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  • Today we're going to be taking you on two easy day hikes in the town of Esquel.

    今天我們要帶你去 埃斯克爾鎮的兩次輕鬆一日徒步旅行

  • Because when you're not riding the old Patagonian Express encountering 2700

    因為當你不騎老 巴塔哥尼亞快車遭遇2700

  • year old trees in Los Alerces National Park, or stuffing your face with pizza

    洛斯阿雷切斯國家的一棵老樹 停放比薩餅或將您的臉塞滿比薩

  • and pasta and the town's many restaurants, there are actually some fun

    還有麵食和小鎮上的許多 餐館實際上有一些樂趣

  • nearby trails to tackle so that's the plan for today's video but first you

    附近的小徑可以解決,所以 計劃今天的視頻,但首先

  • guys have to meet our cat friend she walked into her apartment on the first

    伙計們要見我們的貓朋友她 第一次走進她的公寓

  • day we arrived and pretty much made herself at home this is the sweetest cat

    我們到達的那天,幾乎做了 她自己在家裡,這是最可愛的貓

  • ever it's a little girl cat she just decided she was gonna come and hang out

    曾經是隻小女孩貓 決定她要來逛逛

  • with us she's sleeping on my arm you didn't even put it there like this okay

    和我們在一起她睡在我的手臂上 甚至沒有像這樣把它放在那裡

  • we are well on our way so we basically crossed the whole town of Esquel

    我們進展順利 所以我們基本上越過了埃斯奎爾的整個城鎮

  • heading north along Fontana uphill continues uphill now we've got

    沿著豐塔納山往北走 上坡繼續上坡,現在我們有了

  • this sign it says Laguna La Zeta. Three kilometers. - That's where we're going.

    這個跡像說拉古納拉澤塔是的 三公里就是河流

  • we've only just begun work off that massive parrilla we had for luch yeah as an FYI

    我們才剛剛開始 作為國際雪聯,我們擁有大量的parlilla

  • you can take a taxi all the way up and then walk down that's what a lot of

    你可以一直打車去 然後走下那就是很多

  • people do I think it's not the lazy way I would say a lot of people did I think

    人們我認為這不是偷懶的方法 我想說很多人

  • Audrey was hoping to do no no no no that's what locals told us to do they're

    奧黛麗希望做不不不不 那就是當地人告訴我們要做的

  • like it see take a taxi walk down I'm gonna

    喜歡它 看我要走出租車走

  • enjoy walking off the parrilla let's do it

    享受走出parrilla的樂趣,讓我們去做 它

  • lots of people heading up probably for sunset yeah guys the trail does get

    很多人前往 日落是的,小伙子的確得到了

  • better yeah we're off of the dirt road we're actually making trail so quiet

    更好,是的,我們走在泥濘的道路上 我們實際上讓步道變得如此安靜

  • it's peaceful we're not thinking about vehicles coming or dust blowing in her

    和平,我們不在考慮 車輛駛來或塵土飛揚

  • face oh yeah we're just surrounded by pine trees and pine cones all over the

    面對哦,是的,我們只是被包圍 整個松樹和松果

  • ground this is what we envisioned this is what we hiked but I have to admit

    這就是我們所設想的 是我們遠足的東西,但我必須承認

  • even though we did walk off that you know like the dirt the dirt road yeah

    即使我們確實走了你 知道土路一樣,是的

  • some amazing views of esquel and we got I mean the higher we got yeah we're spectacular the

    esquel的一些令人驚嘆的景色,我們的意思是 更高,我們是的,我們很壯觀

  • panoramas became yeah there was just quite a bit of traffic on the road like

    全景變成了 路上有很多交通

  • there's a lot of people driving up with their kayaks yeah it looks like family

    有很多人跟著 他們的皮划艇是的,看起來像一家人

  • groups so you get these like clouds of dust everyone's everyone's rushing for

    團體,所以你得到這些像雲 塵埃大家的爭相

  • sunset you mean sunset we can see the water the lake does exist I was starting

    日落,你的意思是日落,我們可以看到 我開始的湖確實存在

  • to wonder we're here oh there's drinks or ice cream up here Oh Oh we'll be

    想知道我們在這裡哦,那裡有飲料 或冰淇淋在這裡哦,哦,我們會

  • first in line my friends


  • we found a shortcut hmm yeah we're heading back down the

    我們找到了快捷方式 是的,我們要回去了

  • mountain into town to esquel we're gonna go to her cottage enjoy a lovely picada

    從山上進城去,我們要 去她的小屋享受一個可愛的皮卡達

  • yeah well show you all that cats gonna join us yeah

    是的,告訴你所有的貓 加入我們

  • hello hello we are back at the place bottle of red wine I pick this one you

    你好我們回來了 一瓶紅酒,我選這個你

  • did and it's fantastic I've been having some sips it's my favorite are you it is

