字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Sshh. Sshh. I'm the D in 'Wednesday'. 我是 "星期三 "的D。 I'm the B in DEBT. I'm busy being silent. 我是DEBIT的B。 我忙著沉默。 Today we're going over silent letters in English and some of the rules for them, and the many exceptions 今天我們就來介紹一下英語中的默寫字母,以及它們的一些規則,還有很多例外的情況。 that these rules have. 這些規則所具有的。 Stick with us, you're going to learn a lot about correct English pronunciation. 跟著我們,你會學到很多正確的英語發音。 What's up with all these silent letters? 這些沉默的信是怎麼回事? Let's just go through the alphabet. 我們還是先看一下字母表吧。 We'll start with A. 我們先從A說起。 A is silent in the suffix –ally. A在後綴-ally中是沉默的。 And it's tricky, because it looks like it should be a syllable, but it's not. 這很棘手,因為它看起來應該是一個音節,但它不是。 Logically. 從邏輯上來說。 Not Lo-gic-a-ly. Just logically. 不是Lo-gic-a-ly。 只是邏輯上。 Typically. Logically. Typically. Radically. 通常情況下。邏輯上。典型地。徹底地。 Every time you see –ally at the end of a word, is the A silent? No, sorry, that would be too simple. 每次看到單詞末尾的-ally,A是沉默的嗎? 不,對不起,那就太簡單了。 Vocally, is not vok-li. It is three syllables. 從聲音上看,不是伏裡。是三個音節。 Legally is not le-gli. 合法的是不勒格利。 It's three syllables. 這是三個音節。 So how to do you know by looking? Well, you don't. 那怎麼通過看就知道呢? 嗯,你不知道。 This is what truly makes American English hard. 這才是真正的美式英語難點。 But many other words with –ally at the ending have a silent A. 但其他很多結尾有-ally的詞都有默寫A。 B. B. Now there are some clearer rules here, thankfully. 現在這裡有了一些比較明確的規則,感謝。 We don't pronounce B after M. 我們不在M後面念B。 Climb, dumb, bomb, comb, thumb. 攀、啞、彈、梳、拇。 All of these end in the M sound. 這些都是以M音結尾的。 If I did pronounce the B, it would sound like this: climb. 如果我真的念B,聽起來會是這樣的:爬。 Climb. 攀登。 But that's not right, it's climb. 但這不對,是攀比。 Oh great! Every time you see M followed by B, the B in silent. 哦,太好了! 每次你看到M後面跟著B,B就沉默了。 No. That's not actually true. 不,其實不是這樣的。 As you get into longer words, you'll have to be a little more aware. 當你接觸到較長的文字時,你就得多加註意了。 For example, amber. 例如,琥珀。 The M is at the end of the first syllable, and the B is at the beginning of the second syllable. M在第一個音節的末尾,B在第二個音節的開頭。 We do pronounce both the M and the B. 我們是把M和B都念成了M。 Amber. Amber. Say that with me. Amber. 琥珀 琥珀。 跟我一起說 琥珀。 Amber is like a stone, but I don't think it actually is a stone, it's used a lot in jewelry. 琥珀就像一塊石頭,但我覺得它其實並不是石頭,它在珠寶上用得很多。 It's also a word to describe this color. 這也是一個詞來形容這個顏色。 It's also a name for women. 這也是一個女人的名字。 Amber. 琥珀 We also have ambivalent. 我們也有矛盾。 Ambassador. Akimbo. Arms akimbo is when your arms are like this, bent. Akimbo. 大使。 Akimbo. 手臂彎曲是指你的手臂像這樣,彎曲。Akimbo. These are all examples of B NOT silent after M because it's in a different syllable. 這些都是B在M後面不發聲的例子,因為它在不同的音節裡。 Ambivalent, ambassador, akimbo. 曖昧,大使,篤定。 There's another case where the B is silent, when it comes before a T. 還有一種情況,當B在T前出現時,B是沉默的。 Debt, subtle, doubt. 債,微妙,懷疑。 No B sound in any of these words. 這些詞中都沒有B音。 Debt, subtle, doubt. 債,微妙,懷疑。 What about this rule? Always? 這個規則呢? 總是這樣? Is a B before T always silent? No. In longer words, you'll find lots of exceptions. T前的B總是沉默的嗎? 不,在較長的單詞中,你會發現有很多例外。 