字幕列表 影片播放
everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is about voiced versus voiceless sounds in several words word
number one is incite to encourage inside and inner part of something decease
death and disease an illness in the body so let's go ahead and look at these
words we have incite inside decease disease let's first talk about that we
are going to be stressing syllable number two in all of these words the
將強調音節數二 在所有這些單詞的
syllable number one in all the words is going to be a little bit shorter a
little bit softer and a little bit lower in pitch we have in and duh in and duh
those are the first syllables what we're really talking about today though are
這些都是第一個音節 我們今天真正討論的雖然是
these voiced versus voiceless sound so let's focus more on that so both of
these words are going to be starting with the second syllable will be
starting with the s and then it's going to be the long I Sai Sai but here's
where the difference comes in the T versus the D for in sight we're going to
end with a T sound which has no voicing and means that the voice box is not
vibrating it is off the voice will be on and vibrating for the D sound in side
what this does is when we have this voiceless sound the vowel before it is
這樣做的目的是,當我們有這個無聲的聲音 元音在它之前是
going to sound a little bit shorter than the exact same vowel will sound a little
bit longer when it's before the voiced D sound
so we have incite inside incite inside let's look at our second set of
words we have decease and disease so for sees
we're gonna start with an s again its voiceless the voice box is not moving
我們再從 "S "開始,它是無聲的,語音信箱沒有動靜了
we're going to add that long e we're gonna end in another s which is a
voiceless sound cease cease decease decease again moving on to that voice
無聲無息 偃旗息鼓 偃旗息鼓 偃旗息鼓 又轉到那個聲音上去了
sound which is going to have the voice box vibrating it's going to make that
vowel sound longer in between even though it's the same e sound that gets
so confusing for most of my students which is vowels that are exactly the
same can be a little bit longer in some words than others and this is the case
here so when we say zeez down here start with the Z zzzz voice box is on and
在這裡,所以當我們說zeez下來這裡開始與Z zzzz語音盒是在和。
moving move to that long e and then end with another Z so we have decease
disease decease disease in sight inside decease disease so again all about
voice versus voiceless voice boxes on means it's vibrating that sound is going
to be a little bit harder and it's going to make the vowel before it sound longer
as well so let's try all of our words incite inside decease disease incite
所以我們把我們所有的詞都試一試 煽動裡面的疾病 煽動...
inside decease disease so the teachers are hoping to incite more studying by
posting the exam scores about disease causing people to decease when they post
the grades inside of the classroom that is a terrible sentence but give it a try
課內成績 這句話太難聽了,但你可以試試
people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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