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  • Thanksgiving is just around the corner,

  • so, today we're going to study

  • the Friends Thanksgiving episode

  • where Rachel famously makes an English trifle.

  • It's the Rachel's English trifle.

  • We're going to take a little scene from this episode

  • and we're going to do a full pronunciation analysis.

  • So, by the end of this video,

  • you're going to be able to speak English

  • just like Rachel Green.

  • Here's the scene.

  • So, if I mess this up,

  • there's nothing else for dessert?

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you. - Yeah.

  • Technical question,

  • how do you know when the butter's done?

  • Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • Actually, next week, we're going to do another scene

  • from this same episode.

  • It's where Rachel is describing the trifle to Joey and Ross.

  • So, be sure to come back and check that out.

  • Now, let's do the full analysis.

  • What makes American English sound American?

  • It has a lot to do with the stress

  • and we'll talk about that.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up

  • In this first phrase, she repeats herself.

  • She repeats if I, and these two words are linked together

  • and said so quickly both times.

  • If I, If I.

  • If I, If I, If I, If I, If I, If I.

  • So, if I, if I.

  • So, if I, if I.

  • So, if I, if I.

  • So, the words are unstressed,

  • they're flatter in pitch.

  • If I, If I, If I, If I.

  • And they link together with that F consonant.

  • So, we have the ih vowel, which we barely hear,

  • the F consonant, which links right into the I diphthong,

  • f'I, f'I, f'I, f'I.

  • So, if I, if I.

  • So, if I, if I.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up.

  • The word so is longer, it's more stressed.

  • So, f'I, f'I.

  • And then, we have mess this up.

  • And the pitch goes up.

  • That's to show that she is not done talking.

  • This is the first part of what she wants to say.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up.

  • If I, if I,

  • unstressed links together, no break.

  • And then, the word this also unstressed.

  • Listen to the words mess this up.

  • Mess this up,

  • Mess this up,

  • Mess this up.

  • Mess this up, mess this up.

  • Mess up, more stressed.

  • This, said very quickly, flatter and lower in pitch.

  • Mess this up.

  • Mess this up,

  • Mess this up

  • Mess this up.

  • And everything links together very smoothly.

  • No breaks between words.

  • Mess this up,

  • Mess this up,

  • Mess this up,2

  • there's nothing else for dessert?

  • The P in up is not released.

  • It's not up there's.

  • But it's up there's.

  • Up, lips come together for the P,

  • but there's no puff of air, no release.

  • That's because the next word begins with a consonant,

  • and that's fairly common for stop consonants.

  • Up there's.

  • Up there's, up there's.

  • - Mess this up, there's,

  • mess this up, there's,

  • mess this up, there's nothing else for dessert?

  • Let's listen to the rest of the sentence.

  • What are our stressed words?

  • - There's nothing else for dessert?

  • There's nothing else for dessert?

  • There's nothing else for dessert?

  • Nothing, else, dessert.

  • And again, dessert, pitch goes up, just like it did here.

  • Now, here at the end of up,

  • it went up because she was continuing her thought.

  • Here it's goes up because it's a yes-no question.

  • There's nothing else for dessert?

  • - There's nothing else for dessert?

  • There's nothing else for dessert?

  • There's nothing else for dessert?

  • No, there's nothing else for dessert.

  • So, noth, else and ssert are our stressed syllables.

  • Let's look at the word there's.

  • There's nothing,

  • There's nothing,

  • There's nothing.

  • It's not fully pronounced

  • with the eh vowel, is it?

  • It's more like there's, there's, there's.

  • I would write that with a TH, schwa, R, Z.

  • There's, there's.

  • There's nothing, there's nothing.

  • There's nothing,

  • there's nothing,

  • there's nothing.

  • This is a common way to pronounce this word.

  • It can reduce here.

  • It's not one of the more important words in the sentence.

  • There's nothing, there's nothing, there's nothing.

  • The word nothing, we have an unvoiced TH,

  • that sound can me tricky.

  • Tongue tip does have to come through the teeth for that.

  • Nothing, nothing.

  • And even though we have the letter O here,

  • it's not an O sound, it's the uh as in butter sound, nuh.

  • Noth, nothing.

  • Nothing.

