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  • hey guys we're samuel and audrey and this summer

    大家好 我們是塞繆爾和奧黛麗,今年夏天

  • we're going to be taking you on a series of mini road trips around atlantic

    我們將帶你去看一系列 大西洋周圍的迷你公路旅行

  • canada this is probably the longest stretch of

    加拿大 這可能是最長的

  • time we've been home with no plans for any international adventures but we're

    我們到家的時間沒有任何計劃 任何國際冒險,但我們

  • okay with that 2020 has given us the opportunity to

    好的 2020年給了我們機會

  • explore closer to home and discover places that maybe we overlook because

    在家附近探索並發現 我們可能會忽略的地方,因為

  • they were just so close by in today's video we'll be doing a bit of

    他們就在附近 在今天的視頻中,我們將做一些

  • glamping in new brunswick in a cute tiny house by the water

    在一個可愛的小傢伙裡瞥了一眼新的不倫瑞克 在水邊的房子

  • we'll be visiting king's landing and meeting characters who will show

    我們將參觀國王的登陸 會面的人物

  • us what life was like in this part of canada in the 1800s

    我們這部分的生活是怎樣的 1800年代的加拿大

  • we'll be eating our philip fish and chips as you do when you're in the

    我們要吃菲利普魚 就像您在時一樣

  • maritimes and will enjoy a beautiful sunset

    海事 並會欣賞美麗的日落

  • together because there really is no better way to spend the summer evening

    在一起,因為真的沒有 度過夏日夜晚的更好方法

  • so let's jump into the tiny house tour and then we'll show you all the fun

    讓我們跳入小房子之旅 然後我們會告訴你所有的樂趣

  • stuff we got up to


  • duncan welcome welcome come on in it is time for another glamping

    鄧肯歡迎光臨 是時候再來一次豪華露營了

  • adventure and today we are in a tiny house

    冒險 今天我們在一個小房子裡

  • in upper kings clear again a super easy little weekend getaway from

    在上位國王中再次清除超級 輕鬆的小周末假期

  • fredericton maybe 20 minutes away 25 minutes tops

    弗雷德里克頓 也許20分鐘的路程25分鐘的路程達到頂峰

  • it's not very far at all it's right before king's

    這不是很 根本就在國王的面前

  • landing and it is beautiful we are right on the

    降落和 這是美麗的,我們對

  • water there's a dock so that we can go swimming there's a canoe available i

    水有一個碼頭,所以我們可以去 游泳有一個獨木舟

  • think we're going to get a beautiful sunset

    認為我們會變得美麗 日落

  • so yeah i'm super excited to be here but first up we're going to give you guys a

    是的,我很高興來到這裡,但是 首先,我們要給你們一個

  • tour so you can see where we're staying i don't blink

    遊覽,以便您可以看到 我們住的地方我不眨眼

  • because it is a tiny house a tiny tiny house i think this might be the

    因為這是一個很小的房子 小房子,我認為這可能是

  • tiniest one so far yeah not counting the tent the

    最小的一個 到目前為止,還不算帳篷

  • toilet is not in the tiny house no no i'll show you the the outhouse

    廁所不在小房子裡 不,不,我給你看廁所

  • later but basically this is like a little studio

    後來但是 基本上這就像一個小工作室

  • tiny house just one space and what you see

    小房子只有一個空間,你 看到

  • is what you get we've got a nice bed here

    你得到的是我們有一張漂亮的床 這裡

  • on one side with a fluffy duvet not that we're gonna need it it's the

    一側有蓬鬆的羽絨被 不是我們會需要它,這是

  • middle of summer there's a heat wave going on

    夏天中旬有熱浪 繼續

  • so i think we'll be okay um beautiful large window where we get views of a

    所以我想我們會沒事的 大窗戶,我們可以看到

  • little forest and then some neighbors behind the trees

    小森林 然後是樹後的鄰居

  • so that's very nice yeah these are these real candles or no

    所以很好 是的,這些是真正的蠟燭,還是沒有

  • these are the is the battery missing how do these work

    這些是 電池沒電了嗎?

  • these are battery powered candles when you don't

    這些是 不使用電池供電的蠟燭

  • want to light a real one so over here we've got a little coffee

    想點燃一個真正的 所以在這裡我們喝了一點咖啡

  • maker coirig we have some mugs some glasses you know

    製造商 我們有一些杯子,一些眼鏡,你知道

  • what i have my eye on right here is ginger tea

    我所關注的 這是薑茶

  • some yogi ginger tea yogi ginger tea all right well

    一些瑜珈薑茶瑜珈薑茶 好吧

  • for later this evening or tomorrow morning indeed indeed

    在今天晚上或明天晚些時候 確實確實是早上

  • and what else they left just a cute little note this was very nice

    還有他們留下的只是一個可愛的東西 小提示,這非常好

  • yeah you want to read it sure this was a nice touch

    是的,您想閱讀一下,確定這是一個 不錯的感覺

  • thanks thanks host says sam and audrey welcome to our slice of paradise we hope

