字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The number of people that are against vaccinating themselves and their children has surged in recent years, 近年來,反對給自己和孩子接種疫苗的人數激增。 and it can be frustrating listening to their claims. 而且聽他們的訴求會很沮喪。 So we wanted to debunk and deconstruct the most common arguments one by one 所以,我們想把最常見的論點逐一揭穿和解讀出來 to help you prepare and present the facts in your next encounter with an anti-vaxxer. 以幫助你在下次與反毒者相遇時準備和陳述事實。 Argument 1: "Why I Do Not Vaccinate My Kids" 爭論一:"我為什麼不給孩子打疫苗" Blog Entry 189. 博客條目189。 Vaccines contain: 疫苗含有: MSG, antifreeze, phenol, formaldehyde, aluminum, lead, and mercury. 味精、防凍劑、苯酚、甲醛、鋁、鉛、汞。 It's true; vaccines contain chemicals. 是真的,疫苗含有化學物質。 Vaccines have contained mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde. 疫苗含有汞、鋁和甲醛。 Ingredients that can be toxic; what else can be toxic? 會有毒的成分,還有什麼會有毒呢? Water (given a large enough dose), and same goes for apples, coffee, or too much of anything to be honest. 水(給的劑量足夠大),蘋果、咖啡也是一樣,或者任何東西吃多了,說實話。 The dose makes the poison, and the doses of the chemicals in vaccines are negligible. 劑量使毒,疫苗中的化學物質的劑量可以忽略不計。 For example, vaccines that include aluminum (which is included to make the vaccine more effective), 例如,含有鋁的疫苗(加入鋁是為了使疫苗更有效)。 contain about 0.125 milligrams per dose. 每劑含有約0.125毫克。 But the average person actually takes in an estimated 30-50 milligrams every day through food and drink. 但實際上一般人每天通過食物和飲料攝入的熱量估計在30-50毫克。 That's way more than one vaccination on a daily basis. 這比每天接種一次疫苗要多得多。 And while some people warn about the presence of mercury containing compounds like thimerosal 雖然有些人對含汞化合物(如硫柳汞)的存在提出警告。 (a vaccine preservative to prevent bacterial growth), (一種防止細菌生長的疫苗防腐劑)。 it's actually been removed from almost all childhood vaccines since 2001. 事實上,自2001年以來,幾乎所有的兒童疫苗中都已經刪除了它。 This was done to ease public concern, even though no literature suggests it's harmful at doses present in vaccines. 這樣做是為了緩解公眾的擔憂,儘管沒有文獻表明它在疫苗中存在的劑量是有害的。 Argument 2: As a granola parent, my kids get everything natural. 論據二:作為一個糧油父母,我的孩子得到的都是天然的。 Quinoa crackers over Ritz any day! 藜麥餅乾比麗茲更好吃! Because can't we just all agree that the natural root is better? 因為我們不能一致認為天然的根更好嗎? So let your child's immune system develop naturally and save them a lifetime of pain. 所以,讓孩子的免疫系統自然發育,讓孩子免去一生的痛苦。 Vaccines introduce a weakened form of the germ to your body so that the immune system can learn to recognize it. 疫苗將一種弱化的病菌形式引入你的身體,使免疫系統能夠學會識別它。 Your body then build its defenses so it's prepared to fight off a real attack later. 你的身體就會建立起自己的防禦系統,這樣就能為以後對抗真正的攻擊做好準備。 And it's true; naturally newborn babies are immune to several diseases 而事實也確實如此,自然新生兒對幾種疾病都有免疫力。 because of the antibodies they receive from their mother's breast milk and the thousands of germs they're exposed from the moment they're born. 因為他們從母親的母乳中獲得的抗體,以及從出生的那一刻起就接觸到成千上萬的細菌。 But vaccines cover the diseases you don't have immunity against. 但疫苗涵蓋了你沒有免疫力的疾病。 It's why we don't vaccinate for every single disease possible; just those which are most dangerous. 這就是為什麼我們不為每一種可能的疾病接種疫苗,只為那些最危險的疾病接種。 And children are given shots at a young age because this is when they're at the highest risk of getting sick or dying. 而兒童在很小的時候就打針,因為這時他們生病或死亡的風險最高。 Argument 3: But what about allergies? 爭論三:但過敏怎麼辦? My second cousin Lisa got her kids vaccinated, and now, they have a peanut allergy. 我的二表姐Lisa給她的孩子打了疫苗,現在,他們有花生過敏。 I don't my baby to get allergies! 我不想讓我的寶寶過敏! In 1997, people began to question whether there was a connect between vaccines and allergies. 1997年,人們開始質疑疫苗和過敏之間是否有聯繫。 