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Vanessa: Hi.
I'm Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.
Are you hungry?
I hope so.
Let's talk about it.
A couple months ago, I made this video talking about 120 kitchen items, and I showed you
my kitchen.
A lot of you asked, "Can you make a cooking video?"
I thought this might not be that interesting, but I know a way to make it a little bit more
I wanted to combine this with another video that I've been wanting to make for a while,
which is how to talk to kids in English.
So, if you have kids and you would like to speak with them in English, I hope you'll
enjoy this lesson because I'm going to be making these muffins.
These are some broccoli cornbread muffins from this toddler cookbook.
I just got this cookbook and we've made a lot of stuff from it already.
I love cooking with Theo.
It's my two-year-old.
It's fun to make things with him, see how he focuses on the tasks.
It's just a bonding moment, and we're also doing something useful.
We're making food.
So, we're going to be making these things today, and I'm also going to be talking about
what we're doing, so even if you don't have kids, I hope that you'll be able to learn
some cooking expressions, things that we're doing.
You'll see some of the items.
This is not a professional cooking show, so I am quite unorganized.
All of the ingredients are all around the kitchen.
Yes, so there's a lot going on, but I hope that you'll enjoy it.
If you would like to make this, feel free to ... You can check out the link.
I'll put an Amazon link in the description if you want to make the same muffins that
we're making.
They're not sweet.
They're kind of a savory cornbread broccoli muffin.
You're going to also see my two-year-old using a knife in this video.
Don't worry.
These knives are toddler knives, so they cut pretty well.
But because they're made of silicon, it's like a type of plastic, and they're serrated,
so they have those little ridges on them, they cut pretty well but they don't cut fingers.
If you cut yourself with it, you feel it a little bit, but it never breaks your skin.
It's a great thing for a child.
So, you'll see him using that, but never fear.
He's fine.
He's used them a lot, and he loves cutting things.
That's his dream come true.
He wakes up in the morning and wants to chop things.
All right, let's get into our cooking video.
I hope that you'll enjoy the process.
I hope that you'll enjoy some of the things that ... some of the expressions that you
My child, Theo, doesn't say that much during this video because he is so focused.
He wants to stir.
He wants to chop.
He is very focused, but I hope you'll still be able to have some good language that you
can use as well in your daily life.
All right, let's get cooking.
Theo: You all done?
Vanessa: I am all done, but do you know what we need to do?
We need to get all of the ingredients ready.
Theo: You get it for me and put it in.
Vanessa: Let's see.
Okay, we got to open to the right page.
It's page 90.
There it is.
This is the ingredient page.
It says we need broccoli.
Do we have broccoli out here?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: We do?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: Not yet?
So, I got to get broccoli, milk, apple cider vinegar, cornmeal.
All right, let's get the broccoli.
Theo: I'm gonna put in the broccoli!
Vanessa: Okay.
Can you put that on the counter?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
We have cornmeal.
Can you put this on the counter, too?
There we go.
Oh, what else did it say?
We need milk.
We got milk.
I'm going to take this with me while I look for the ingredients.
We need apple cider vinegar, which is up here.
Theo: I'm going to open that.
Vanessa: We need some flour.
Theo: I need to open that broccoli.
Vanessa: You need to open that broccoli?
Theo: We need the cutting board.
Vanessa: We do need the cutting board.
You're right.
Theo: What's that?
Vanessa: That's apple cider vinegar, but I'm going to put this over here because it's a
glass container.
We need some baking powder.
Theo: Isn't that a glass container?
Vanessa: Baking soda.
Theo: Isn't that a glass container, too?
Vanessa: That's not a glass container.
That's probably made of paper or cardboard.
All right, we got those things.
Theo: You think I cannot open that?
Vanessa: Is that a little bit tough to open?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Yeah, that's because we haven't opened it yet.
It's new, so I probably should do it.
All right, we're going to need some butter.
Theo: Why do we need cow milk in there?
Vanessa: Why do we need cow's milk in there?
Because that's part of the ingredients.
It's going to make it tasty.
We need some eggs.
Wow, there's a lot of ingredients for this.
Do you think we're going to be able to do this?
Theo: Rubber.