    謝謝,謝謝主持人說山姆和奧黛麗 歡迎來到我們希望的天堂

  • you enjoy it as much as we do if you need anything during your stay

    您可以像我們一樣享受它 在您住宿期間需要任何東西

  • simply let us know sit back relax and enjoy

    只是讓我們知道坐下來放鬆一下, 請享用

  • and if there's one thing i'm pretty good at sitting backs relaxing and enjoying

    如果有一件事情我很好 在坐下來放鬆和享受

  • relaxing and enjoying in fact i've got craft beer in the freezer right now

    放鬆和享受,事實上我有 現在在冰箱裡精釀啤酒

  • yeah and sam's already had a one-hour nap on her hammock

    是的,山姆已經有一個小時了 在她的吊床上小睡

  • outside that hammock after after going for an excursion this afternoon in the

    去後在那個吊床外面 今天下午在郊遊

  • heat yeah i needed some shade i needed a

    熱 是的,我需要一些陰影,我需要一個

  • little swing back and forth and that came in handy he got the swing

    來回小搖擺 派上用場了

  • back oh yeah oh yeah all right well mini living area

    回來哦,是的 哦,好吧,迷你生活區

  • over here we've got a nice little sofa sheepskin an ottoman yeah a fan

    在這裡,我們有一個漂亮的小沙發 羊皮是無背長椅,是風扇

  • which i think will probably come in very you want to turn it on i'll show how it

    我認為這可能會非常 你想打開它,我會告訴你如何

  • works it turns on from the back inside of here

    作品 它從這裡的後面打開

  • feels good guys at the moment it's a tad bit stuffy inside would you agree

    現在有點好感覺 裡面有點悶你同意嗎

  • yeah we've got the windows open i really think things will cool down later

    是的,我們已經打開窗戶了 認為以後事情會變涼

  • on but it's just like the middle of the afternoon

    就像在中間 下午

  • peak of summer wave so we also have stools

    夏季浪的高峰,所以我們也有 大便

  • yeah we've got two stools kind of like a little bar

    是的,我們有兩個凳子 小酒吧

  • area for i don't know the odd snack breakfast in the morning

    我不知道零食的地方 早上早餐

  • yeah we'll be showing what we've got a little later yeah we got some

    是的,我們將展示我們擁有的 不久以後,是的,我們得到了一些

  • special chips chips ketchup chips some cereal for breakfast

    特殊芯片番茄醬芯片一些 早餐麥片

  • did you know that ketchup chips originated in canada i did

    你知道番茄醬芯片嗎 我來自加拿大

  • okay i did know that did you know that before you researched it

    好吧,我確實知道你知道嗎 在研究之前

  • no i did i've known that even though yes oh okay yes

    不,我知道,即使是 哦,是的,是的

  • i actually i had to look it up what were canadian snacks and junk food

    我實際上我必須查一下 加拿大小吃和垃圾食品

  • and uh i was surprised to find out ketchup chips were amongst the

    嗯,我很驚訝地發現了 番茄醬芯片是其中之一

  • things that were invented in canada there you go something to be proud of

    在加拿大發明的東西 那裡你有值得驕傲的地方

  • so this is our little eating area basically and if we open the curtains

    這是我們的小用餐區 基本上,如果我們打開窗簾

  • we've got the house the main house this is

    我們有這所房子的主要房子 是

  • where the owners live so there's live over there got hammock

    業主住的地方,所以住的地方 那邊有吊床

  • rivers down there yeah yeah so we're just keeping it closed for now you know

    那裡的河流是的,所以我們 暫時保持關閉狀態

  • a little bit of space between us yes what else we've got a flashlight

    兩者之間有一點空間 我們是的還有什麼手電筒

  • in case we need to go out in the middle of the

    如果 我們需要在中間

  • night to use yeah i guess if we wanted to go to the dock

    晚上用耶 我想我們是否要去碼頭

  • for some reason it works and now we will take you outside so we showed

    由於某種原因,它可以工作了,現在 我們將帶您到外面,所以我們展示了

  • you the inside which is small and the outside is a little bit even

    你裡面很小 外面有點

  • more spacious the first thing i love is the happy camper sign are you a happy

    更寬敞,我愛的第一件事 是快樂的露營者標誌嗎?

