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Hey guys! How's it going?
Welcome back to another episode of
(both) ♪ Violin ♪
Oh, it's the Ling Ling.
That's right! We're doing Ling Ling 40 Hours.
(The most talented subreddit ever!)
(Ling Ling 40 Hours, unite!)
(Ling Ling wannabes!)
(Practice, practice!)
(Did you practice today?)
Alright, welcome back to Ling Ling 40 Hours,
the most talented subreddit on the Interwebs.
We are at 181,000 Ling Ling wannabes.
Which reminds me that we are also getting close to...
Never felt such conflicted depression towards a...
...happy achievement.
Oh, so much to do!
- So much to practice! - But!
I have been practicing, because, you know, isolation.
What else to do but to practice?
2000 dollar laptop.
- 1000 dollar... - Jacket?
In Australia, you don't really see that.
300 dollars for...
- Sneakers? - Are those Yeezys? I don't know.
1500 for a...
- Phone. - Dude, those triple camera things look so ugly.
Yeah, it's a bit weird.
2 dollars Nokia.
As if Nokia costs 2 dollars.
3 dollar computer.
1 dollar shoes, what a bargain!
1727272882 dollar grand piano!
That's not even how much pianos cost!
- That's more like a violin cost. - Violins are— That's a violin cost.
How many zeros is that?
Ooh, wow.
Okay, that's more like a...
wall of violin cost.
- 1.7 billion. - Nah, okay.
You could buy a thousand Strads.
You wouldn't buy everything in the world,
but you can buy it.
You could buy like a large proportion.
- Yeah. Yeah. - Like, 90% of all the greatest instruments.
They just cut that for the header,
and used it for the profile.
Dude, that looks really hard to line up.
- Your glasses are two circles and the profile's a circle. - Like, circle.
- Whoa, bro! Dude! - It's circleception!
This one did!
That was very meta of you.
Very clever.
You guys know how to, uh...
...hack the system.
Yeah, hack the system!
Expected of the most talented subreddit.
Wait, why??
3 dollars!
Quick maths!
Can your next question be about like,
how much they practice?
- "Eddy practices a certain amount of hours a day." - Yeah.
Answer in the comments below. If you know,
you are not only talented,
but you are also high IQ intelligent.
Dude, I got roasted. Everyone was like,
"Eddy wrote the quadratic formula,"
- for the the Draw Our Life, but then apparently - Yeah.
I said, "Where's the x?"
But there's no x?
There's not meant to be an x.
- It's meant to solve for x. - Yeah.
Like, what's the point of teaching quadratic formula
in school if you're not gonna use it?
Alright, to be fair, I did enjoy maths.
- But... Yeah. I just got roasted. - Like, it's...
I'm a dishonor to Asians.
I like where this is going.
Well, define "eff up."
All other musical genres,
definition of "screwing up": playing a wrong note.
- Jazz: definition of screwing up... - Jazz.
not playing a wrong note.
Dude. That's sick!!
She made a violin pillow!
- "Croshayting"? "Crotcheting"?" - "Crotchet." Crochet. "Crosheting."
Wow, who did this?
- Dude, that's awesome. - Wowww.
Is it comfy?
Do you dream of practicing?
It's not a collab. It's...
- ...instrumental wars! - War.
Guys. We must save Violin-chan.
We will save Violin-chan.
- Things are gonna get intense. - Yes.
Keep an eye out.
Anything that's been built with hours spent on it,
and you see [them] go, "wha-bang,"
it's not good.
F and C is like,
Brett: "Stop trying to be me!"
(both) Yeah.
"Who still needs a copy?"
- That's so true. - That's so true, in orchestra rehearsals,
everyone's like, "Who still needs a copy?"
I mean, how are we all supposed to get the music, you know?
You made your first violin?
- Dude. - Reeeally?
The talent in this subreddit is
a s t r o n o m i c a l .
- Whoa, that's cool! - I'd love to see the before and after.
The f-holes look really beautiful.
- That's amazing! Congratulations. - That's super cool.
In case you guys didn't know,
luthiers, they take a lot of time with the scrolls.
- And a really good violin maker will recognize - Mhmm.
who it is, just by the scroll.
Ohh, let's check out the scroll.
Oooh, look at that scroll!
- Dude, it's so laggy. - Oh yeah, battery. Charger.
Alright, bye.
Are you guys practicing today?
Oh. I gotta do some practice.
Reeeally gotta practice.
Reeeeeaaally gotta practice.
Gotta practice.
Brett: Dude.
Yeah, it's gonna be a hectic journey.
- That's pretty cool! - I do like it.
It's very, uh...
kawaii desu.
It's got our merch!
Lookit, the jacket, the hoodie, the Beethoven jumper.
By the way, check out TwoSet Apparel.
Alright, so apparently what happened in that video,
it was like a business messed up something.