Vanessa: And we need some cheese.
Theo: I found a rubber band.
Vanessa: You found a rubber band?
Yeah, that rubber band is keeping the corn ... Oh, where did it go?
It's keeping the cornmeal in, so I'm going to put this over here.
That could be a big mess.
All right, I think we have everything.
Are you ready to get started?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
Let's take a look at the first ingredient.
The first thing, first instruction, says, "Preheat the oven," so we have to preheat
the oven to 375.
Is that something you do or I do?
Theo: Me do.
Vanessa: You do that?
I think that's something that I do.
I'm going to preheat the oven.
Okay, so that's going to be starting.
"Fill muffin tins with paper cupcake liners."
Well, we're not going to do that, but we can use our muffin tins.
All right.
The next thing says, "Ask Theo if he wants to cut the broccoli."
Do you want to cut the broccoli?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay, so I'm going to help you do that.
Let's put- Theo: Why are you going to-
Vanessa: ... the cutting board- Theo: Why are you going to help me?
Vanessa: Because the broccoli's a little bit hard, so we have to use an important tool
first- Theo: Are we going to-
Vanessa: ... your hands.
Let's open this up.
Can you help me rip it?
Here you go.
Theo: We'll take off the rubber band.
Vanessa: Good idea.
Can you get that?
Pull that off.
All right.
Let's leave the rubber band here.
I'm going to put the cutting board ... Actually, I'm going to move your chair-
Theo: Why?
Vanessa: ... this way, a little bit closer- Theo: Why?
Vanessa: ... to the cutting board.
We have your special kid-safe knives.
All right, I'm going to take off some of these pieces.
Do you know what I need you to do?
This one is a little bit more tough to cut.
I need you to ... Yeah.
Oh, good.
Cut it like that.
Cut it like a saw, like you're sawing a tree.
Is that okay?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Nice.
All right.
Those knives, it's almost impossible to cut your fingers, so we are all good.
I'm going to break off the little stalks, and you can cut them for me.
Wow, that one went flying.
All right, this is the stalk, Theo, this part.
This is the stalk.
We don't need that part for the muffins, so we're going to put that part on the plastic
bag, but these parts we're going to keep.
All right.
Keep cutting them.
Oh, nice.
You know what that's called?
That's called a chop, top chop, because you're putting your hand up here to chop it.
All right, so we need about three-fourths of a cup of broccoli.
That's probably about three-fourths of a cup if you cut all of this.
Do you think you can keep cutting it?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: All right.
Keep cutting.
I'm going to get our measuring cups.
Let's see what we need here.
We need milk and vinegar together.
Oh, we don't have a bowl.
Do you remember where we keep our bowls?
They're up high?
I'm going to get one.
Let's use this bowl.
It says, "Pour the milk and apple cider vinegar together."
I bet that that is going to curdle.
What do you think?
Theo: Do you think the big cup's going to put that in?
Vanessa: Oh, we're probably going to put the broccoli in there in a little bit, but let's
cut a little bit more first.
So, this is the one that you finished down here?
Let's see.
We have to fill up this cup.
Can you fill up this cup with broccoli?
Theo: No, I'm going to do it.
Vanessa: All right.
We need some little pieces, like these little pieces.
That's great.
Let's cut this big piece one more time.
All right.
It says, "Finely chop it."
Probably going to need some really small pieces.
Don't worry.
These knives are very safe.
You're good at using that knife, bud.
All right.
I'm going to rip this up into little shreds.
Good work.
Theo: Do you think that one a little bit hard?
Vanessa: It is a little bit hard.
Is it too hard for you?
Do you need some help?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
Theo: I couldn't.
Vanessa: Okay.
Why don't you cut these little ones here and I'll cut this big one with my hands?
I'll break it up.
Theo: Why?
Why you not cut it?
Vanessa: Well, I think I can use my hands probably just as effectively.
There you go.
You want to put that one in the measuring cup?
I think we probably have just enough broccoli, and we'll save this broccoli for another time.
Oh, I think that's probably all we need.
We probably don't need that one unless you really want to cut it.
You want to put that in here?
Thank you.
Can you put those little pieces in there?
Right here?