  • camper samuel today i am yes because i got my rest on

    塞繆爾露營者 今天我是對的,因為我得到了休息

  • the hammock had i not got that rest maybe not a

    吊床 如果我沒有得到休息,也許不是

  • happy cat or maybe a grumpy camper okay well let's be thankful for that the

    快樂的貓或脾氣暴躁的露營者 好吧,讓我們感謝的是

  • thing i love about this place is that it's got a deck

    我對此很喜歡 地方是有甲板

  • surrounding the entire area this is going to be our barbecue grill

    圍繞整個區域 這將是我們的燒烤架

  • for the night so one of the super easy ones to use

    為了夜晚 所以是超級容易使用的之一

  • spark it turn it on and we barely have anything to cook so

    火花將其打開 而且我們幾乎沒有什麼可以做的,所以

  • we have literally have two skewers yeah that shouldn't take very long at all

    我們字面上有兩個串 根本不需要很長時間

  • no we're not we're not attempting to uh a grill master your dad or anything

    不,我們不是,我們不是在嘗試呃 燒烤師傅,您父親或其他任何人

  • that's for sure so as we come along here the deck

    這是肯定的 當我們來到這裡的甲板上

  • continues and don't mind the wind because it is a

    繼續 不要介意風,因為它是

  • little bit windy and this is where i think we're going to

    有點大風 這就是我認為我們要去的地方

  • have our beers very soon we've got a couple of uh lawn chairs

    很快喝啤酒 我們有幾個呃草椅

  • which are super comfortable and if you come over here

    超級舒服,如果你 過來這裡

  • we've got the woodshed


  • okay shall we we shall we shall okay removes the bungee cord

    好吧,我們會 我們應該可以移除蹦極繩

  • first all right sam's already been here oh you

    第一 好吧,山姆已經來過哦,你

  • haven't been inside yet wow wow you're in for a surprise

    還沒進去 哇,你來個驚喜

  • come on in come on in don't bump yourself

    來吧來吧不要碰 你自己

  • well okay so we have artwork covering one window then we can see

    好吧,所以我們有藝術品 覆蓋一個窗口,那麼我們可以看到

  • straight down to the water yes i believe this is called a medical

    直下水 是的,我相信這被稱為醫學

  • commode okay um so basically well sam's already

    馬桶 好吧,嗯,基本上山姆已經

  • used it so i'm not gonna lift the lid yeah we don't

    用它,所以我不會提起蓋子 是的,我們不

  • we don't need to see what's in there you lift the lid you go to the toilet

    我們不需要看看裡面有什麼 提起你上廁所的蓋子

  • yeah um they've put a bag in there so yes they're gonna tie the bag and

    是的,他們把一個袋子放在那裡 是的,他們要把袋子綁起來,

  • yeah and then that's the lid for it the lid okay right you didn't put the lid

    是的,那就是它的蓋子 蓋子好吧,你沒蓋蓋子

  • back on no that's for when they did that's when

    回到 不,那是因為他們這樣做的時候

  • they deal with it later okay sure look there's more artwork more art

    他們稍後再處理 可以肯定,藝術品更多,藝術品更多

  • in case you you need inspiration in the bathroom okay which

    萬一你需要 浴室裡的靈感好嗎

  • is nice toilet paper yeah we have um wet wipes hand sanitizer

    是不錯的衛生紙 是的,我們有濕紙巾洗手液

  • yeah a very thoughtful station with more candles

    是的,還有一個非常周到的站點 蠟燭

  • yes because you know you can never get enough candles and more

    是的,因為您知道您永遠無法獲得 足夠的蠟燭等等

  • garbage bags in case this one fills up with

    垃圾袋,以防萬一 與

  • number one and two oh my gosh i've never no no no no plans for us to to make that

    一號和二號哦,天哪,我從來沒有 不,不,不,我們沒有計劃要這樣做

  • happen too no too so yeah that is it it's

    發生 太不太了,是的,就是

  • maybe the most unique outhouse flash yeah

    也許是最獨特的戶外閃光燈 是的

  • bathroom there are no curtains anywhere but in the little booklet it said that

    浴室哪裡都沒有窗簾 但在這本小小冊子中說

  • they've tested out the toilet from different angles and that no one can

    他們已經從 不同的角度,沒有人可以

  • actually see you here so you can enjoy the view maybe a fox

    真的在這裡見到你 這樣你就可以欣賞狐狸的景色

  • and maybe a fox maybe maybe a record we can

    和 也許是狐狸也許是我們可以的唱片

  • handle a fox or a reckon seeing a summer toilet

    應付狐狸或清算夏天 廁所

  • but enough about outhouses let's travel back in time to new brunswick in the

    但是關於廁所的事情我們就去旅行吧 回到過去的新不倫瑞克省

  • 1800s so as we already mentioned earlier that

    1800年代 正如我們前面已經提到的那樣

  • day we visited king's landing and no this has nothing to do with game of

    那天我們參觀了國王的登陸,沒有 這與的遊戲無關

  • thrones king's landing is a living open air museum where you can walk through a

    寶座國王的降落是一個活生生的開放 航空博物館,您可以在其中漫步

  • village and experience what life was like in rural new brunswick back in the

    村莊,體驗生活 就像在新不倫瑞克省農村一樣

  • 1800s the best part really is chatting with

    1800年代 最好的部分確實是在聊天

  • the villagers because they are interpreting real stories from the past

    村民,因為他們是 解讀過去的真實故事

  • and they will not break character over the course of our visit we met the local

    他們不會破壞性格 在我們訪問的過程中,我們遇到了當地人

  • choir practicing ahead of the church service

    合唱團在教堂前練習 服務

  • we learned some of the town gossip while visiting the blacksmith in his workshop

    我們學了一些城市的八卦 在他的工作室裡拜訪鐵匠

  • and we bought some hard candies from the local store but we'll get to all of that