  • Nothing else.

  • Nothing else, nothing else, nothing else for dessert?

  • What do you notice about the word for?

  • Nothing else for dessert?

  • Nothing else for dessert?

  • Nothing else for dessert?

  • It's not for, is it?

  • For dessert, it's for dessert.

  • For, for, for.

  • That word reduces.

  • The vowel changes to the schwa.

  • And schwa gets absorbed by the R.

  • So, we try not to even make a vowel there.

  • For, for, for.

  • For dessert?

  • - For dessert?

  • For dessert?

  • For dessert?

  • And you might be noticing

  • the double S in this word, dessert, is pronounced as a Z.

  • Dessert?

  • - Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • What happens to the T

  • at the end of this word?

  • Do you hear it?

  • - Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • No, we don't hear it.

  • She makes that a stop.

  • Dessert, dessert.

  • It's not dessert.

  • - Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • Dessert?

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • So, Monica gives her

  • a very friendly, kind response.

  • What are her most stressed words?

  • - You're not gonna mess it up.

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • You're not.

  • Little bit more up-down shape there.

  • Little more length, little more stress.

  • You're not, mess it up.

  • And then, up has the most stress.

  • It's part of that phrasal verb.

  • So, she's stressing the phrasal verb, to mess something up,

  • and then, she's stressing the word not.

  • The other words are less stressed

  • and every word in this thought group flows together.

  • There's no break between words.

  • Very smooth connection.

  • - You're not gonna mess it up.

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • Do we have any reductions?

  • Let's look.

  • How about you are?

  • How is this contraction pronounced?

  • - You're not, you're not, you're not.

  • You're, you're, you're not, you're.

  • Very fast, very low in pitch, very low in volume.

  • You're, you're, you're, you're not, you're not.

  • It's gotta sound really different than not

  • and let it blend right into it.

  • No break, very smooth connection.

  • You're not, you're not.

  • The T at the end of not is a stop T,

  • we don't wanna release, t, that is not what she does.

  • - You're not,

  • you're not gonna mess it up.

  • Stop T because the next word

  • begins with a consonant, the G consonant.

  • Now we have going to.

  • That is reduced, isn't it?

  • She doesn't say going to, she says gonna.

  • That's so common in conversational English.

  • And it's said very quickly, isn't it?

  • Gonna, gonna, gonna.

  • Actually, these four words, going to mess it,

  • are all said pretty quickly.

  • Gonna mess it, gonna mess it, gonna mess it.

  • Gonna mess it,

  • And they all link together really smoothly.

  • The schwa at the end of gonna

  • glides right into M with no break, gonna mess.

  • Then, the ending S sound, now here, double S, is and S,

  • links right into the vowel of it,

  • mess it, mess it, mess it, mess it.

  • Gonna mess it, gonna mess it, gonna mess it.

  • - Gonna mess it,

  • What about the T in it?

  • Mess it up,

  • This is actually a really quick flapped T

  • connecting the two words.

  • It's very common to make a T a flapped T

  • when it comes before and after a vowel.

  • And that's what happens here.

  • Mess it up, mess it up.

  • Mess it uh, tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh.

  • Really quick flap of the tongue on the roof of the mouth.

  • Mess it up,

  • And here at the end of the thought group,

  • it's not followed by another word.

  • She does do a really light release of the P sound.

  • Mess it up.

  • Mess it up,

  • What does the phrasal verb mess up mean?

  • Mess this up, mess it up.

  • It means to do it the wrong way.

  • You can mess up a recipe.

  • You can mess up a relationship.

  • "I messed up, I forgot to call him."

  • You can mess up anything.

  • To do something the wrong way, to forget something,

  • to get something messy, "I messed up my new shirt.

  • "I got makeup on it."

  • And Rachel here is afraid she's gonna mess up the dessert.

  • Mess it up,

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you. - Yeah.

  • What are our stressed syllables

  • in this phrase.

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you. - Yeah.

  • - Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you. - Yeah.

  • - Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you. - Yeah.

  • - [Instructor] Wow, Monica,

  • I love that.

  • I and that less stressed.

  • Also, the unstressed syllables nica, nica, nica.

  • Monica, Monica.