For example a compound word, where the first word ends in B and the next word begins with T, like 'bobtail'. 例如一個複合詞,第一個詞以B結尾,下一個詞以T開頭,比如'bobtail'。 Bob, bob, bobtail. It's not ba-tail, bobtail. We do say that B. 鮑勃,鮑勃,鮑勃尾巴。 不是ba-tail,bobtail。 我們是說B。 Also with prefixes that end in B, like O-B and S-U-B. 也有以B結尾的前綴,如O-B和S-U-B。 Obtain. 獲得: B is not silent. Subtotal. B is not silent. B不是沉默。 小計。 B不沉默。 The Letter C. It's silent in the state name Connecticut. This middle C is silent, we don't say it at all. 字母C,在康涅狄格州這個州名裡是沒有聲音的。 這個中間的C是沉默的,我們根本不說。 Connecticut. It can be silent after S, like in 'muscle', 'scissors', 'scent, ' 'fascinating', or 'scene'. 康涅狄格州。 它可以在S後沉默,如 "肌肉"、"剪刀"、"氣味"、"迷人 "或 "場景"。 But it's not always silent like in 'scatter' or 'script'. 但它並不像 "散佈 "或 "腳本 "那樣總是沉默。 And sometimes it goes in a different direction and becomes an SH after S, like in 'conscience' or 'luscious'. 而有時會換個方向,在S後面變成SH,比如 "良心 "或 "luscious"。 You know, let's stop and think about this for a second. 你知道,讓我們停下來想一想這個問題。 Every “rule” we've studied, there's an exception. So why study the rule? 我們研究過的每一個 "規則",都有一個例外。 那為什麼要研究規則呢? What we're doing here is going over fairly common words with a silent letter. 我們在這裡做的是用一個沉默的字母來複習相當常見的單詞。 American English pronunciation is not generally rule-oriented, 美式英語的發音一般不講究規則。 so you do have to learn the pronunciation of words individually. 所以你確實要單獨學習單詞的發音。 But it is useful to be exposed to these general rules and these common words that have a silent letter. 但接觸到這些一般規則和這些常見的默字詞,還是很有用的。 So you can start learning them. 所以你可以開始學習它們。 I had a student once who lived in the US and he worked at a seafood restaurant. 我曾經有一個住在美國的學生,他在一家海鮮店工作。 And he didn't know that L in 'salmon' w as silent. 他不知道 "三文魚 "中的 "L "是無聲的。 How would he if he had never learned that or been taught that before? 如果他從來沒有學過,或者以前就被教過,他怎麼會這樣? So what we're doing here is exposing you to these silent letters, 所以我們在這裡做的就是讓你接觸到這些無聲的信件。 and also making sure you're aware that these rules are not absolute rules that can be applied in every situation. 同時也要確保你意識到這些規則不是絕對的規則,不能適用於任何情況。 Ok, let's get to D. We have Wednesday. 好吧,讓我們來看看D,我們有周三。 There's no rule here about why this D is silent, it just is in this word. 這裡沒有規定為什麼這個D是沉默的,只是在這個詞裡有。 It's also silent in 'handsome'. 在'帥'字上也是默默無聞。 In the word 'sandwich', if you looked that up in the dictionary, you WOULD see the D sound. 在 "三明治 "這個詞裡,如果你在字典裡查到這個詞,你會發現D音。 But it's actually never pronounced that way. So Wednesday, Handsome: the dictionary says no D. 但其實從來沒有這樣的發音。 所以週三,帥哥:字典上說沒有D。 But 'Sandwich', the dictionary does say D but it hasn't caught up with the actual habits of how we speak. 但是'三明治',字典上確實是說D,但是還沒有趕上我們說話的實際習慣。 It's not uncommon to drop the D after N. so that's what's happening in Sandwich. 在N後掉D的情況並不少見,所以桑梓的情況就是這樣。 Also, words with the silent D, grandma and grandpa. 另外,帶默寫D的字,奶奶和爺爺。 Now, with Sandwich, I talked about habit. 現在,對於三明治,我談到了習慣。 In the dictionary, it says there is a D sound but that's not our habit anymore. 在字典裡,說是有D音,但這已經不是我們的習慣了。 The thing about the D between two consonants is it's really common in our habit to drop that D. 