    我們從那兒買了一些硬糖 本地商店,但我們將盡一切努力

  • first up we need to hop on a wagon and hitch a ride into town

    首先,我們需要跳上一輛馬車, 搭便車進城

  • this is so refreshing oh it's like ice water

    這是如此令人耳目一新哦,就像冰一樣 水

  • let me have a bird back here it's probably no surprise that our first

    讓我有一隻鳥回到這裡 我們的第一個可能並不奇怪

  • stop in the village was the king's head in restaurant

    停在村里是國王的頭 在餐廳

  • it was lunchtime and we were hungry we ordered two sweet lemonades that were oh

    午餐時間到了,我們餓了 點了兩個甜蜜的檸檬水哦

  • so refreshing a delicious order of fish and chips with

    好爽 美味的炸魚和薯條

  • coleslaw and tartar sauce a side of giant onion rings and a

    涼拌捲心菜和塔塔醬 一面巨大的洋蔥圈和一個

  • gingerbread cake with cream for dessert just a very timely ice cold

    薑餅蛋糕奶油甜點 只是非常及時的冰冷

  • oh much needed in this heat with ice cubes

    哦,這冰熱需要 立方體

  • it's nice and sweet and tart that's the most refreshing thing in the world

    好吃又甜又酸 世界上最令人耳目一新的東西

  • fish and chips have arrived they look


  • amazing portions are super generous

    驚人 份量很大

  • that was it looks so good don't get in the tata

    那看起來很好 不要進入塔塔

  • oh i can hear that i can hear the crispiness of it

    哦,我能聽到我能聽到 它的脆性

  • how's that mm-hmm


  • perfectly fish and chips are uh an institution out here

    完美的魚和薯條是 機構在這裡

  • in the maritimes


  • oh yeah these are super crispy big big slices of onion yeah these are awesome

    哦,是的,這些都是超級酥脆的 洋蔥片是的,這些很棒

  • just finished lunch how was it it was a feast of feasts

    剛吃完午餐,那是怎麼回事 盛宴

  • that was very good yeah it was delicious but to be honest on a day like today

    很好,很好吃 但是說實話

  • would have been better maybe to go with one of their salads i'd say

    可能會更好 我會說他們的一份沙拉

  • yeah just love the fish and chips the onion rings were gigantic

    是的,只是喜歡炸魚和薯條 洋蔥圈碩大無比

  • nice dessert and maybe best of all was the

    很好的甜點,也許最好的是 的

  • the ice cold lemonade that was so needed yeah everything we ordered was about 30

    急需的冰鎮檸檬水 是的,我們訂購的所有東西大約都是30

  • total yeah great prices were really really big

    總 是的,價格真的很高

  • yeah like honestly you could probably split a fish and chips with someone if

    是的,老實說,你可能 如果有人和他們一起炸魚和薯條

  • you got two pieces like we did you could get a single piece but for a couple

    你有兩件像我們一樣 拿到一塊,但是要一對

  • bucks more you add a second piece of fish

    多花錢,你再加第二塊 魚

  • so now we're gonna go walk around the village a little bit

    所以現在我們要去走走 村莊一點

  • and see what we find we've got our little map in hand so we're all set

    看看我們發現了什麼 手中的小地圖,我們都準備好了

  • then it was time to explore king's landing how it works is that you get a

    然後是時候探索國王的 登陸它是如何工作的是

  • map at the entrance with the layout of the village

    地圖入口處的佈局 村莊

  • and then you have the freedom to explore at your own pace going in and out of the

    然後您可以自由探索 以您自己的速度進出

  • different buildings and meeting the various characters going on about their

    不同的建築物和會議 關於他們的各種角色

  • day we visited some of the homes set along

    天 我們參觀了一些沿途的房屋

  • the riverfront so we could enjoy the cool breeze

    在河邊,所以我們可以享受 涼風

  • here we came across some of the local villagers who were fishing

    在這裡,我們遇到了一些當地人 釣魚的村民

  • doing laundry and having a mid-afternoon chat and we

    洗衣服,午後 聊天,我們

  • eventually reached the local store where we bought some old-fashioned hard

    最終到達當地的商店 我們買了一些老式的硬

  • candies


  • so we just did a little shopping at grant's store

    所以我們只是在 格蘭特的商店

  • got some candy some old-fashioned liquors guys

    買了一些老式的糖果 酒鬼們

  • my family is we're all licorice addicts yeah

    我的家人是我們都是甘草癮君子 是的

  • you really are my dad i mean audrey likes it the most oh my gosh i think

    你真的是我的父親,我的意思是奧黛麗 最喜歡它哦,我想,我的天哪

  • it's the worst thing in the world i got myself a little licorice pipe and

    這是世界上最糟糕的事情 我給自己弄了根甘草煙斗,

  • best of all for some vintage candy dad's

    最好的 給一些老式糖果爸爸

  • old-fashioned root beer and what did i get is mine still in

    老式生啤酒 我得到的仍然是我的

  • there a candy cane candy cane strawberry kiwi

    那裡 糖果手杖糖果手杖草莓奇異果

  • oh

  • hallelujah away

    哈利路亞 遠

  • we then rode the wagon to the local grist mill which grinds greens into

    然後我們乘馬車到當地 磨成綠色的穀物磨

  • flour and millet we also visited the sawmill where we met

    麵粉和小米 我們還參觀了我們見面的鋸木廠

  • a friendly gentleman who invited us to try our hand

    一個友好的紳士邀請我們 嘗試我們的手

  • at being lumberjacks see who's the best well you could i pull you don't push

    成為伐木工人,看看誰是最好的 好吧,我可以拉你不推

  • into it you pull into it

    你拉進去 進去

  • well that is a good job


  • and that was our visit to king's landing this is a really fun place to spend the