And so they ended up with too much guitars
that they couldn't sell.
And so, they decided to just destroy them all.
Which is kind of sad because
like, as people were suggesting in the comments,
there's so many kids that would love
- to have a free guitar. - Mhmm.
- I don't know how it works. - Yeah. Nah.
- But it was very sad and sacrilegious. - No way.
You did very well.
Even says "practice" on our T-shirts.
- Dude, and they drew the background. - "Viola."
This was the LA poster.
- Yeahh... yeah. - LA poster. Good tour. Oh, good times.
- Man, touring is hectic. But we love it. - Absolutely.
- We love meeting you guys. - Yeah.
- Shouldn't it be named after something you love? - I know!
"Alright, thanks!"
- "No problem, Paganini Nel cor più non mi sento." - Yeah.
"No problem, Scales."
- "No problem, Intonation." - Yeah.
Imagine calling your kid "Intonation."
Dude, the kid will be traumatized.
Are you even allowed to call a kid "Intonation"?
Well I mean, Elon Musk called his kid
- "X Æ 12" or whatever. - Yeah, "X."
Didn't Kanye West call his kid
- Oh, North, North Star. North West. - ...North West?
That's so funny.
I mean, the kid's gonna be messed up, but that's funny.
They should create like a independent organization
whose job is purely to protect celebrity kids
- from getting named something that would scar them. - Instead of getting a weird-*** name.
And once you get older, you're used to it.
Every time you have to explain spelling your name.
So imagine Eddy.
You gotta deal with "ie" or "y" sometimes.
- You know what I mean, right? - Yeah!
- And my name's Brett. It's like, - That's so annoying.
"Brad?" I'm like, "No, B-r-e-t-t."
Maybe we're just so close-minded, and that in the future,
they're gonna be like, "My name is...
- ...like some computer AI sound. - Yeah. "My name is..."
- Starts being pitch. - Yeah!
That face is so messed up.
Bro, you can't spell, Brett!
You actually can't ****ing spell!
That should be on our merch.
Oh, wow! You guys remember the 2016.
You guys have been with us for four years!
- Thanks for joining the journey. - Thank you, guys.
Comment below which year you joined TwoSet Violin.
I'd love to know.
Is that legit?
Imagine you hack someone's neurolink.
Like, trying to sleep, and you play the Brett lo-fi.
- That's torture. - That sounds epic.
- Let's learn hacking. - I mean...
Dude, does that mean you could like,
be in audition, and you can just have like,
- a tuner and a metronome in your brain? - A tuner? A metronome? Yes!
Tick, tick, tick, tick...
It's like a bamboo flute. Except it's eating it.
Cute panda!
Oh! A half flower?
I guess so, if you look at it like that.
- Some people think it looks like an ear. - Nahh...
- It's a violin. - Wow.
But hey, glad you've been living for 100 years.
Teach me the secrets.
Thanks, guys.
- Dude, you look like you got cockroach legs. - It's so demented!
- That's pretty funny, actually. - Yeah.
Was there ads in it? That's pretty
s a c r i l e g i o u s .
- You shouldn't put an ad in like, a... - Yeahh...
...symphony or something.
I was listening to a symphony recording,
and someone put an ad between movements.
Oh, my god!
Which, like,
I get it, it's better than inside a movement.
But, that movement ended very quietly.
- So my volume was high. - Especially if it's like...
And then the ad was like,
Especially if it's like, one of the like,
Tchaikovsky, and like,
- going third to fourth movements. - Yeah.
'Cause you want that silence to...
...kind of sit in, it's part of the -
The silence is part of the music.
- You cultured people would know, right? - Yeah.
Well, I guess that's it,
- 'cause our internet's not loading any more! - Internet stopped.
Thank you for joining.
And yes, we're embarking on an epic journey
to find and save Violin-chan.
Keep updated by accenting the subscribe button.
And legatoing the... accent button.
Brett: Oh, the video stopped.
Thank you so much for watching!
Please like and subscribe!
Once again, you guys are the most smartest,
talented people in the world.
We'll see you guys next time and...
Eddy: Without the video, it's almost like
we're doing a podcast radio show.
Brett: Yeah!
- Eddy: It's like, "Hello, welcome to TwoSet Podcast." - Brett: "Ling Ling 40 Hour FM."
Eddy: What are you still doing, listening to this?
Eddy: This is just a logo onscreen right now.
Eddy: Maybe we're doing this to draw it out to 10 minutes.
Brett: Yes, please keep watching and subsc—
Brett: And support us, thank you very much.
- Brett: Thank you thank you thank you. - Eddy: Please watch every ad roll four times.
Brett: And we'll answer,
Brett: "And the next question to be answered
for the next episode is..."
Brett: "Who likes ice cream?"
- Eddy: I don't know, but I want bubble tea. - Brett: Yeah, me too.