Can you put those little pieces inside the cup?
Good work.
Let's set that aside.
We're going to set that right there while we wait for the other ingredients to be finished.
I'm going to clean off this cutting board.
Theo: You think we have one more cups?
Vanessa: We do have more cups, and we're going to need to use them, too.
So, let me put the cutting board back down.
Can you lift that up?
All right.
The next ingredient, it says we need to pour the milk and the vinegar together, so can
you hold a cup really carefully?
Let's see.
What does that measurement say?
This says half a cup.
Let's see.
How much milk do we need?
We need one cup.
Do you think you can use a one cup?
We need to use the big one.
All right.
We need to use this milk, so let's open it up.
Hold it really carefully on top of the bowl.
All right.
Pour it in.
Good work.
All right, now we need to put a tablespoon, so not very much.
Let's use this tablespoon.
Can you hold that.
We need to put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
What do you think is going to happen?
I think the milk is going to look really funny.
It's probably going to curdle because this is an acid.
Can you hold it over the bowl?
There you go, so hold it carefully.
Pour it in.
All right.
It says we need to just do that and set it aside for five minutes, so let's set this
over here for five minutes.
Oh, yeah, let's just leave that cup there.
All right, time to turn the page.
Are you ready?
Measure cornmeal, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl.
Okay, we need our large bowl.
Are you ready for that?
We're not going to put the broccoli in yet.
We got to mix the other things first.
We need our cornmeal.
So, let's see how much cornmeal we need.
One cup.
Can you use a big cup?
There you go.
Hold it over the bowl.
Okay, dump it in.
Let's see how much flour we need.
We need one cup flour.
Good news, we probably have one cup flour.
Can you hold that cup again?
Okay, dump it in.
Good work.
Okay, now we need baking powder and baking soda.
That's probably really small increments.
Oh, yeah.
So, you're going to need to use this one.
It says we need one and a half teaspoons baking powder.
I always mess this up, so we're going to do it well this time.
One and a half teaspoons.
What I want you to do is I want you to dip it in here like that, good, and then we're
going to slide it.
Okay, dump it in.
Good work.
Now we're going to use a half one, so we're just going to kind of put the half of one
in there.
Dump it in.
Good work.
Now we need to use the baking powder, or baking soda.
It says just a half a teaspoon, so we're going to use half of that.
If we put too much of this in, Theo, it's going to be really yucky, so let's be careful
how much we put in.
Theo: No, I'm going to get it.
Vanessa: Okay.
Can you dump that in?
Good work.
Yeah, those are really tricky ingredients.
Okay, we need some salt.
You love salt.
Let's put some salt in.
How much salt?
Theo: I want to put salt in there.
Vanessa: Yeah.
Can you give me that teaspoon right there?
We got to use that teaspoon.
You can dump it in.
You need the little one.
That's the teaspoon.
There we go.
Okay, hold it over the bowl.
All right.
Dump it in.
Good work.
Next, it says ... Oh, we need to mix them together, so I'm going to get you a special
tool called a whisk.
Are you ready to use it?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay.
Theo: Where?
Vanessa: All right.
This is the whisk.
Can I show you how to use it?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: No?
You think you know?
Let me see how you use it.
Make sure that the whisk touches the bottom of the bowl all the time.
There you go.
That way the ingredients don't fly out of the bowl because these are all dry and powdery.
Theo: You think it's all done?
Vanessa: You think you can do it a couple more times?
Okay, let's see.
While you're doing that, I'm going to read what happens next.
In another bowl, mix the butter, eggs, and honey.
Wow, how many bowls do they think we have?
So, it wants us to add this mixture, so what I'm going to do-
Theo: I dump it in.
Vanessa: Dump it in, you're right, but we're not going to dump it in quite yet.
I'm going to put this in another bowl, and we're going to melt our butter because it
says we have to melt the butter first, but I did not do that.
So, we're going to take a little pause.
I'm going to melt the butter.
Oh, that's fine.
I thought that was baking soda.
Yeah, you can put all of this in there if you want.
You want to work on that while I melt the butter?
All right.
Let's do it.
Theo: That?
Vanessa: We're going to put that in in just a moment, but first we have to mix these wet
ingredients together.
