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hi Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question actually I
was surprised I've gotten this request several times in the past year yes I am
behind on requests thanks for all of them I just can't keep up so we have two
words jealous envy of a person's achievements and zealous very eager or
enthusiastic so let's take a look at these words several of my clients
actually struggle with the J vs. the Z sound why do my students struggle with
其實掙扎在J與Z的聲音 為什麼我的學生掙扎在
this some languages don't have the J sound so for the J sound the tip of your
tongue is going to touch your teeth J J J starts by touching the teeth and
舌頭要碰到牙齒了 J J J先是碰到牙齒,然後是
then it pulls back J J J you can see my lips are slightly puckered for
that sound they're more rounded not puckered and then again my tongue is
moving from the D and then it's pulling back J J J for the Z my lips are a
little more retracted means they're pulled back kind of like a smile and the
更多的回縮意味著他們被拉回 那種像一個微笑和的。
tip of my tongue is either going to be down or behind my top front teeth and
the air is going to keep moving out zzzz yes my voice box is on and moving so again
空氣將繼續移動出來ZZZZ 是的,我的語音箱是在移動,所以再次
for the J touch the teeth j and for the Z do not touch the teeth zzzz alright next
we're going to move to the short e for both of these words and then end with
the L to do this you're going to open your mouth slightly tongue is going to
你要把嘴微微張開 舌頭要伸進嘴裡
be about here eh l eh l so again you're gonna open your mouth move your tongue
就在這裡 嗯 我 嗯 我 所以你要再一次張開你的嘴 舌頭動一動
from out here and then touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top
front teeth and then end with that second syllable us relaxed mouth for
that short u and that end with an s by letting that air keep moving out of
the mouth the tip of your tongue is either down or behind your teeth it is
not touching your teeth so let's put those all together jealous jealous
zealous zealous zealous jealous and zealous and for a sentence she was
jealous that he was so zealous give it a try I know people are going to notice
妒忌他這麼熱心 試試吧 我知道人們會注意到的
the difference if you found this helpful we'd love a like a share and subscribe
check out our products on Google Play iTunes and our classes at Tarle speech comm
在Google Play iTunes上查看我們的產品,以及我們在Tarle演講中心的課程。
thanks everyone take care