  • So, on the stressed syllables,

  • our voice has this up-down shape, more length,

  • and on the unstressed syllables,

  • they're said more quickly and the pitch is flatter.

  • Wow, Monica.

  • - Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • If you listen to just I love that,

  • you can notice that the word love is longer, it's stronger,

  • it is the center of that phrase.

  • I love that, I love that.

  • - I love that,

  • And it ends in a stop T.

  • That's because it goes right into the next word,

  • which begins with the Y consonant.

  • - I love that, you really have faith in me.

  • I love that, you really have faith in me.

  • I love that, you really have faith in me.

  • All of these words link together very smoothly, no breaks.

  • Now, with the word you.

  • Okay, that can be written,

  • that is written with these two symbols in IPA

  • and I often call this a diphthong,

  • like in the word music or in the word use.

  • But sometimes, it does function like a consonant and a vowel

  • and it does that when it comes after a T.

  • So, this sound combination,

  • even though I sometimes call that a diphthong,

  • will not turn a T before it into a flapped T.

  • So, it's a stop T.

  • Now, in the phrase you really have faith in me,

  • what is our stress?

  • - You really have faith in me.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • I'm hearing you as stressed.

  • You really, you really.

  • Really is then lower, you really have faith,

  • then, more of that up-down shape.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • And a little bit of the up-down on me.

  • So, really have, lower in pitch, flatter,

  • same with the word in,

  • but everything links together really smoothly,

  • it's all in the same line,

  • ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • So smooth.

  • - You really have faith in me.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • In the word faith,

  • we have another unvoiced TH.

  • Tricky sound, tongue tip must come through.

  • And that links right into the next vowel,

  • faith in, faith in, thin, thin, thin, thin.

  • It's like the word thin.

  • Thin, faith in, faith in, faith in.

  • That's how much words link together.

  • The ending sound can sound like it begins the next word.

  • Faith in.

  • Faith in, faith in, faith in.

  • Faith in me.

  • - Faith in me,

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Which of those two syllables is stressed?

  • - Thank you,

  • It's the first one.

  • Thank you.

  • And then the pitch falls off from thank,

  • and you just falls into that line.

  • Thank you, thank you.

  • Now, again, we have an unvoiced TH here.

  • I know this is a tricky sound.

  • Sorry that you're getting so many here

  • in this little dialogue.

  • Lots of practice.

  • - Thank you,

  • Tongue tip comes through the teeth.

  • Now, let's talk about the vowel here.

  • This is from the Thanksgiving episode.

  • Thank, Thanksgiving.

  • Yes, it is Thanksgiving.

  • And one thing I'm thankful for is this tree.

  • I have an amazing tree outside of my office window.

  • And today, I wanted to bring a fundraiser to your attention.

  • Do any of you know or follow MrBeast?

  • When he reached 20 millions subscribers on YouTube,

  • his fan base challenged him to plant 20 million trees.

  • And so, he's teamed up with a foundation

  • called the Arbor Day Foundation

  • to plant 20 million trees and he needs your help.

  • So, if you're able to give a dollar to this fundraiser

  • before the end of the year,

  • then, the Arbor Day Foundation will plant one tree.

  • One dollar, one tree.

  • What a great deal.

  • It's easy, go to,

  • enter the number of trees you want to plant,

  • and you're done.

  • Now, I know money doesn't grow on trees

  • but if you have any extra to give this season,

  • please, consider giving to this fundraiser at

  • Let's help MrBeast meet this amazing goal.

  • Can YouTube do it?

  • Can you do it?

  • That's

  • I've given and I invite you to give right now.

  • Actually, I'm gonna take a little bit from MrBeast's video

  • to remind you to give this very second.

  • is at the top of my video description

  • and it's also in the pinned comment.

  • Check it out.

  • Okay, let's get back to the analysis.

  • Thank, Thanksgiving.

  • This will all be written in IPA with the ah as in bat vowel.

  • And did you know that the N in this word

  • is actually the ng sound?

  • Thank.

  • So, it's made with the back of the tongue,

  • touching the soft palate,

  • not the front of the tongue in the front of the mouth.

  • Thank, thank.

  • You might be saying, "Well, I don't hear ah."

  • Thank, ah.

  • Thank.

