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  • On January 3rd, the United States launched a drone strike near the Baghdad International


  • airport in Iraq.


  • It killed several Iraqi and Iranian military officials, including Iran's top commander

    數名伊拉克、伊朗軍官遭到擊殺 其中包括伊朗的最高將領

  • named Qassem Soleimani.

    他名叫蘇雷曼尼(Qassem Soleimani)

  • Moments later, Iran's Supreme leader declared Soleimani a martyr and threatenedsevere

    伊朗最高領袖隨後將蘇雷曼尼 封為殉道者

  • revengeagainst the US.


  • Over the next few days, hundreds of thousands


  • of Iranians came out to mourn Soleimani's death.


  • But Iran wasn't the only place where people took to the streets...

    但哀悼蘇雷曼尼的群眾 不只出現在伊朗國內

  • There were demonstrations in


  • Iraq.


  • Syria.


  • Lebanon.


  • And Yemen.


  • These are some of the countries where Soleimani commanded a network of powerful militias;

    這些國家境內,都有蘇雷曼尼過去領導的武裝組織 形成強大的跨境網路

  • which gave him and Iran extraordinary influence across the region.


  • This network made him one of the most important people in Iran.


  • It's also what got him killed.


  • So how did Soleimani expand Iran's influence?


  • And what happens to these militias after his death?

    蘇雷曼尼身亡後, 這些武裝組織的未來又會如何?

  • It all began with Iran's Islamic revolution.


  • In 1979, a cleric named Ayatollah Khomeini led a popular movement that toppled Iran's

    1979年,一名叫何梅尼(Ayatollah Khomeini) 的神職人員領導了一場群眾運動

  • monarch and established the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    推翻了當時的伊朗沙王、 建立起「伊朗伊斯蘭共和國」

  • This new regime wanted to export their revolution and that threatened countries all over the

    新政權希望將革命推廣到境外, 於是威脅到周邊各國

  • Middle East.


  • Iran was also the first Shia government that billed itself as the preeminent leader of

    伊朗也是自許穆斯林世界領頭羊 的政權當中

  • the Muslim world.


  • That especially threatened Iran's sunni-dominated neighbors


  • The first one to act was Iraq.


  • In 1980, dictator Saddam Hussein sent his army to invade Iran.

    1980年,獨裁者海珊(Saddam Hussein) 出兵入侵伊朗

  • Other countries that felt threatened by Iran supported him.


  • The US sent some weapons to Iran, but mainly supported Iraq throughout the war, hoping

    美國雖然提供一些武器給伊朗, 但美方在戰爭中主要支持的是伊拉克

  • to keep Iran's ambitions in check.


  • The war carried on for 8 years and nearly a million died.

    這場戰爭持續約8年之久, 造成近100萬人喪生

  • During that time, Iran was devastated and surrounded by enemies.


  • So, it devised a strategy to spread its ideology and fight its enemies covertly at the same

    伊朗於是發展出一套可以同時 散布思想、對抗敵人的手段

  • time.

    但首先,伊朗需要成立一支部隊 赴境外尋找協力者

  • But first it needed a security force to find groups to partner with outside of Iran's

    因此在1980年代,伊朗集結了菁英士兵與情報員, 成立「聖城軍」(Quds Force)

  • borders.

    收歸伊朗「伊斯蘭革命衛隊」 (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps)旗下

  • So in the 80s, it put together an elite unit of soldiers and spies, called the Quds Force.


  • They became a part of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the military that

    接著,在黎巴嫩發生的亂局 正好給了他們發揮的機會

  • answered directly to Iran's Supreme Leader.


  • Next, it needed an opportunity to unleash this forceand it found one in Lebanon.

    雖然美國派出了維和部隊, 但戰亂仍然蔓延到以色列

  • In the 1970s a civil war was raging in Lebanon.


  • The US had sent troops as peacekeepers but violence was spilling over into Israel.


  • So in 1982, Israel invaded Lebanon.

    部分黎國民兵組織是什葉派教士所領導, 與伊朗的信仰有所連結

  • Several Lebanese militias fought back.

    伊朗於是趁機對他們提供武力、 大量金援與武器協助反擊

  • Some of these militias were led by Shia clerics, who had ideological ties to Iran.

    這些什葉派民兵組織最後合而為一, 成為強大的「真主黨」(Hezbollah)集團

  • So Iran sent forces, millions of dollars, and tons of weapons to back their fight.

    真主黨攻擊入侵黎巴嫩的以軍, 並以飛彈跨境回敬以色列

  • They eventually merged into one powerful Shia militia called Hezbollah.

    真主黨甚至對美國使館、駐軍發動炸襲, 導致304人喪生

  • They attacked Israeli soldiers in Lebanon and launched rockets over the border into Israel.


  • Hezbollah even bombed the US embassy and barracks killing 304 people.

    美軍在1984年撤出黎巴嫩, 以色列則在2000年退出

  • Eventually, Hezbollah succeeded.


  • The US troops left Lebanon in 1984 and Israel pulled out in 2000.

    伊朗把真主黨扶植成可靠的側翼戰力 對抗以色列與美國

  • Iran's dual strategy had worked.


  • It turned Hezbollah into a reliable proxy that could fight Israel and even the US on


  • its behalf, without inciting conflict on its own borders.