Theo: Do you think it's time to cut it again?
Vanessa: Is it time to cut again?
I think we already finished all the cutting because you cut that broccoli.
You like cutting?
Theo: Using the broccoli is next.
Vanessa: I don't think the broccoli is next, but it's coming soon.
If you leave it over there, it'll be all ready soon.
We need to get the eggs and the honey.
Do you think you could help me with the eggs?
Let's see how this is doing, if it is ready.
See that butter?
I melted it in the microwave.
Theo: Then you put it in there.
Vanessa: Yeah.
We're going to actually put the other ingredients in this little bowl.
Theo: Do you think we're going to use the broccoli next?
Vanessa: Not next.
It's really close, though.
Next, we're going to put in the eggs.
Can you help me with the eggs?
The eggs are a little bit fragile, so we have to be careful with them.
We need two eggs, so let's open our egg carton.
Theo: No, I'm going to open the egg carton.
Vanessa: All right.
I want you to put your hand on mine like this, yeah, and we're going to crack it together.
One, two, three.
All right, and open it.
You helped me crack it.
We have to do one more.
Okay, can you put your hand on mine?
I want you to put your hand on the top of my hand.
There you go.
We're going to smash it.
Three, two, one.
Oh, do you know what that timer means?
What's that beep?
Is it ready?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: It means that the oven is hot and we can put all of our stuff in there when
we're all done.
All right, it said we need to put the eggs and the honey.
Let's find the honey.
Two tablespoons honey.
Well, I don't want to measure that, so we're just going to pour that in.
Do you want to tell me when it's enough?
Theo: And try some.
Vanessa: Is that about enough?
Theo: And try some.
Vanessa: You want to try some of this honey?
Here, why don't you try it from my finger?
Ooh, how does that taste?
Theo: Good.
Vanessa: Good?
Yeah, honey is really good.
These are savory muffins, but they're still going to have a little bit of sweetness in
Okay, I'm going to mix this up.
Theo: I'm going to mix it with my thing.
Vanessa: With your whisk?
When we put all of this together, then you can help me mix it.
We're almost there.
Almost there.
Okay, "Add the milk and whisk."
Okay, this is the part where you can help.
We're going to pour this into here, and then do you think you can mix all of these wet
ingredients together?
All right, now it's your turn.
Good, and mix them gently so that they don't fly out of the bowl.
Theo: Isn't this all done?
Vanessa: It's almost done.
Can I do it a little bit or are you still going?
Theo: You do it.
Vanessa: Okay.
You want to put your hand on mine and we can do it together?
The next instruction says that we need to take this out.
Can you put that on the counter?
We need to pour it into the dry mixture.
That's all of our dry ingredients, so we're going to get our spatula.
This is a very prepared cooking show.
We're going to pour the liquid into the dry and mix together.
I'm going to pour this in.
Do you think you can mix in here?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
There we go.
Here, let's try to get all the last little bits out.
Can you scrape in there a little bit?
Okay, let's scrape it out.
Good work.
Okay, now let's mix.
Oh, is that kind of hard?
You got it.
Good work.
Theo: Isn't this all done?
Vanessa: It's almost all done.
Oh, there's some bubbles forming.
That's good.
I bet that that's the vinegar that's kind of reacting with all the other ingredients.
Good, good.
I'm going to mix it a little bit, and then you can put the broccoli in, but I'm going
to mix it a little bit first.
Okay, can you get the broccoli ready?
This is your chance.
Are you ready?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
Dump it in.
Okay, can you mix the broccoli in?
Maybe you can mix that up.
Oh, we need to put some shredded cheese in, which I am also not prepared for.
All right.
Get the grater.
Get the cheddar cheese.
Okay, we also need to put some cheese in here.
How much cheese does it say?
Fourth of a cup?
All right, I'm going to put some of this in there, and can you help me keep mixing?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
Let's grate it in there.
Should I put a little bit more or should I stop?
Theo: Stop.
Vanessa: I should stop?
Theo: I made a little hole.
Vanessa: Nice.
Can you mix all of that together, the cheese, the broccoli, and the ingredients for the
Theo: Isn't the muffins almost ready?