And then a study of 2,100 participants ages 5-6 found that vaccines actually have the opposite effect, 而後一項針對2100名5-6歲的參與者的研究發現,疫苗其實有相反的效果。 and instead have a protective effect against allergies. 而對過敏反而有保護作用。 Argument 4: I mean, how bad are the diseases that these vaccines are preventing anyways? 爭論四:我的意思是,這些疫苗所預防的疾病到底有多嚴重? My ol' sport here, stuffed like a packed sausage. Got my genes, so he's built to last! 我的老夥計在這裡,塞得滿滿當當的像根香腸。遺傳了我的基因,所以他的壽命很長! If he got the measles, what's the worst that could happen? 如果他得了麻疹,最壞的情況是什麼? Vaccines have done such a good job preventing so many diseases that many generations have never seen them. 疫苗在預防很多疾病方面做得非常好,很多代人都沒有見過。 But here's what these diseases looked like without vaccines: 但這些疾病在沒有疫苗的情況下是什麼樣子的。 In 1967 smallpox was responsible for millions of deaths. By 1980 it was completely eradicated due to an intensive vaccine campaign. 1967年,天花造成了數百萬人的死亡。到1980年,由於大力開展疫苗接種運動,天花已完全被消滅。 Before polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported each year in the United States. 在小兒麻痺症疫苗問世之前,美國每年報告的麻痺性小兒麻痺症病例有1.3萬至2萬例。 This meant thousands of children had to use braces, crutches, wheelchairs, and ventilators to breathe. 這意味著數以千計的兒童不得不使用支架、柺杖、輪椅和呼吸機來呼吸。 From 1964-1965, before the rubella vaccine, there were 2,100 neonatal deaths and 11,250 miscarriages. 從1964年到1965年,在風疹疫苗之前,有2 100名新生兒死亡,11 250名流產。 And of the 20,000 born with rubella, more than half ended up deaf, over 3,000 blind, and 1,800 with mental delays. 而在出生的2萬名風疹患者中,有一半以上的人最後變成了聾子,3000多人失明,1800人智力遲鈍。 As for measles, before immunization was available, nearly everyone in the U.S. got measles because it's extremely contagious. 至於麻疹,在免疫接種之前,美國幾乎人人都得了麻疹,因為它的傳染性極強。 The World Health Organization estimates that regular vaccination has prevented 20.4 million deaths from measles worldwide from 2010-2016. 據世界衛生組織估計,2010-2016年,定期接種疫苗在全球範圍內預防了2040萬例麻疹死亡。 Argument 5: Okay, but you still haven't covered-- 爭論5:好吧,但你還是沒有說到--。 *quietly* Autism. *自閉症 Much of the anti-vaccination movement is linked to one paper published in the late 1990s, 反疫苗接種運動在很大程度上與90年代末發表的一篇論文有關。 which claimed vaccines caused autism. 其中聲稱疫苗會導致自閉症。 It suggested a link between the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine causing malabsorption of nutrients in the gut, 它表明麻疹、腮腺炎和風疹(MMR)疫苗導致腸道營養吸收不良之間存在聯繫。 thereby leading to increased cases of autism in children. 從而導致兒童自閉症的病例增加。 The study was later proven to be fraudulent and was debunked by 25 international research papers involving large population studies. 後來,這項研究被證明是欺詐性的,被25篇涉及大型人口研究的國際研究論文揭穿。 Furthermore, 10 of the 13 authors of this original paper have now refuted and retracted their original statements on the suggested link. 此外,在這篇原論文的13位作者中,有10位現在已經駁斥並收回了他們原來對建議鏈接的聲明。 And while it's understandable that parents want to protect their kids, the claim is not founded in any evidence. 雖然父母想保護孩子的心情可以理解,但這種說法沒有任何證據。 Argument 6: There needs to be a balance with the government. 論點六:需要與政府保持平衡。 Parents should have a measure of choice about whether or not they should vaccinate their kids. 家長對是否給孩子接種疫苗應該有一定的選擇權。 No one knows their kid better than you do. So, vaccinating your kid only affects you and your baby. 沒有人比你更瞭解自己的孩子。所以,給孩子接種疫苗只會影響你和你的寶寶。 This is simply not the case. Vaccines protect you, and perhaps more importantly, it helps other people. 事實根本不是這樣。疫苗可以保護你,也許更重要的是,它可以幫助其他人。 If you're not sick, you can't spread the disease to those with weaker immune systems, particularly the very young or elderly, 如果你沒有生病,就不能把疾病傳染給那些免疫力較弱的人,特別是那些非常年輕的人或老年人。 