關於兩個輔音之間的D,在我們的習慣中,丟掉這個D真的很常見。 To make it silent, even if that's not what the dictionary says. 要讓它無聲無息,即使這不是字典上說的。 This happens in words like sandpaper, soundproof, landmark, windmill. 這種情況發生在砂紙、隔音、地標、風車等詞語中。 We drop the D because it's between 2 other consonants. 我們去掉D是因為它在兩個輔音之間。 I've seen other teachers say the D is silent in a word like 'edge', 'bridge' or 'knowledge'. 我見過其他老師說D在 "緣"、"橋"、"識 "等詞中是沉默的。 Here's the thing. In the word 'edge' the consonant sound is the J sound which is written in IPA like this: 事情是這樣的。 在 "緣 "字中,輔音是J音,在IPA中是這樣寫的。 D, dd, plus ZH, zh, zh. So the J sound actually has a D in it. D、dd,加上ZH、zh、zh。所以J音中其實有D。 So I don't think I would say the D is silent in these words. The D is part of the J sound. 所以我覺得我不會說這些詞中的D是無聲的。 D是J音的一部分。 Ok, let's move on. 好了,我們繼續前進。 The letter E. 字母E。 I'm going to go over a rule for this one, the ending E. 我想說一下這個規則,結局E。 But first, take a look at this word. 但是,先來看看這個詞。 Au-di-ble. Au -di -ble. There's no vowel sound at the end of that word. 這個詞的最後沒有元音。 Where's the E sound? E音呢? This is a great time to talk about our sponsor for this video, Audible. 現在是一個很好的時間來談談我們這個視頻的贊助商,Audible。 And you know what I love about Audible? 你知道我喜歡Audible的什麼嗎? There are thousands of audiobooks recorded by native speakers speaking every word you hear. 這裡有成千上萬的有聲讀物,由母語人士錄製,說出你聽到的每一個字。 So they're going to be correctly pronounced, silent letters and all. 所以他們的發音要正確,無聲字母什麼的。 A great way to work on your English skills. 是鍛鍊英語能力的好方法。 Today, I want to highlight the great courses. 今天,我想重點介紹一下優秀的課程。 These courses cover topics from all sorts of disciplines. 這些課程涵蓋了各個學科的主題。 Math and Science, History, Business and Economics, and so on. 數理化、歷史、工商、經濟等。 today, I want to recommend a course on Conversation. 今天,我想給大家推薦一門《對話》的課程。 6 Lessons for Better Communication. 6堂課,讓你更好地溝通。 I know a lot of my students are concerned about speaking in English. 我知道很多同學都很關心英語口語的問題。 This course delivered in English by a Native speaker 本課程由母語為英語的人授課 will help you consider the bigger picture of conversation and communication. 將幫助你考慮對話和溝通的大局。 You can get this, your first Audiobook for FREE, plus 2 FREE Audible Originals when you try Audible for 30 days. 你可以得到這個,你的第一個有聲讀物免費,加上2個免費的Audible原版,當你嘗試Audible 30天。 Visit audible.com/RachelsEnglish or text rachelsenglish to 500 500. 訪問audible.com/RachelsEnglish或發短信rachelsenglish到500 500。 The Audible Originals that I mentioned are titles exclusive to Audible. 我提到的Audible原版是Audible獨家的書目。 You can't listen to them anywhere else. 你在其他地方都聽不到他們的聲音。 Created by celebrated story-tellers, covering a diverse range of topics. 由著名的講故事的人創作,涵蓋了不同的主題。 There are even some Audible Originals from the great courses category. 甚至還有一些優秀課程類的有聲原創。 Again that's audible.com/RachelsEnglish or text rachelsenglish to 500 500 in the US. 同樣是audible.com/RachelsEnglish或在美國發短信rachelsenglish到500 500。 Audible is just an outstanding resource for studying English. Audible就是一個學習英語的優秀資源。 There's an audiobook for everyone. 每個人都有一本有聲讀物。 Thank you Audible for sponsoring this video 感謝Audible贊助此視頻 and supporting the language learners here in the Rachel's English community. 