Vanessa: Is that your favorite question?
"Is it almost ready?"
Yeah, they're almost ready.
That was one of the last steps.
Can I mix it a little bit when you're finished?
Theo: No, you mix it.
Vanessa: You mean mix it now?
All right.
Let's mix it all together.
Theo: You think we can, we should cut?
Vanessa: We cut?
You want to keep cutting stuff?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Oh, I know.
Well, we have a lot more food in the fridge, so maybe you can cut some more for lunch and
for dinner.
You want to be our official chopper?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
Let's just make sure that we used all the ingredients.
Looks good.
Okay, now comes kind of a messy part.
Are you ready?
Let's put all the cups away, and we're going to bring the muffin tins over.
Let's see.
Do you have a spoon?
I don't think you have a spoon.
Why don't you use this spoon?
We're going to put this mixture ... Here, I'll do it like this ... into the muffin tins.
It says to fill it three-quarters full.
There you go.
Good work.
Okay, can you fill another one?
That's a good amount for that one.
I'm going to get a spoon too and help.
If you use your fingers a little bit, that's okay.
I wonder how these are going to taste.
We've never made these before.
Oh, why are you wiping it on your shirt?
Theo: Because I don't want it.
Vanessa: Oh, you don't want it in the tin?
You want me to give you a little towel?
Why don't you use this towel instead?
There you go.
If there's some on your shirt, that's okay.
That's kind of effects of cooking.
Let's put some in another, in another hole.
Can you put some in that muffin tin?
Because we want to make a lot of muffins so that we can eat these for a long time, or
at least today.
There you go.
I like how focused you are when you do this.
Two-year-olds are not often focused, but when it's something they want to do, they can focus.
Thank you.
I'm going to put a little bit more in these.
You think you can fill them up a little bit more, too?
Theo: I'm all done.
Vanessa: You're all done?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: All right.
I'm going to use the rest of this batter so that we don't waste it.
Do you think your baby brother's going to like these muffins?
Are you going to give some to him?
All right.
It's almost finished.
We used almost all of the batter.
Good work.
Which one are you going to put that one in?
Theo: That one.
Vanessa: That one?
All right.
I'm just going to top these ones off, and that's all of the batter.
Which one should I put this in?
Theo: That one.
Vanessa: That one?
That one looks a little bit lonely?
It needs some more?
All right.
So, the last step is I'm going to try to kind of clean off the top so those parts don't
burn too badly.
Theo: I'm going to mix it?
Vanessa: We already mixed it, so we're done mixing.
Where do we put this now?
Theo: I'm going to- Vanessa: Where can-
Theo: ... cut the dinner stuff.
Vanessa: You're going to cut the dinner stuff?
You're ready to cut for dinner already?
Where can we put this, Theo?
Where's a good place for this?
Theo: There.
Vanessa: Over there?
It's going to bake over there?
Where can this bake?
Theo: In there.
Vanessa: In there?
In the oven?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Yeah?
I'm going to put it in the oven.
It says we need to set the timer.
Theo: And cut the dinner stuff.
Vanessa: You're ready to cut the dinner stuff?
Here, why don't you keep cutting this broccoli?
That's a great idea.
Let's move some of this dough.
Go at it, my boy.
Go at it.
All right, we're going to put this in here.
Actually, I'm going to put this on a cookie tray because it's a little bit flimsy.
I'm going to put this in here for, let's use this timer, for 15 minutes.
Huh, that's not very long at all.
All right, and that's it.
Wow, we just have to wait 15 minutes and then it's all done.
What happened?
Did you cut yourself a little bit?
Oh, you cut yourself a little bit with that knife.
Do you need a kiss?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: No?
It's okay?
There's no blood.
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: It's okay.
All right.
What should we do while we wait for the muffins to finish?
Theo: Play LEGOs.
Vanessa: Play LEGOs?
All right.
Let's wash your hands off.
I'm going to pull the chair over to the table so you can wash your hands off.
Come on over here.
Wash your hands and then you can go play LEGOs, and I'm going to put all this stuff away.
Great work.
You got broccoli in your hair.
All right.
We got to check on our muffins.
Let's see what it said.