    那就是我們對國王登陸的訪問 這是一個非常有趣的地方

  • day if you find yourself in the fredericton area and we'd highly

    如果你發現自己在 弗雷德里克頓地區,我們會高度重視

  • recommend visiting but now let's get back to the tiny house

    建議參觀 現在讓我們回到小房子裡

  • it is now craft beer o'clock it sure is and we're going to be trying

    現在是精釀啤酒 肯定是的,我們將嘗試

  • uh another local product super local fredericton local and we've got maybes

    呃另一個本地產品超級本地 fredericton當地,我們也許

  • workhorse ipa seven percent so it is a strong ale

    主力 ipa百分之七,所以它是強麥酒

  • a hard-working canadian ipa with you for the long haul

    與您一起努力的加拿大ipa 長期的

  • unfiltered unpasteurized


  • there's nothing more refreshing than a good ice cold beer

    沒有比這更令人耳目一新的了 好的冰鎮啤酒

  • on a hot summer's day for me right now a little slice of paradise

    現在對我來說是炎熱的夏日 一小片天堂

  • there we go you got a special one i did cheers to you blueberry side let's

    我們去那裡,你有一個特別的 我為你喝彩藍莓方面讓我們

  • do a proper cheers i wonder if it's going to be blue is it

    做適當的歡呼 我想知道它是否會變成藍色

  • blue yeah another new brunswick product that's kind of pink i know they go i

    藍是另一種不倫瑞克新產品 有點粉紅色,我知道他們會走

  • don't think i've had ketchup chips since high school maybe like it's been a long

    自從我沒有番茄醬芯片 高中也許已經很久了

  • time party in high school it's been a long time for me too

    高中的時間聚會 我也很久

  • but these are so good in the kettle form like i would i would go to my way to

    但是這些水壺的形式是如此的好 就像我會去

  • have this again these are that good would recommend we

    再來一次 這些都是很好的建議我們

  • recommend


  • grill master what can you tell us we've got the souvlaki going

    燒烤大師,您能告訴我們什麼 來了souvlaki

  • all right it's super easy to light it's just

    好吧,點燃它超級容易 只是

  • the initial stages got it on low heat i'm gonna cook it nice and slow

    最初階段是用低熱量加熱的 我要煮好又慢

  • i mean this is all we've got for dinner so we gotta enjoy it right we've been

    我的意思是這就是我們晚餐所需要的 所以我們一定要喜歡它

  • eating like little piggies and you know it i know and we've still

    像小豬一樣吃 你知道我知道,我們仍然

  • we still have uh ketchup chips there you go we're gonna start

    我們那裡還有番茄醬芯片 去,我們要開始了

  • but so that's dinner tonight that's dinner tonight voila

    但這是今晚的晚餐 今晚晚餐

  • voila i hope we cooked it thoroughly enough yeah

    瞧,我希望我們能徹底煮熟 足夠耶

  • i think we did we decided to cook it at a really low heat slowly over time beef

    我想我們決定在這裡煮 隨著時間的流逝慢慢地慢慢加熱

  • soup lucky yeah i'm gonna try a piece of beef first

    湯很幸運 是的,我先嘗試一塊牛肉

  • mine's very juicy mmm i love it super tasty

    我的多汁 嗯,我喜歡它超級好吃

  • all right we did well done we're done but yeah

    好吧,我們做得很好,我們完成了 但是是的

  • this is a great barbecue food and um i get it again

    這是很棒的燒烤食物,嗯,我 再次得到它

  • yeah i think we're gonna enjoy this and then head down to the water

    是的,我想我們會喜歡的, 然後下水

  • yeah sounds good


  • i have to say my absolute favorite aspect of this tiny house

    我必須說我絕對的最愛 這個小房子的外觀

  • was its location right on the water we were treated to a magical display of

    是它在水上的位置嗎 被視為神奇的展示

  • soft pastels as the sun set and it was so relaxing to just sit there and soak

    夕陽下柔和的粉彩 放鬆一下,坐在那裡泡一下

  • it all in


  • well the sun has gone down and we have beautiful pink skies we've been chilling

    太陽下山了,我們有 我們一直在冷的美麗的粉紅色天空

  • like villains here for what 45 minutes at least

    像小人在這裡45分鐘 至少

  • yeah what time is it now it's uh it's past nine

    是的,現在是幾點,現在 過去九點

  • sundown would have been 850. we've been here for at least

    日落應該是850。 至少在這裡

  • 45 minutes this is summer in canada we've still got daylight 9 p.m

    45分鐘,這是加拿大的夏天 我們晚上還有9點

  • i remember our first attempt to come um maybe an hour and a half ago

    我記得我們第一次嘗試來 大概一個半小時​​前

  • it was way too hot yeah it's way too hot we had like the blaring sun on it

    太熱了耶太熱了 我們像烈日一樣

  • we sat under a tree for a while now now is paradise this is like

    我們現在在樹下坐了一會兒 是天堂,就像

  • the perfect weather it's almost a little brisk like you almost are thinking about