and those who have medical conditions in which they can't be vaccinated, 以及患有不能接種疫苗的病症的人。 for example, those undergoing chemotherapy. 例如,正在接受化療的人。 The more people that are vaccinated, the less available real estate for the germs, meaning its spreading ability is squashed. 接種疫苗的人越多,病菌的可利用不動產就越少,也就是說它的傳播能力被壓制了。 This principle is called "herd immunity". 這一原則被稱為 "群體免疫力"。 For the vulnerable in our society, herd immunity is their best protection. 對於社會上的弱勢群體來說,群體免疫力是他們最好的保護。 Argument 7: The NSA, the CIA, the FBI, big corporations, big pharma, 論點七:NSA、CIA、FBI、大公司、大藥廠。 The amount of drugs they've taken off the market trusting those suits is practically a death sentence. 他們從市場上拿下的藥品數量相信這些訴訟簡直就是死刑。 Pharmaceutical companies do make money from selling vaccines. One recent estimate puts the vaccine market now at $24 Billion, which is huge. 製藥公司確實能從銷售疫苗中賺錢。最近的一個估計是,現在的疫苗市場是240億美元,這是一個巨大的市場。 But if you want to talk money, a study found that in the U.S between 1994 但如果你想談錢,一項研究發現,1994年之間,在美國 and 2013, vaccine created a net savings of two hundred and 95 billion in direct costs and 1.3 和2013年,疫苗創造了2950億的淨節約直接成本和13000億的淨節約。 8 trillion in societal cost. 8萬億的社會成本。 It's true, drugs have been pulled from the market after harmful side effects came to light. However, vaccines are among the most highly regulated 的確,在有害副作用被曝光後,藥品已經退出市場。然而,疫苗是監管最嚴格的產品之一。 substances we can put into our bodies, in part because they're given to help people, usually children as a 我們可以把物質放進我們的身體裡,部分原因是它們是為了幫助人們,通常是兒童作為一種幫助。 preventative measure, rather than a treatment. 預防性措施,而不是治療。 They go through 他們經過 multiple phases of testing 多階段測試 to see if they're safe, to find the correct dose, and to see if protection against the disease actually 看看它們是否安全,找到正確的劑量,並看看是否真的能防止疾病。 works. In Canada and and the U.S, it can take 10 to 25 years of testing before a vaccine is approved. 的效果。在加拿大和和美國,疫苗獲批前可能需要10到25年的測試。 And once on the market, 而一旦上市。 there's continuous monitoring of it's effects. The likelihood of a severe reaction to the MNR vaccine is 有持續監測它的效果。MNR疫苗發生嚴重反應的可能性是: approximately 1 into 1 million, which is around ten times less likely than being killed by a lighting strike. 約為百萬分之一,比被光擊致死的可能性低十倍左右。 Thank you so much to Bill and Melinda Gates 非常感謝比爾和梅林達-蓋茨。 for sponsoring today's episode. This video is meant to highlight the importance of vaccines which save millions of lives every year. 為贊助今天的節目。這段視頻旨在強調疫苗的重要性,疫苗每年拯救了數百萬人的生命。 Vaccines are a great example of how modern medicine and technology have decreased disease for a while. 疫苗是現代醫學和技術暫時減少疾病的一個很好的例子。 It's part of the reason why the number of children who die every year has been cut by half and continues to go down. 這也是為什麼每年死亡的兒童數量減少一半並持續下降的原因之一。 Though sometimes it's hard to feel like it, there are many reasons 雖然有時會覺得很難受,但有很多原因。 why we should be optimistic about our future. This becomes pretty clear when you focus on the brilliant 為什麼我們應該對我們的未來持樂觀態度。當你把注意力集中在輝煌的 scientists, dedicated individuals 科學家、熱心人士 and new ideas that are solving some of the world's toughest issues. 和新的想法,正在解決一些世界上最棘手的問題。 Head to Gatesletter.com to learn in the annual letter from Bill and Melinda gates 前往蓋茨信網瞭解比爾和梅琳達-蓋茨的年度信中。 why they're so optimistic about the future. 為什麼他們對未來如此樂觀。 Thanks for watching, and if you haven't already, go out and get your flu shot, and please, parents please just vaccinate your kids, thanks a lot. 謝謝你的觀看,如果你還沒有去打流感疫苗,請家長們給孩子打疫苗就好了,非常感謝。 and we will see you next week. Bye. 我們下週見。再見。
B2 中高級 中文 疫苗 接種 免疫力 孩子 兒童 劑量 Debunking Anti-Vaxxers 40 3 Summer 發佈於 2020 年 08 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字