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  • Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know until you know

  • Hello, and welcome to go natural English if you didn't already know

  • I'm your American English teacher Gabby here to help you with your fluency and confidence in English now

  • I know you may have already studied English for many many years in a traditional classroom

  • But maybe you're still struggling when it's time to talk with native English speakers in real life

  • conversation when you leave your traditional classroom

  • And you go to speak English in the real world

  • It's totally different so many of my students have come to the United States

  • Or have to talk with North Americans for their work wherever they may be and they realize that

  • The way people really speak naturally is

  • Totally different than their textbook or their English teacher in the classroom environments, so now you're on your own

  • what do you do you need answers to your questions and most of them can't be answered by the

  • Dictionary and you need guidance how do you even begin to relearn English so that you can?

  • listen to native speakers and actually understand what we're saying and

  • Speak English like a native speaker so that other people will understand these are all big questions

  • But let me help you most people think that one-to-one tutoring is the best solution

  • For this problem and once one suturing is fine

  • But I don't think it's the best way so I disagree what you really need is to

  • Understand how to learn not just what to learn see most English classes don't spend any time on

  • Really teaching you how to be a better English language learner in fact in a lot of our school. We never really

  • understood how to learn we just did what the teacher told us to do so you have to take a step back and

  • Relearn how to learn English not only what to learn, but we'll get to that too

  • So you also want something that will answer your most frequent questions

  • So I have something for you to help so I made something for you to show you

  • how to learn English and also to answer your most frequent questions

  • I put my best work into the English fluency

  • Formula so the goal of the English fluency formula ebook is to help you to develop a learning mindset

  • Not just to tell you what to learn although the book does contain a lot of helpful information about

  • What will help you to understand native speakers and to sound more like a native?

  • Yourself we start with a learning mindset and how to learn English

  • And why you're learning English so that you can successfully achieve your English fluency goals

  • inside this book

  • I also share how you can develop fluent English habits so that English fluency becomes part of your life

  • Style it really enriches

  • Your life and not just something that you go to once a week when you have English class so after you read this book

  • You're going to really understand how to learn English and how to become fluent and let me give you a hint

  • It's not cramming for your next English test. You'll also find great

  • easy-to-read explanations of your most frequently asked questions

  • Or doubts about English and the thing is sometimes with English you know there's something missing

  • But you're not sure what to ask

  • so the English fluency formula is like a guide it actually shows you what you don't know because

  • Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know until you know

  • So you're probably wondering how can I get my hands on?

  • English fluency formula so I can read it and see for myself the English fluency formula is an e-book that you can

  • Instantly download or access from your web browser or your smartphone

  • So I'm going to show you how easy it is to get the English fluency formula go to


  • Slash ebook or you can click on the link in the menu ebook and

  • You want to click on

  • Buy Now and then you simply create your account by writing your name your email address

  • I'm going to write mine Gabby at


  • And

  • Then you create a password you click on next and then from here and then from here

  • You can fill in your credit card information on our secure payment

  • processor or you can skip that and click on checkout using PayPal

  • So you choose whichever way you want to pay and then as soon as you purchase the e-book you'll be able to access it

  • Instantly on the website you can click on members log in

  • Click on members log in and enter your same email address that you just used to

  • purchase your ebook and

  • Enter your password that you

  • Entered when you created your account

  • click on login and

  • Then you're going to see the English fluency formula

  • It says Oh welcome Gabby okay, I'm going to click on the English fluency formula

  • And then I can go chapter by chapter

  • Listening and reading at the same time or I instantly download the files if I want to listen and read

  • Offline so you have two options to access all of the ebook from anywhere anytime

  • So let's check it out

  • We'll just start at the beginning together

  • awesome, so I just click play to listen and

  • I can

  • Okay, so I can just listen and read along at the same time, which is really great for improving your listening

  • comprehension skills obviously

  • You're improving your reading skills and at the same time you're learning about how to become more fluent in English and getting your most

  • frequent burning important questions answered in this ebook you can also find the English fluency formula on

  • Amazon come if your preferred reading method is on your kindle

  • or if you would like to order a

  • paperback a physical copy of the book you can choose the format to be a kindle download or a

  • paperback so that you can have a

  • real copy just like this of course an e-book is real - but I know some people prefer to have a

  • Book in their hands that you can highlight. You can feel it. You can eat it now

  • You can't eat it

  • But if you prefer that there's that option as well

  • So also on Amazon what I love is you can see all of the awesome

  • Reviews that the English fluency formula has gotten like this is one of the greatest English books

  • I highly recommend you to purchase it if you want to improve your accent in general your speaking skills

  • Wow Gabi has been the best English teacher I ever had

  • What else here this book gives you many good ideas about what to do

  • Wow, this is awesome definitely one of the best books for English learners it really tells you not only just what to do but

  • How which is great for practice that you're going to need so there are over a hundred reviews

  • So I can't read them all but I invite you to go take a look

  • Check out the reviews you're gonna want to get the English fluency formula because there are so many awesome reviews

  • I love you guys so much who left a review, so please when you get the English fluency formula leave a review as well

  • I'd love to hear what you think about it. So thank you so much for watching

  • I hope that this is helpful to you. I hope that the English fluency formula helps you in ways

  • You didn't even know that you needed help

  • But I know that it will help you so let me know in the comments if you have any questions about getting the English fluency

  • Formula, or if you have it let me know what you think of it if you enjoyed it

  • I would love to know

  • So awesome you guys

  • This is a great first step for learning together with me through go natural English

  • And it's the first step for you to get access to the premium members area on the go natural

  • English website where we have other

  • Programs and courses that I don't even advertise on my youtube channel or on Facebook or anywhere publicly

  • They're only for premium members of the go natural English websites

  • So I would love to invite you if you are a serious

  • motivated English learner who is

  • Awesome and would fit in with our community of other awesome English learners from all over the world

  • So thanks so much for watching, and I hope to hear from you soon mwah bye for now

Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know until you know


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A2 初級 美國腔


  • 29 2
    John Yu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日