkatsu sauce and the sauce to me is like
the Japanese answer to barbecue sauce. [S]It's got like a barbecue with a worcestershire blend to it [M]meets something fruity
日本烤肉醬的答案。它的味道就像烤肉和伍斯特郡的混合醬一樣 遇到了水果味的東西
But this place has a totally different sauce on it. I'm sorry I ever doubted you hiri katsu place!
Please, please
Guys, if you're coming to Japan you cannot skip out on this. If you're going to a train station and you're traveling on the shinkansen,
you can get them at any train station. You got to look for 'em cuz everyone's gonna go for the bentos
but this is also a really good equivalent to go for.
[S]Let us know, what is your
country's special sandwich that we should know about if we go there and visit, as we introduced you to the katsusando.
Wow I really wanted to talk more about katsusandos
but I think we picked the wrong spot to film [M]Or the right spot.
[S]I think we should just film this guy.
[M]That's what we're gonna do guys. Just enjoy another uhh... [S]Enjoy.
[M]這就是我們要做的傢伙。只是享受另一個呃... [S]享受。
We're gonna watch this dude, all right. [M]He's coming closer. I'm scared.
Oh he's interacting with people.