    完美的天氣差不多 像您一樣快要思考

  • like should i put on a light jacket but you still don't want to

    我應該穿一件輕外套,但 你還是不想

  • i'm laughing because he said paradise and it makes me think

    我在笑,因為他說過天堂 這讓我想

  • of katy perry oh my gosh


  • sam likes katy perry no i don't actually obviously you do that

    山姆喜歡凱蒂·佩里 我實際上顯然不是你那樣做

  • carried out it's peridice harry dice

    執行 哈里骰子

  • no but it's really nice it has cooled down tremendously

    不,但是很好,它已經冷卻了 大大下降

  • yeah it's stinging what a difference it's like summer in canada when the sun

    是的,這很不一樣 就像加拿大的夏天

  • goes down it's like yeah there's a really big difference in

    下去就像 是的,有很大的不同

  • temperature it's not like when we were in southeast asia where the

    溫度不像我們那時 在東南亞,

  • temperature would shift by just a degree or two it's substantial

    溫度只會改變一個角度 一兩個很重要

  • substantially this is probably like mid to low 20s now and it's dropping it'll

    基本上這大概是中期 現在低至20多歲,而且下降了

  • probably drop to the high teens tonight oh just

    大概 今晚跌入高中青少年哦

  • loving it here this is maybe the most relaxing evening we've

    愛在這裡,這是 也許是我們最放鬆的夜晚

  • had in a couple months like i just don't want

    在 就像我不想的幾個月

  • to get up i'm still enjoying this yeah we've

    起床 我仍然很喜歡這個

  • literally just sat here just sitting here

    從字面上看 只是坐在這裡只是坐在這裡

  • chit-chatting and enjoying the view

    聊天和 欣賞美景

  • i just keep thinking like does this get old do these views get old for the

    我只是一直在想這樣會 這些觀點會變老嗎?

  • people who live here they don't because every sunset is

    住在這裡的人 他們不是因為每個日落都是

  • different right you get different cloud formations

    不同的權利 你得到不同的雲層

  • different different things to look forward to in the sky

    不同的東西看起來 前進到天空

  • and also i mean here here you would get four distinct seasons so

    而且我的意思是在這裡你會得到 四個不同的季節

  • i mean summer's brief and then you have autumn colors to look forward to and

    我的意思是夏天的短暫,然後你有 期待和秋天的顏色

  • then plenty of snow in the winter so yeah

    然後冬天有很多雪 是的

  • yeah this has been nice


  • well good morning guys morning guys i'll put bright and early

    早上好,早上好,我會 提早亮

  • because somebody was super excited to wake up and

    因為有人對 醒來

  • start the day i'm ready to see us today it's just such a beautiful part of new

    開始新的一天,我今天準備見我們 這只是新事物的美麗部分

  • brunswick i want to get up have a good breakfast and get

    我想要的不倫瑞克 起床吃一頓豐盛的早餐

  • going we've got some hiking to do and yes yeah i'm excited for all of it and

    我們要去遠足 是的,是的,我為此感到興奮,

  • right now we're having a little breakfast

    現在我們有一點 早餐

  • here on the picnic table by the lake check it out guys

    在湖邊的野餐桌上 看看傢伙

  • so the the best feature about this all right is our friends

    所以這是最好的功能 是我們的朋友

  • gary's berries oh blueberries yeah our family friend gary grows organic fruits

    加里的漿果哦,藍莓,是的,我們的 家人朋友加里種植有機水果

  • and vegetables and he brought over blueberries the

    和蔬菜 然後他帶來了藍莓

  • other day they are delicious they're yeah it's like next

    有一天他們 好吃,他們是的,就像下一個

  • level it's like how could you go back to regular blueberries

    就像你怎麼回去 普通藍莓

  • they're having these they're just so plump and delicious

    他們有這些,他們是如此 豐滿美味

  • yeah so we're having some cereal some granola cashew with almonds

    是的,所以我們要吃一些穀物 杏仁麥片腰果

  • and greek yogurt and blueberries that is breakfast here today

    還有希臘酸奶和藍莓 今天在這裡吃早餐

  • by the water gotta say i'm pretty happy with it

    在水邊說我很開心 用它

  • we're just trying to be really quiet because

    我們只是想保持安靜 因為

  • there's a whole bunch of homes and cottages here on the water

    有一大堆房屋, 在水面上的小屋

  • we're kind of like in a little inlet it's like completely

    我們有點像一個小入口 就像完全一樣

  • silent completely still yeah i feel like everyone is still sleeping except for us