  • No, you're right.

  • When the ah vowel is followed by ng sound, that changes.

  • Ah becomes more like ay.

  • Thay, the ay diphthong.

  • Thank.

  • And that's because of this ng sound.

  • Ah followed by ng.

  • That's what you'll see in the dictionary,

  • but that's really not what it is.

  • That turns it into and ay diphthong.

  • Thay, thank, thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • And it's the same in the word Thanksgiving.

  • It's not thah, thanks

  • but thay, thanks.

  • Thanksgiving.

  • - Thank you,

  • Technical question.

  • Okay.

  • Now, she raises her finger.

  • She has a lot of energy here.

  • Two-word thought group.

  • What are our stressed syllables here?

  • - Technical question,

  • Technical question.

  • Both of those stressed syllables

  • in those words are stressed.

  • Technical question.

  • So, we have a three-syllable word

  • and then a two-syllable word,

  • and they each have one stressed syllable.

  • The CH sound,

  • sorry, the CH letters here make the K sound.

  • Technical.

  • The letter C also makes the K sound.

  • Technical, technical.

  • Now, don't try to make a vowel here.

  • This is just schwa L,

  • and the L does absorb the schwa.

  • So, you don't need to try to make a separate vowel sound.

  • Cal, cal, cal, cal.

  • Just K and then quick dark L.

  • Technical, technical.

  • Technical, technical, technical question.

  • Question.

  • We have another K sound here,

  • it's in the cluster KW, kwah, kwah.

  • The lips do have to round for that W.

  • Question.

  • And the letter T makes a CH sound, ch, ch.

  • Tion, tion, question.

  • And again, there's no real vowel here.

  • It's the schwa.

  • And schwa is also absorbed by N.

  • So, L, N, M, and R,

  • all absorb the schwa.

  • Those are called syllabic consonants.

  • So, you don't need to try to make a vowel there.

  • That will help you

  • make that unstressed syllable more quickly.

  • Technical question.

  • Technical question.

  • - Technical question,

  • When we break it down like this,

  • it makes words that can be tricky

  • feel a little bit more simple, doesn't it?

  • Technical question.

  • Really focusing on stress can help with longer words.

  • - Technical question,

  • technical question, Technical question,

  • how do you know when, uh, the butter is done?

  • Okay. Then she has a little bit of a longer thought group.

  • She breaks I up with uh.

  • What are our most stressed words here,

  • in the first part of this thought group?

  • - How do you know when, uh, the butter is done?

  • How do you know when, uh, the butter is done?

  • How do you know when, uh, the butter is done?

  • How do you know when, uh.

  • How do you know when.

  • So, how and know are our most stressed words there.

  • Do and you are not pronounced do you.

  • How are they pronounced?

  • - How do you know when,

  • how do you know when,

  • Both of those vowels change to the schwa.

  • So, it's not do you, it's duh ya.

  • I'll just write that over here.

  • How d'ya, how d'ya, how d'ya.

  • Not how do you.

  • These reductions are what help Americans

  • add rhythmic contrast to English.

  • So, it helps us make words

  • that are less important even shorter,

  • so that they provide contrast to the longer words.

  • How d'ya, How d'ya, how d'ya.

  • How d'ya,

  • - How d'ya, how d'ya, how d'ya know

  • when, uh, the butter is done?

  • How d'ya know when, uh.

  • How d'ya know when, uh.

  • Know when, how d'ya.

  • All of these words glide together

  • so smoothly with no breaks.

  • Even the N in when glides right into the thinking vowel uh.

  • Know when, uh, know when, uh.

  • - How d'ya know when, uh,

  • how d'ya know when, uh, the butter is done?

  • What about stress

  • in this last little part of the thought group?

  • - The butter is done,

  • The butter is done.

  • Now, this is a question but it's not a yes-no question,

  • so, it can go down in pitch.

  • The, said very quickly, the has a schwa at the end.

  • The, the, the, the.

  • The butter, the butter, the butter.

  • The butter,

  • What to you notice about the two Ts here?

  • That's a flap sound.

  • The T sound comes between two vowels here,

  • so, just a quick flap of the tongue

  • against the roof of the mouth.

  • Butter, butter, butter.