It gave some instructions for how to know when they're finished.
It said until you can insert a toothpick into the center and it comes out clean.
Well, we don't have a toothpick, so we're going to have to use the next best thing,
which is- Theo: What's a toothpick?
Vanessa: ... a chopstick.
Okay, I'm going to do something.
This is going to be really hot, so we're going to put aside your apples.
Theo has been busy cutting all of these apples.
I'm going to give you that chopstick, Theo.
Watch, I'm going to put the muffins right here, but it's going to be pretty hot, so
I want you to stand back a little bit.
Can you do that?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay.
All right.
Here's the hot pad.
We're going to set them right there.
I'm going to use this hot pad to get them out.
Theo: Is it all done?
Vanessa: Let's see.
I'm going to bring this over.
Okay, step back.
Thank you.
I want to make sure you don't touch it.
All right.
I want you to help me, but I'm going to hold you so that you don't get hurt.
Can you step a little bit closer?
Okay, we're going to put this inside here.
Let's see if it comes out clean.
Oh, it still has a little bit on it.
Let's try another one.
Oh, that one still has some dough on it.
That means it's not finished yet, so we can put that chopstick right here.
Okay, can you step back?
All right.
I'm going to put it back in the oven for a couple minutes, and then it will hopefully
be finished.
Theo: You think it's all done?
Vanessa: Do I think it's all done yet?
Theo: And see it with the light.
Vanessa: You want to see it with the light?
Should I turn on the oven light for you?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay.
Can you see down there?
There's a little light.
Can I try some of your apple?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: You cut this apple really well into lots of little shreds.
Is that a piece I can have?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay.
Thank you.
Theo: Now I have two knives.
Vanessa: You do have two knives.
What are you going to do with them?
Oh, you can't chop with two at the same time.
Whenever you use these knives, you have to be really careful, so it's good to use only
one at a time.
Which one do you want to use first?
Theo: That one.
Vanessa: That one?
Theo: No, that one.
Vanessa: Okay.
I'll put this one over here.
Theo: Unicycle.
Vanessa: That's a unicycle?
Is that the man?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: You really like unicycles, don't you?
You've been talking about them for a while.
Theo: We've been finding them with the girls.
Vanessa: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Theo: What the girls' names?
Vanessa: Oh, those two girls that came over?
Emmy and Lucy.
Theo: Emmy and Lucy and me were trying to find a unicycle.
Vanessa: Oh, where were you trying to find a unicycle?
Theo: The Cars and Things That Go back in my playroom.
Vanessa: Oh, The Cars and Things That Go book?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Yeah.
Did you find it?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: Oh.
Maybe we can look another time for that unicycle.
Theo: No.
Vanessa: All right, Theo.
I want to make sure that you don't hurt yourself with that chopstick, so I can't let you walk
around while you're eating from it, but you can stand here and eat from it.
I just don't want you to stab your throat.
Theo: Whoa.
Vanessa: Whoa.
Well, let's give it a try again.
I'm going to try to set them here again.
Remember, they were really hot last time, so this time what I need to do is push this
over a little bit, and I want you to take a step back.
Thank you, because I want you to be safe.
I'm going to put the really hot muffin tin here.
Are you ready?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay.
Theo: And I'm going to...
Vanessa: Okay.
I'm going to hold you so that you don't touch it, and together we're going to stab them.
Theo: No, I'm going to stab it by myself.
Vanessa: You think you can do that?
I'll make sure you're careful.
Okay, pull it out.
Now stab another one.
Pull it out.
Let's check it.
Let's check the chopstick.
Do you see anything on the end of the chopstick?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: No?
Let's try one more.
How about that one?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Okay, put it all the way down.
Pull it up.
Oh, what is that?
It seems like you just grabbed a little crumb.
I think they're finished.
All right, you're going to stab all of them?
This is not for a gourmet dinner, so it's all good.
All right.
They're all finished, so now what we need to do is we have to set a timer.
Careful, I don't want you to touch it.
I'm going to set a timer ... Oh, watch out.
That pan's really hot.
I'm going to set a timer for five minutes, and then after five minutes when they cool
down, we can eat them.
You ready to eat them?