    做到了,這真是太神奇了 一口是我的最愛

  • a Malbec 2017 of course from Mendoza Argentina oh so

    馬爾貝克2017 當然來自阿根廷門多薩

  • good it's velvety smooth velvety smooth I have a good taste

    很好,天鵝絨般光滑天鵝絨般光滑 我味道很好

  • you're welcome and we prepared a little picada back on our platter diet yeah

    不客氣,我們準備了一點 picada回到我們的拼盤飲食

  • back on the platter diet this is awesome wolf and the mosquitos are whoa yeah

    回到拼盤飲食上,這太棒了 狼和蚊子是哇

  • they've noticed we're here soon banana Parmesan cheese apple green pepper green

    他們注意到我們很快就會來這里香蕉 帕瑪森芝士蘋果青椒綠色

  • olives crackers bits of different types of salami green olives

    橄欖餅乾不同類型的位 薩拉米香腸綠橄欖

  • that's salted almonds awesome variety we can't wait to show you what we get up to

    那是鹹杏仁很棒的品種 等不及要向您展示我們正在做什麼

  • while we're here it's gonna be a lot of fun alright guys we are getting ready to

    當我們在這裡的時候,將會有很多 好傢伙,我們正在準備

  • walk up the mountain I really bundled up for this one it's a windy day so I'm

    走上我真的捆綁在一起的山 這是一個大風天,所以我

  • wearing Sam's a jacket because I didn't bother

    穿著 山姆穿外套因為我沒打擾

  • packing one I was thinking summer in Argentina yeah we still need to get some

    包裝一個我在想夏天的東西 阿根廷是的,我們仍然需要一些

  • more gear like the temperatures are dropping so much in the morning yeah we

    像溫度一樣更多的齒輪 早上下降這麼多,是的,我們

  • need to probably get some warmer socks we need to get some winter like in fall

    需要大概買些保暖的襪子 我們需要像秋天那樣的冬天

  • hats hats maybe mix so we do need to go shopping maybe we'll even do that today

    帽子也許帽子混在一起,所以我們需要走 購物也許我們今天甚至會做

  • when we go into town yeah there's some really good outdoor outfitter stores so

    當我們進城的時候,是的 非常好的戶外服裝店,所以

  • yeah let's see what we can find for now thanks for sharing like I'm looking for

    是的,讓我們看看我們現在能找到什麼 感謝您分享我喜歡的分享

  • something like this just in my size and a woman's cut because this fits funny

    像我這樣的東西 女人的剪裁,因為這很有趣

  • cuz I don't get it cool idea I find to really I do like to keep my ears warm

    因為我不明白這個主意 我真的很喜歡保持耳朵溫暖

  • yeah I'd love to have a warm hat now funny part is that some people are

    是的,我很想戴一頂暖和的帽子 現在有趣的是有些人

  • wearing t-shirts and tank tops and I'm just like how are you doing this but

    穿著T恤和背心,我 就像你如何做到這一點,但

  • yeah we're basically walking out of the city of esquel now we have to go through a

    是的,我們基本上走出了 埃斯克爾市,現在我們必須經歷

  • neighborhood and then the trail starts leading you up the mountains who are

    社區,然後小徑開始 帶你上山

  • walking on 25 de Mayo that's the name of the street and we've kind of

    走在5月25日, 街道的名稱,我們有點

  • left like the city center and we're on a steep incline at the moment oh well it

    像市中心一樣離開,我們在 此刻陡峭的斜坡哦,很好

  • is a steep way up my friend but we are starting to get some views of esquel

    是我朋友的上坡路,但是我們 開始對溢達的一些看法

  • just behind


  • well impressive mountains all around oh my gosh yeah so when we were first

    四周都是令人印象深刻的山脈哦 我的天哪,所以當我們第一次

  • climbing up it looked like we were gonna be taking sort of a straight path right

    爬起來好像我們要 正走一條直路

  • to the top of the mountain that we're planning to climb but it's not it's kind

    到我們所處的山頂 計劃要爬,但這不是一種

  • of veered off to the left and that means we're a little bit further away from the

    轉向左側,這意味著 我們離

  • city but we have this insane view of the mountain range over there like that's

    城市,但我們對這個瘋狂的看法 那樣的山脈

  • not something we've seen since we've been in esquel like with this kind of

    自從我們 像這樣

  • view so it's been incredible and the hike has been really cool it was

    視圖,這真是令人難以置信, 遠足真的很酷

  • actually steeper at the beginning you know this part is this flat for a while

    剛開始的時候你比較陡 知道這部分是一段時間

  • I've been feeling that we may be like veering and kind of circling around to

    我一直覺得我們可能像 轉向和盤旋

  • get to the top but we have no idea since we we didn't really read about this hike to cerro de la cruz