    完全安靜,是的,我覺得 除了我們,每個人都還在睡覺

  • because of this guy another bird anyways um what i've also noticed too is

    因為這個傢伙,另一隻鳥 無論如何,我也注意到了

  • yesterday it was super windy and today it's as cold as can be the

    昨天風很大 今天天氣冷到了

  • wind really picked up in the afternoon several times

    下午真的起風了 幾次

  • and basically the water looks like a lake today if you were to go out

    基本上水看起來像 如果你要出去今天的湖

  • it would be it'd be like like being out on the lake but if you come here for a

    就像要出去 在湖上,但是如果你來這裡

  • bit longer maybe two three days there's a canoe available the water was

    可能更長一些,兩三天 有一個獨木舟可用,水是

  • so nice yesterday to go for a swim got my feet in the water yeah this is

    昨天真好,去游泳了 讓我的腳在水中是的,這是

  • the right temperature huh yeah it's like lukewarm again because

    合適的溫度吧 是的,又像不冷不熱,因為

  • they are in this little inlet like the water really

    他們在像這樣的小入口 真的是水

  • it does warm up it's not freezing it's not what you'd expect from a canadian

    它確實預熱了,不是凍結了 不是您對加拿大的期望

  • body yeah there's more more of a climate of a lake here

    是的,那裡的氣候更多 這裡的湖

  • yeah than a river yeah but it is a river the same children

    是的,比河還好,但那是河 相同的孩子

  • so a little change of plans we had noticed on google maps that we were near

    所以我們有一些計劃上的改變 在Google地圖上註意到我們離

  • a place called woolistock park so we were planning to go hiking there

    一個叫做羊毛公園的地方 所以我們打算去那里遠足

  • but then when we got there we realized it's actually like

    但是當我們到達那裡時,我們意識到 其實就像

  • an rv and camper park it's just like people

    房車和露營公園就像 人

  • parking their vehicles and like there's a little beach area but it's private

    停車,就像有 一個小海灘區,但是是私人的

  • like you need to be staying there so yeah we didn't know where to go and then

    就像你需要待在那裡 是的,我們不知道要去哪裡

  • we remembered odell park that's actually in fredericton it's in the city but you

    我們記得odell公園 在弗雷德里克頓,它在城市,但是你

  • kind of feel like you're in the middle of the forest

    感覺就像你在中間 森林的

  • and it's just really nice really peaceful lots of different walking

    真的很好 和平很多不同的步行

  • trails so yeah we're gonna take you for a

    小徑 是的,我們要帶你去

  • little hike here it's especially nice in the morning and in the late evenings

    這裡很少遠足,在這里特別好 早上和深夜

  • so sam would you say this is your favorite place to go running in the city

    山姆,你會說這是你的嗎 在城市最喜歡跑步的地方

  • it's funny because it took me over 10 years to figure this out

    這很有趣,因為這花了我10多歲 年找出這個

  • i used to actually go running more along the river and this is definitely my

    我過去實際上一直在跑步 河,這絕對是我的

  • favorite spot it takes about 15 or 20 minutes to reach here from where my

    最喜歡的地點大約需要15或20 分鐘從這裡到達

  • parents live once you're out here it's a slice of

    父母住 一旦你在這裡,這是片

  • paradise like i just love it here i end up usually doing three or four

    就像我只是喜歡這裡的天堂 我通常會做三四個

  • different loops what's your favorite thing about it just

    不同的循環 你最喜歡的東西是什麼

  • being on the forest breathing the fresh air the lack of people sounds of

    在森林裡呼吸 新鮮空氣缺乏人聲

  • nature so while we're in the woods i thought we

    自然如此 當我們在樹林裡時,我以為我們

  • could answer a question that came up a lot in the last video

    可以回答一個出現的問題 上一個視頻很多

  • a few people seemed concerned that we were quarantining in new brunswick like

    幾個人似乎擔心我們 在新的不倫瑞克(Brunswick)隔離

  • why are you guys okay what happened perfectly fine we're

    你們為什麼還好 發生了什麼事我們很好

  • healthy we haven't had the virus but um the atlantic provinces here in

    健康,我們沒有感染病毒 但是這裡的大西洋省份

  • canada are being extra precautious so anyone

    加拿大 都非常謹慎,所以任何人

  • entering the province even from within canada like from

    進入省 甚至來自加拿大

  • another canadian province you still have to quarantine for 14 days

    你還有另一個加拿大省 隔離14天

  • yeah so that's the reason and when i and when i entered

    是的,這就是原因,當我和 當我進入

  • you could only be coming into the province if you were visiting immediate

    你只能進入 如果您要立即訪問省

  • family yes i'm not sure that may have changed

    家庭 是的,我不確定是否已經改變

  • maybe anyone can come and visit now for 14 days but you do have to quarantine

    也許任何人都可以來參觀 14天,但您必須隔離

  • yeah and they do take it seriously they uh we were

    是的,他們確實認真對待他們 呃我們

  • we were called by the uh government official to make sure that we were

    我們被呃政府打來電話 官方確保我們是

  • actually in our designated area yeah and we had

    其實 在我們指定的區域,是的,

  • to answer questions like about symptoms how we're feeling

    回答有關症狀的問題 我們的感覺

  • yeah did we come straight home from the airport did we make any stops encounter