Theo: Cool them down there.
Vanessa: Yeah.
I don't want you to touch that with your finger.
This here is really hot.
Remember Opa's pancake pan and you burned your finger on that?
If you touch this, you'll also get burned, so I want to make sure you don't touch it.
Stay over there.
I'm going to put this out here a little bit to cool for five minutes, and then we're ready
to eat it.
Are you ready?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: You want to eat it?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Yum.
Let's wait for a couple minutes, and then we'll eat it.
Theo: Why we need two?
Vanessa: Oh, probably one plate is fine.
Can we share a plate together?
Theo: No.
Vanessa: Oh, okay.
You want to have two?
Do you think Daddy's going to want one?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Should we bring one to him?
Theo: Yeah, now.
Vanessa: Now?
Theo: I'm bring...
Vanessa: All right.
Don't touch the pan.
Theo: You bring one to him.
Vanessa: You want me to bring one to him?
Maybe I'll use this plate.
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Can we share this plate together?
Theo: Yeah.
Vanessa: Okay.
All right.
Let's wait just a moment.
What can we do while we're waiting?
Theo: Play LEGOs.
Vanessa: Play LEGOs?
Always play LEGOs?
Oh, it's kind of like a drum?
All right.
I think the muffins are ready.
Can you turn over the plates?
We're going to try to carefully get these out.
Maybe I'll use this fork.
Let's pull this a little bit closer so everyone can see.
Can you tell me which one do you want?
Theo: I want that one.
Vanessa: That one?
Okay, I'm going to take it out.
Thank you for pointing so carefully so that you don't get hurt.
Wow, that looks great.
Now, it's going to be pretty hot.
Do you think you can cut it open with your knife?
Cut it in half and let all the steam out.
Okay, that's good.
We don't want to cut it too much.
What's that smell like?
It smells good?
Smells like broccoli to me.
I'm going to eat this one.
Theo: Why?
Vanessa: Wow.
Which one should we give to Daddy?
Theo: That one.
Vanessa: That one?
All right.
I'm going to put Daddy's right there.
Theo: Isn't this all done?
Vanessa: Well, let's see.
You don't need to cut it more, though, because it's probably just going to crumble into pieces.
Do you want to take a piece and try to eat it?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: I'm going to cut mine open too since it's pretty hot still.
Can you blow on it?
Theo: Whose is that?
Vanessa: That one's mine.
That one's for Daddy.
I didn't cut his open yet.
Okay, I'm going to blow on it.
Oh, you're going to cut it.
Let's just cut it that one time.
That's fine.
Did you eat it?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Oh.
What do you think about it?
Theo: Good.
Vanessa: It's good?
Oh, it is good.
Kind of tastes like cornbread with broccoli.
Theo: I'm going to try another piece.
Vanessa: Okay.
Try another piece.
Good idea.
Tastes like a cornbread muffin.
Theo: I want to- Vanessa: You want to take that one to Daddy?
What about mine?
Don't give him mine.
Okay, can you take that plate to Daddy?
All right.
Thanks for your hard work.
High five.
Theo: Where's my muffin?
Vanessa: Which one's yours?
This one's yours.
That one's yours.
Do you like it?
Theo: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Vanessa: Good.
I'm glad.
We worked hard for that.
You focused a lot.
You mixed a lot.
Good work.
Now we get to eat the results.
Theo: Doesn't that have two pieces?
Vanessa: Actually, mine just broke in two because we cut it.
Actually, you cut it, so that's why there's two pieces.
Thanks so much for baking with us.
I hope that you enjoyed this fun kind of outside-the-box type of English lesson, a little peek into
daily lives here in our house.
I have a question for you.
Let me know in the comments, what kind of things do you like to cook or do you like
to bake?
This is a good way to see food from around the world and maybe get some inspiration,
and maybe you can try one of those dishes at home as well.
Well, thanks so much for joining us, and I'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson
here on my YouTube channel.
You gotta to knock on the door.
Theo: I have a special treat for you.
It's a muffin.
It's a cornbread broccoli muffin.
Vanessa: The next step is to download my free e-book, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident
English Speaker.
You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.
Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.
Thanks so much.