    到達頂端,但是我們不知道 我們真的沒有聽說過塞羅·德拉克魯茲峰

  • we're just winging it and so far it's been great

    我們只是帶翅膀,到目前為止 很棒

  • well guys we are back we're back in a little cottage apartment desert was

    好傢伙,我們回來了,我們回到了 小別墅公寓沙漠是

  • amazing before we talk about anything else we talk about anything else

    在我們談論任何東西之前都很棒 否則我們談論其他

  • we haven't been filming a lot this afternoon though we came back from the

    我們並沒有拍很多東西 下午雖然我們從

  • hike we did we took a siesta wait we did not reach the summit of cerro de la cruz no we made it like

    徒步旅行,我們做了午睡,我們做了 沒有到達克魯羅山的頂峰,不,我們像

  • halfway up the mountain and it was getting so windy and then we kind of got

    在山的一半,那是 風很大,然後我們有點

  • off the trail and then we ran into a French couple and they're like yeah

    走開小路,然後我們遇到了 法國夫婦,他們就像

  • you've still got an hour to go now just getting up would have an extra hour

    你現在還有一個小時的路程 起床會多一個小時

  • going back and we're like errands to run we're back into town so we did not reach

    回去,我們就像跑腿一樣 我們回到城裡,所以我們沒有到達

  • the summit but you get really cool views of esquel halfway up because you kind

    首腦會議,但你得到非常酷的看法 因為你善良

  • of have this view point where there's no trees there's a bit of a clearing

    有這個觀點,那裡沒有 樹木有一些空地

  • honestly it's it's an incredible thing even if you don't make it all the way up

    老實說這是不可思議的事情 即使你沒有做到一切

  • to the top yeah yeah we did just go about halfway

    是的,是的,我們只是去了 大約一半

  • you got some phenomenal views also when I told you that the path wasn't getting

    你也有一些驚人的看法 我告訴你那條路沒走

  • is steep that's because we were going the wrong way the wrong way yeah but it

    陡峭是因為我們要去 錯誤的方式錯誤的方式是的,但是

  • was it was a good mistake to make because we got some great views of a

    這是一個很好的錯誤嗎 因為我們對

  • mountain range of wouldn't have seen otherwise yeah and then after the hike

    不會看到的山脈 否則,然後在遠足之後

  • okay ran errands remember there was a tour we wanted to go out so we asked the

    好的,跑腿記得有一個 巡演我們想出去,所以我們問

  • taxi drivers and the meece how much money they wanted to take us out to be

    出租車司機和米斯多少 他們想帶我們出去的錢

  • that bad either it was like 230 US dollars yeah the guy's like he did the

    太糟糕了,就像230美國 美元,是的,這傢伙就像他做了

  • math it's gonna be a hundred kilometres times 35 people are good on the way back

    數學將達到一百公里 35人在回來的路上好

  • nine thousand pesos recorded me and was oh you can't you can't negotiate with

    九千比索記錄了我,當時 哦,你不能,你不能與

  • that kind of an offer so we booked it for we wrote the to her it's gonna be

    這樣的報價,所以我們預定了 因為我們寫信給她

  • $60 each and the nice thing about doing the tour is that I mean we'll have a

    每個60美元,做起來很不錯的事情 這次旅行是我的意思是我們將有一個

  • guide we'll get more background information and we get lunch we get a

    指導我們將獲得更多背景 信息,我們吃午飯,我們得到一個

  • in that so it's it's it worked up for the best

    在那,它是工作了 為了最好

  • yes and yeah so that after the we came back it took a little nap we got

    是的,所以在 我們回來了,我們睡了一會兒

  • a little peckish because 8 o'clock is a long time to wait

    有點啄 因為要等八點才很久

  • for pizza so we end up going up Kate yeah it's delicious and then after cake

    吃披薩,所以我們最後去了凱特 是的,很美味,然後再放蛋糕

  • we've been shopping because you know we didn't we bought that summer summer

    我們一直在購物,因為你知道我們 那夏天不是我們買的

  • clothes it's surprisingly cold in esquel the wind the wind factor is increased so

    衣服過冷的出奇 風因數增加

  • this right here is a new flannel shirt I got this for I think 16 US dollars yes