    是的,我們是從 機場有沒有碰到我們

  • anyone right so yeah but the one the one

    任何人 對,是的,但是一個一

  • positive of that is that the province has a very

    正 就是那個省有一個非常

  • low amount of cases oh yeah yeah especially compared to other parts

    案件數量少哦是的 是的,尤其是與其他部分相比

  • of canada so um yeah it wasn't fun but that ended a

    加拿大的 是的,這不好玩,但是結束了

  • while ago so now we're out tonight we're free

    前一陣子所以現在我們今晚出去 自由

  • enjoying nature yes again happy and healthy yes

    享受大自然,再次快樂, 健康的

  • well guys that was our little getaway that's a wrap here from odell park here

    好傢伙,這是我們的小假期 這是來自odell公園的包裹

  • at fredericton yeah i mean we sure made the most of

    在弗雷德里克頓 是的,我是說我們確定會充分利用

  • just under 24 hours didn't we yeah going to one night

    不到24小時,我們不是嗎 到一個晚上

  • yeah one night there going to king's landing i mean it was a lot of fun oh

    是的,有一天晚上去國王的 登陸我的意思是很好玩哦

  • one thing to mention about king's landing they have special dinners for

    關於國王的一件事 登陸他們有特別的晚餐

  • thanksgiving for christmas so if you want to have a festive meal

    聖誕節感恩節 所以如果你想吃一頓節日的飯

  • and kind of get to experience what life was like 200 years ago

    去體驗什么生活 就像200年前

  • head on over i don't know about you but my favorite part was

    直奔我不知道你,但是 我最喜歡的部分是

  • riding on the wagon i love that that was a lot of fun

    騎在馬車上,我愛那是 多開心

  • and also just like meeting all the different characters because

    就像遇見所有 不同的字符,因為

  • they stay true to their role they do not break character and like they're talking

    他們忠於自己的角色,他們沒有 打破性格,就像他們在說話

  • to you like it's the 1800s talking about the

    給你 就像1800年代在談論

  • town gossip and about the church service

    鎮 八卦和教會服務

  • starting yeah and they did they were walking over for

    開始呀 他們確實要走過去

  • the service yeah it's really fun like they're living there

    服務是的 就像他們住在那裡一樣,真的很有趣

  • yeah that's so true and i thought the property we stayed at

    是的,這是真的 我以為我們住的那座物業

  • was just cute and cozy just a great place to a great location

    既可愛又舒適 只是一個絕佳位置的好地方

  • yeah i loved how there was a like they had built up the the dock

    是的,我喜歡 就像他們建造了碼頭一樣

  • enough that you could go out there and there was a picnic benches and uh

    足以讓你可以去那裡 那裡有個野餐長椅,呃

  • yeah if we had a bit more time we probably would have gone canoeing

    是的,如果我們有更多的時間,我們 可能會劃獨木舟

  • yeah it was just so windy yesterday we really couldn't

    是的,昨天風很大,我們 真的不能

  • yeah we had more time this morning but hey we're back in the city now

    是的,我們今天早上有更多時間,但是 嘿,我們現在回到城市了

  • and we've got another trip planned for you coming up in just a few more days

    我們計劃再進行一次旅行 再過幾天你就會來

  • this is going to be a family trip family trip to grand manan so going with

    這將是一次家庭旅行 到大馬南的家庭旅行

  • my parents and family friends actually uh the the person who we gave

    我的父母和家人朋友 其實是我們給的那個人

  • us the blueberries gary is going to be there gary and his

    我們藍莓 加里將要在那裡加里和他的

  • wife joan and we're going to be staying in a converted smoke shed a herring

    瓊夫人,我們要留下來 在煙霧converted繞中流下了鯡魚

  • smoke shed turned cottage oh yeah

    煙棚 轉小屋哦,是的

  • how random is that yeah we'll definitely give you a tour of that and

    是的,我們有多隨機 給你一個遊覽

  • the island itself is spectacular i went there about 15 years ago

    我去過的島嶼本身很壯觀 大約15年前

  • and just loved it and so it's going to be really exciting to

    只是喜歡它,所以它將 真的很令人興奮

  • to take a family trip there for a few days and we'll definitely be making a

    在那兒進行家庭旅行 天,我們一定會

  • nice long video about the whole experience so stay tuned for that

    關於整個過程的不錯的長視頻 經驗豐富,敬請期待

  • all right well have a good week everyone and see you soon

    好的,祝大家有個愉快的一周 再見

  • ciao we hope you enjoyed this video if you've watched this far

    希望我們喜歡這個視頻 你已經看了這麼遠

  • we invite you to hit that subscribe button and click the notification bell

    我們邀請您點擊該訂閱 按鈕,然後單擊通知鈴

  • so you don't miss any upcoming videos that's all for today and we'll see you

    這樣您就不會錯過任何即將上映的視頻 今天就這些了,我們會再見

  • next week with more adventures around atlantic canada

    下週會有更多冒險 大西洋加拿大

  • bye


hey guys we're samuel and audrey and this summer

大家好 我們是塞繆爾和奧黛麗,今年夏天


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