  • As soon as it comes down from the flap

  • it pulls back a little bit for the schwa-R sound.

  • Butter, butter.

  • - The butter,

  • the butter, the butter is done.

  • The butter is done.

  • So, the second syllable of butter is flatter and unpitched,

  • so is is, they link right together.

  • Eris, eris, eris, butter is, butter is.

  • The butter is done.

  • And then, again an up-down shape of stress.

  • So, in the word butter, we have the uh vowel.

  • We have that same vowel on done.

  • It's written with the letter O, but it's the uh vowel.

  • Done.

  • Butter is done.

  • - The butter is done,

  • the butter is done

  • - Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • Okay, Monica's response.

  • What are our most stressed words?

  • - Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • Well, some stress there.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes,

  • the most stress on the word two.

  • Two minutes before it looks like that.

  • Looks, like and that, all a little bit longer,

  • all have a little bit of that stressed quality.

  • The other words are said more quickly,

  • they don't have that up-down shape of stress.

  • - Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • It's done about,

  • it's done about, it's done about.

  • Flatter and always links together very smoothly.

  • It's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • A little bit of stress on min,

  • minutes before it, minutes before it,

  • minutes before it looks like that.

  • Looks like that.

  • What's happening with our Ts here?

  • In the word about we have an ending T.

  • In the word two we have a beginning T.

  • Those link together with a single true T.

  • About two.

  • - Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • Well, it's done about two minutes before it looks like that.

  • And then, we have two stop Ts.

  • It looks like that.

  • So here, it's a stop T

  • because the next word begins with a consonant.

  • And here, it's a stop T

  • because it's at the end of a thought group.

  • You really have to be careful with ending Ts.

  • They're usually a stop T or a flapped T.

  • It would be a flapped T

  • if the next word began with a vowel or diphthong.

  • And sometimes,

  • when it's in an ending cluster, like the word just,

  • it will be dropped altogether

  • because it will link into a word

  • that begins with a consonant,

  • like in the phrase just my.

  • So, here the T comes between two other consonants,

  • we often drop that T.

  • So, ending Ts can be tricky.

  • - It looks like that,

  • Also, in the word minutes,

  • I just wanna point out that we have the letter U

  • but it is the ih as in sit vowel.

  • Minutes, minutes, minutes.

  • - Minutes, minutes, minutes.

  • Let's listen to the whole conversation one more time.

  • So, if I, if I mess this up,

  • there's nothing else for dessert?

  • You're not gonna mess it up.

  • Wow, Monica, I love that.

  • You really have faith in me.

  • Thank you.

  • Technical question,

  • how do you know when uh, the butter is done?

  • Well, it's done about two minutes

  • before it looks like that.

  • - As I said earlier, next week,

  • we're going to look at another scene from this episode.

  • This is what we'll study next week.

  • - Rach, you're killing us here.

  • Will you serve the dessert already?

  • - What is it? - It's a trifle.

  • It's got all of these layers.

  • First, there's a layer of ladyfingers,

  • then a layer of jam,

  • then custard, which I made from scratch,

  • then beef sauteed with peas and onions,

  • then a little bit more custard, and then bananas,

  • and then I just put some whipped cream on top!

  • - What was the one right before bananas?

  • - The beef?

  • Yeah, that was weird to me, too.

  • But then, you know, I thought "Well, there's mincemeat pie,"

  • I mean, that's an English dessert.

  • These people just put very strange things

  • in their food, you know.

  • By the way, can I borrow some rum from your place?

  • - Yeah, sure. - Okay.

  • And while I'm gone, don't you boys sneak a taste.

  • - Okay.

  • - If you love learning English with TV,

  • we do have a whole playlist for that, check it out.

  • And if you love this kind of full pronunciation analysis,

  • I do a lot of it in my academy.

  • My academy is where I help students train

  • and really reach they're accent,

  • they're pronunciation goals.

  • It's Rachel's English Academy.

  • There's a 30-day money back guarantee,

  • so, don't be afraid to try it.

  • Also, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

  • I make a new video every Tuesday.

  • That's it, guys.

  • And thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner,


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Rachel's English Trifle ✏️Learn English with Friends TV Show ?Rachel’s English

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    Summer 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 08 日