    這是一件新的法蘭絨襯衫 拿到這個,我想是16美元,是的

  • really nicely is warm you got a new jacket let's do

    真的很溫暖 你有一件新外套,讓我們做

  • show-and-tell you have a shopping bag we do oh my gosh

    展示和講述 你有一個購物袋,我們做哦,天哪

  • I hope I'm not like showing my I felt like underwear drawing all over the

    我希望我不喜歡表現我的感覺 就像內衣畫圖一樣

  • apartment let's move in this direction you first first no you first

    公寓讓我們朝這個方向前進 你先第一不你先

  • you have more purchases well this is the most exciting project I mean this is Sam

    你有更多的購買,這是 最令人興奮的項目,我的意思是,這是山姆

  • is becoming a Gaucho Gaucho hat look this is Tolosa to Peeta I mean what this

    變成高喬(Gaucho)高喬的帽子 這是Tolosa對Peeta,我的意思是

  • from a shop where they specialize in this so let me try it on for you guys

    從他們專門從事的商店 這讓我為你們試穿

  • they had cotton hats and wool hats wool for the south cotton for the north so

    他們有棉帽和羊毛帽 對於南方的棉花,對於北方的棉花

  • apparently in terms of styling it you can kind of wear it any way you can like

    顯然是在樣式上 可以按照自己喜歡的任何方式穿

  • go like that wear it back where I think it looks kind

    那樣去 把它戴在我覺得不錯的地方

  • of silly if I wear it forward but um super comfortable Sam needs to discover

    如果我向前穿會很愚蠢 超級舒適的山姆需要發現

  • his Gaucho style yeah and it just it's it just feels so good like I love

    是他的高喬風格,是的 感覺真像我愛

  • collecting hats and I do not have a go-to hot

    收集帽子,我沒有 熱門

  • so this is the first gotcha hat that I'm buying hopefully not my last one

    所以這是我的第一頂帽子 希望不是我的最後一個

  • mmm and what else did you get oh what's up just those two items you also know

    嗯,還有什麼呢? 你只知道這兩個項目

  • and we got wool hats with what we got two kinds of wool hats they fit both of

    我們得到的是羊毛帽 兩種適合的羊毛帽

  • us so I mean doesn't really match actually your jacket so oh yeah I've

    我們,所以我的意思不是很匹配 其實你的外套,所以哦,我

  • been wearing you wanna pull it out I've been wearing Sam's winter jacket because

    一直在穿你想把它拉出來我 一直穿著山姆的冬裝,因為

  • I didn't pack one it's all right to the tomboy pretty much better yeah you're

    我沒有打包一個就可以了 假小子好多了,是的

  • wearing this over pizza you'll get to see this when we going yeah it's kind of

    穿這個披薩,你會去 我們走的時候看到這個,是的

  • like black gray bit of green it's nice it feels so anyway so that's what we've

    像黑色的灰色的綠色很好 反正感覺如此,這就是我們要做的

  • been up to this afternoon yeah and this was what's the closest to us thoughts

    一直到今天下午 最接近我們的想法

  • yeah I mean it's the cheapest one I could find they had some jackets that

    是的,我的意思是這是我最便宜的 會發現他們有一些夾克

  • were like the equivalent of 500 Canadian dollars and we're like what and look

    相當於500加拿大 美元,我們喜歡什麼,看起來

  • guys just as we're heading out for pizza


  • yeah this is the second meow Z we've met so far oh look the salami familiar they

    是的,這是我們遇到的第二個喵 到目前為止,看起來像意大利香腸一樣

  • live together owners yeah you you adjust it because yeah I've seen them walking

    住在一起的主人,是的,您可以調整 是因為我看過他們走路

  • into the supermarket like the only place you absolutely they are those you cats

    像唯一的地方一樣進入超級市場 你絕對是你的貓

  • yeah and they're well taken care of like she takes them to the vet and she feeds

    是的,他們很好地照顧像 她帶他們去看獸醫,然後餵食

  • all the local strays right so we're gonna start shopping at her place a lot

    所有當地流浪的權利,所以我們 要在她家很多地方購物

  • to support her there's me looking happy anyways we're gonna start getting

    支持她,有我在尋找 無論如何我們都會感到高興

  • ready I also have to apologize for the huge mess that is our apartment right

    準備好了,我也要為此道歉 這是我們公寓的一塌糊塗

  • now well this is realistic when we give you guys apartment tours and then we

    現在好了,當我們給 你們的公寓之旅,然後我們

  • clean up please that's esquel ours you're living here yeah that's just a

    請整理一下,這是我們的 你住在這裡是的

  • little that's when we're packing up to leave yeah and this is the real deal

    很少是當我們打包 離開,這是真正的交易

  • okay we're messy

    好的 我們很亂

  • you

Today we're going to be taking you on two easy day hikes in the town of Esquel.

今天我們要帶你去 埃斯克爾鎮的兩次輕鬆一日徒步旅行


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