並支持瑞秋英語社區的語言學習者。 Okay, now, let's get back to that rule. Silent ending E. 好了,現在,讓我們回到那個規則。 沉默的結局E。 This “rule” is taught quite a bit so you're probably already familiar with it. 這個 "規矩 "教得挺多的,所以你可能已經很熟悉了。 Quite a bit. The word 'quite'. 相當多。'相當'二字。 I'm not saying a sound for the letter E on the end of the word, am I? Quite. Quite. 我不會在單詞末尾給字母E說個音吧?是的是的 The word ends with the T sound. 這個詞以T音結尾。 Quite. 是的 But if I take away the E in that spelling, I have a different word. 但如果我去掉那個拼寫中的E,我就有了一個不同的詞。 Quit. 不幹了 So the ending E can affect the vowel before the final consonant. It makes it “longer”. 所以結尾E可以影響最後輔音前的元音。它使它 "更長"。 Quit, IH vowel, versus Quite, AI, AI diph thong, two sounds. Quit,IH元音,與Quite,AI,AI二音通,兩音。 Quite a bit. 脫掉它。 Now with 'bit', if I added an E at the end there, the word would be 'bite'. 現在的'bit',如果我在最後加一個E,這個詞就會變成'咬'。 Again, T is the final sound. The extra E doesn't add an extra sound at the end, 同樣,T是最後的聲音。 多出來的E並沒有在最後增加一個額外的聲音。 but it does change the vowel to a “longer” vowel sound. 但它確實把元音改成了 "較長 "的元音。 Bite, bit. 迪克,迪克。 This happens with a lot of words: hop, hope. 這種情況發生在很多詞上:希望,希望。 Dim, dime. Rob, robe. Rat, rate. Breath, breathe. 迪姆,一角錢。 搶,袍子 鼠,率。 呼吸,呼吸。 But note the word 'café', we do pronounce that ending E, even if it isn't written without the accent. 但請注意'咖啡館'這個詞,我們確實會把這個結尾的E讀出來,即使沒有寫出重音。 Café. 咖啡。 Also, a note about ED endings. 另外,關於ED結局的說明。 Regular verbs are written this way to show the past tense, 普通動詞這樣寫是為了顯示過去時。 and now there are clear pronunciation rules for these. 而現在這些都有了明確的發音規則。 If the unconjugated verb ends in T or D, then we do make a sound for the letter E in the ED ending, 如果未定語動詞以T或D結尾,那麼我們就為ED結尾的字母E發聲。 and we have an extra syllable. 我們有一個額外的音節。 Like, land, landed. 像,土地,落地。 But if the last letter of the unconjugated verb is any other letter, 但如果未定語動詞的最後一個字母是其他任何字母。 then we don't make a sound for the letter E in the ED ending, and we just add a D or T sound. 那麼我們在ED結尾處的字母E就不要發聲了,我們只需要加一個D或T的音。 For example, hum, hummed. Not hum-ed. Or 'pack', packed. Not pack-ed. 比如,哼,哼了。而不是哼-ed。 或 "包",打包。不是pack-ed。 I do have a video that goes over these rules for ED endings in a little bit more depth 我有一個視頻,去了這些規則的ED結束在一點點更深入的視頻 with a few more examples so click here if you're interested or see the link in the video description. 與一些更多的例子,所以點擊這裡,如果你有興趣或看到視頻描述中的鏈接。 The letter F. 字母F。 Ok this letter is almost never silent, but actually, 好吧這信幾乎從不沉默,但其實。 the Merriam-Webster dictionary does give the primary pronunciation of 'fifth' with a silent F in the middle. 梅里亞姆-韋伯斯特詞典確實給出了'第五'的主要發音,中間有一個沉默的F。 Fifth. That's how I say it, just the first F sound, IH vowel, and the TH at the end. 第五種。我就是這麼說的,只是第一個F音,IH元音,還有最後的TH。 “Fifth”. "第五"。 The letter G. 字母G。 This is silent when a word begins with 'GN'. 當一個詞以'GN'開頭時,該詞是無聲的。 Gnome, gnat. Gnaw. 侏儒,蚋。啃。 Also GN at the end of a word: design, sign, reign, foreign, assign, campaign. 也有GN在詞尾的:設計、標誌、統治、外國、分配、運動。 Also, 'GNE', like 'champagne', cologne. 另外,"GNE",像 "香檳"、古龍水。 You know, I did some looking, and I didn't see any exceptions to these rules. 