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  • [Reporter: Eli Glasner] Call it a bop or a jam.

  • What dynamite is is a record breaker.

  • Smashing the record for the most youtube views in 24 hours

  • before making that debut at the top of the Billboard's Hot 100 chart.

  • A first for a South Korean band.

  • I personally really enjoyed it.

  • I'm still waiting to cover it myself.

  • [Reporter] This fan makes her own K=pop parody videos.

  • She says dynamite is already creating converts.

  • I played it for my non-K-pop friends

  • and they're like oh wow what song is this?

  • It's so catchy and I'm gonna go search it up.

  • And one of my friends couldn't stop watching the music video

  • and she's a non-fan.

  • This music writer says it's all part of the BTS' blueprint for success.

  • Before the track was even released it put a 10 second teaser

  • and there was already like a dance challenge on Tik Tok about Dynamite

  • and people kind of like speculating the choreography Dynamite.

  • It's s just the latest smash for the Korean super group

  • who've sold over 20 million physical albums in seven years.

  • Lainey Lui is a BTS believer.

  • She credits the fan base but also savvy planning.

  • Very few artists released this much new music in one year

  • but they took advantage of Dynamite.

  • The fact that they had never released an all-English song.

  • They felt like the world needed a positive song right now.

  • She admits having a little trepidation about them singing in English

  • but not after she heard it.

  • They're singing in accents,.

  • They're singing in not whatever perfect sounding English is supposed to look like.

  • That is not the Queen's English.

  • For me personally I'm not Korean, I'm Chinese.

  • My parents speak with accents so it's so relatable on that level.

  • But it's so meaningful and powerful on that level.

  • Power to change the very sound of pop music itself.

  • Eli Glasner, CBC News, Toronto.

[Reporter: Eli Glasner] Call it a bop or a jam.


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B1 中級 美國腔

BTS創造Billboard新歷史(K-pop明星BTS創造Billboard歷史)。 (BTS、ビルボードに新たな歴史を刻む(K-pop stars BTS make Billboard history))

  • 116 8
    たらこ 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日