    此後聖城軍便如法炮製, 在巴勒斯坦、伊拉克扶持側翼民兵組織

  • Iran had also found an effective way to export its ideology in Lebanon.

    正當聖城軍逐步奠基時, 伊朗軍中有個梟雄正趁勢而起

  • So Iran's Quds Force started supporting proxy militias in Palestine and Iraq.

    1998年,蘇雷曼尼接掌了聖城軍 此後他在幾年之內

  • As it built the foundation for a network, a charismatic soldier worked his way up the ranks...


  • In 1998, Qassem Soleimani took command of the Quds Force and within a few years he had

    2003年,美國入侵伊拉克, 推翻海珊的遜尼派政權

  • an opportunity to firmly establish Iran's influence in Iraq.

    這使伊拉克出現權力真空, 讓什葉派組織快速趁虛而入

  • In 2003, the US invaded and toppled Saddam Hussein and his Sunni-dominated regime.

    蘇雷曼尼藉機支持當地什葉派民兵, 發展關係網路

  • This created a power vacuum in Iraq which was quickly filled by Shias.


  • Solemani used this opportunity to continue to back Shia militias here; growing his network

    這成為伊拉克顛簸地歷史中 極為慘烈的一段時期

  • into a powerful force that fought against the US and other Iraqis.

    成千上萬平民無辜喪生, 遭蘇雷曼尼扶持的伊拉克民兵所害

  • It became one of the most violent periods in Iraq's troubled history.

    不過在最後,一個什葉派的政府 取得伊拉克的統治權

  • Thousands of civilians died, many at the hands of Soleimani's Iraqi militias.

    蘇雷曼尼則找到另一個機會 在伊拉克擴張伊朗的勢力

  • But eventually, a Shia-dominated government took control of Iraq.


  • Soleimani had managed to solidify Iran's influence in Iraq when another opportunity


  • arose, this time, in Syria.

    反政府勢力企圖推翻獨裁者 阿塞德(Bashar al-Assad)的統治

  • in Syria In 2011, protests in Syria turned into a civil

    此時,蘇雷曼尼策動一批側翼民兵 去支援阿塞德

  • war, which threatened to overthrow dictator Bashar al-Assad.

    受號召的包括黎巴嫩的真主黨、 伊拉克什葉派民兵、甚至伊朗軍人

  • Suleimani orchestrated a network of proxies to work together to defend Assad.

    蘇雷曼尼催生了兩個新的民兵組織, 成員來自阿富汗、巴基斯坦

  • He called in Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon, Shia-militias from Iraq, and even soldiers

    他們全都與敘利亞政府軍合作, 要守護阿塞德政權

  • from Iran.

    敘利亞內戰因而越演越烈, 最後導致多為平民的50多萬人喪生

  • He also created two new militias with Afghan and Pakistani fighters.


  • All these groups fought alongside the Syrian Army to keep Assad in power.


  • This intensified a war that eventually killed more than 500,000 people, mostly civilians

    蘇雷曼尼成功的將各地的區域衝突 化為有利伊朗的契機

  • and displaced more than 11 million.


  • But Assad survived.


  • Soleimani was successfully exploiting conflicts to advance Iran's interests across the region.


  • And it was making him a very popular figure in Iran.

    後來「伊斯蘭國」(ISIS)在伊拉克挑起戰火, 蘇雷曼尼又號召旗下民兵網路守護伊拉克

  • He became arguably the second most important person in the country.


  • More conflicts gave Iran more opportunities.

    蘇雷曼尼藉此蓄積極大影響力, 並持續操控伊拉克內的什葉派民兵組織

  • When ISIS sparked another war in Iraq, Suleimani again called on his network to defend Iraq


  • and keep ISIS away from Iran.

    當葉門爆發內戰, 伊朗又在當地支援一個反政府組織

  • By now, he had unprecedented influence and continued to command the Shia militias in

    如今,伊朗不再受敵軍環繞, 而是反過頭來包圍敵國

  • Iraq directly even after they were officially folded into Iraq's military.


  • When a civil war erupted in Yemen, Iran threw its support behind a rebel group.


  • Now instead of being surrounded by enemies, Iran had them surrounded.


  • Suleimani empowered a vast array of militias across the Middle East...


  • Many of them are excessively violent, and have killed thousands.

    例如,黎巴嫩的真主黨與伊拉克民兵組織 都遭到當地國人的抗議

  • Many are designated terrorist organizations by the US and EU.


  • And many are corrupt.

    但對伊朗和支持者來說, 蘇雷曼尼是國民英雄

  • Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iraqi shia militias, for instance, are the targets of mass protests


  • in those countries.


  • And they're putting down the protests with more violence.


  • But to Iran and its supporters, Suleimani's a hero.

    這就是為什麼在蘇雷曼尼死後 就立刻被封為殉道者

  • He helped build a web of militias that not only keeps Iran's enemies in check

    伊朗最高領袖並宣布 蘇雷曼尼的志業將持續下去

  • But also provides a pipeline for the Islamic ideology that Iran wanted to see in the far

    畢竟雖然頭領不在了, 他留下的武裝組織網仍依然存在著

  • corners of the Middle East.

  • It's why Iran's Supreme Leader immediately called Soleimani a martyr and also declared

  • that his efforts and path won't be stopped after his killing.

  • Even though its commander is gone, the network remains intact.

On January 3rd, the United States launched a drone strike near the Baghdad International



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