你知道,我看了一下,我沒有看到這些規則有任何例外。 Wouldn't that be neat if we found a rule with no exceptions? 如果我們找到一個沒有例外的規則,那豈不是很整齊? Also the combination GH after a vowel or diphthong, silent G. 也就是元音或雙元音後的組合GH,沉默的G。 Daughter, bright, though. Thigh, weigh, dough, eight. 女兒,亮,雖然。髀,稱,團,八。 But there are some exceptions to this rule: cough, rough, tough. 但也有一些例外:咳嗽、粗糙、強硬。 There, GH does make a sound, it's the F sound. 有,GH確實會發出聲音,是F的聲音。 The letter H. 字母H。 There are some common words that begin with a silent H, like hour, honor, honest, herb. 有一些常見的詞是以沉默的H開頭的,比如小時,榮譽,誠實,香草。 But most words that begin with an H do have an H sound, like home, hope, happy. 但大多數以H開頭的詞確實有H音,比如家、希望、快樂。 Words that begin with WH. 以WH開頭的詞。 These words have two different pronunciations, but the most common one is definitely with a silent H. 這些詞有兩種不同的發音,但最常見的肯定是帶靜音的H。 Just a clean W sound: what, where, why, whistle. 只是一個乾淨的W音:什麼,在哪裡,為什麼,哨子。 Sometimes the CH combination makes a K sound, 有時CH組合會發出K的聲音。 which makes it feel like the H is silent, like in 'choir' or 'chaos' or 'echo'. 這讓人感覺H是沉默的,就像 "合唱團 "或 "混沌 "或 "回聲"。 When GH is at the beginning of a word, H is silent like in 'ghost' or 'ghetto'. 當GH在一個詞的開頭時,H是沉默的,比如 "鬼 "或 "貧民區"。 H is silent after R like in rhyme, rhythm, and rhubarb. H像在韻律、節奏、大黃中一樣,在R後沉默。 But this rule doesn't work in compound words where the sounds are in two separate syllables, like 'overheard' 但這一規則在複合詞中並不適用,因為這些詞的音是在兩個獨立的音節中,比如'overheard'。 or 'bearhug', or in the word 'perhaps'. 或曰'熊抱',或曰'或許'二字。 There, both sounds are pronounced. 在那裡,這兩個音都能讀出來。 Perhaps. 也許吧 Perhaps this is a good time to take a minute, take a break and let all this silence set in. 也許現在是一個很好的時間,花一分鐘,休息一下,讓這一切的沉寂。 The link to the second part of this two- part series is right here. 這兩個系列的第二部分的鏈接就在這裡。 But if you're seeing this video in it's first week, that video isn't ready yet, 但如果你在第一週就看到這個視頻,那視頻還沒準備好。 it's coming out on Tuesday of next week, so be here to see it. 下週二就會出來,所以要在這裡看到它。 If that's the case, I cannot recommend highly enough getting to know the International Phonetic Alphabet. 如果是這樣的話,我強烈建議你去了解國際音標。 Lots of dictionaries use it and it's your key to understanding the pronunciation of any word. 很多字典都在用它,它是你理解任何單詞發音的關鍵。 To knowing if any letters are silent. 到知道是否有信是沉默的。 I have put together a playlist where I go over the IPA symbols for each sound in American English 我已經把一個播放列表,在那裡我去了IPA符號的每一個聲音的美國英語 so you can really start to get comfortable with them. 這樣你才能真正開始適應它們。 Please do subscribe if you haven't already and make sure notifications are enabled, 如果您還沒有訂閱,請務必訂閱,並確保通知已啟用。 then come join me here every Tuesday 那就每週二來這裡和我一起 for we have a new video studying something interesting about American English pronunciation. 因為我們有一個新的視頻,研究一些有趣的美式英語發音。 I love teaching you English, thank you so much for being here and see you next week. 我很喜歡教你們英語,非常感謝你們的到來,下週見。
B1 中級 中文 沉默 規則 字母 英語 音節 結尾 SILENT LETTERS with RULES | 英語口語,發音,和詞彙,美國英語。 (SILENT LETTERS with RULES | English Speaking, Pronunciation, & Vocabulary, American English) 20 1 Summer 發佈於 2020 年 09 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字