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  • - You're good.

  • - Rose Bitch is my shade?

  • - It is, I mean you should change your name

  • to Jenna Rose Bitch.

  • - I totally should, Jenna Rosenstein that's it,

  • I'm Jenna Rose Bitch from now on.

  • (laughing) - I love it.

  • - I'm Jenna Rosenstein (pop music)

  • and welcome back to another episode of Beauty Stash,

  • the show that takes you inside the homes

  • of our favorite celebrity hairstylists, makeup artists,

  • and influencers.

  • Today's episode is going to be great

  • if you're a Little Monster

  • because we're going inside the home of Sarah Tanno,

  • she's Lady Gaga's go-to makeup artist

  • and she also just helped launch Haus Laboratories,

  • Lady Gaga's new makeup line,

  • I'm so excited to see how she stores

  • all her favorite beauty products.

  • Let's go!

  • (knocking)

  • Hi! - Oh my god, Jenna!

  • (laughing) - Hi!

  • - Thank you so much for coming!

  • - Of course, thanks for having us.

  • - Of course, come on in.

  • - Can't wait to see your beauty stash!

  • - So I thought before we get into like the makeup,

  • this is kind of where it all starts for me,

  • before I make my mood boards

  • I like to actually hold and turn the pages of a book,

  • it's something sensory for me that I just really appreciate.

  • - So you get all your inspiration

  • from books? - I do,

  • but this is one that like actually is a lot,

  • as you can see, I mark them up quite a bit.

  • And sometimes I'll bring them on set with me,

  • I just love the way it feels, it's kinda old school but,

  • this is kinda fun, this is one of the images I used

  • to help like get inspired for the Met Gala this year.

  • - The eyelashes, yeah!

  • - So as soon as I knew that the theme was Camp,

  • I knew exactly to go to this book.

  • So, I'll show you this too.

  • - Yeah, do you take, oh you have them?

  • The actual eyelashes?

  • - Oh yeah.

  • - Oh my god, I'm so excited.

  • - Since we're talking about inspiration,

  • here is my massive mood board.

  • - This is amazing!

  • - It helps to really get my brain working

  • on setting the tone for like any job

  • or even with Haus Laboratories,

  • before I like create a collection

  • sometimes I'll make a board

  • to kind of like get me in the mood

  • for like the color or like the vibe of it.

  • I used to like have them just like stuck up on the wall

  • and I worked with Linda Koopersmith

  • from Beverly Hills Organizer

  • and she said it basically look like a kindergartner did it,

  • so she made me this beautiful frame to go around it so,

  • it really looks like a piece of art

  • and keeps me inspired and she designed this space for me,

  • so it stays very organized and clean

  • and that helps me like really prepare for new jobs.

  • You know, it takes a team

  • so I'm really lucky I have like a team of assistants

  • who help me to really organize,

  • so like all my containers are from the container store

  • and they're like perfectly organized.

  • - It's so organized, it's like a Sephora in here, really.

  • (laughing) - It's my dream come true.

  • All my vanities are from Impressions Vanities,

  • they have the best lights too,

  • if you ever need like vanity mirrors.

  • One thing I was telling you about,

  • how I prepare for jobs, when I work with like a client

  • and I know what they like, I will have a makeup bag

  • like for Priyanka's, so now I know exactly

  • like her favorite like skin products and things

  • so I don't have to figure it out every time--

  • - Right, you can just grab and go.

  • - Exactly, so I have a bag for everybody

  • and I promised to show you--

  • (gasps) - The eyelashes!

  • - The Met Gala lashes.

  • - Oh my gosh, are these the real lashes?

  • - Well the real ones are in Vegas in a museum,

  • but this was a pair I worked with Nicki Andrea

  • on creating for the Met Gala, so if you see,

  • I created this base first because the lashes are so heavy.

  • So if you see how long those are.

  • - Yeah, did you have to make that custom too?

  • - Yeah, I just layered a couple different lashes

  • to create those which are really beautiful

  • and it just wasn't enough so I went here afterwards,

  • so this is like what it would, this was the bottom piece.

  • - That is so cool!

  • - I wanted to keep them forever.

  • - Yeah, and I see here you have an Emmy award, your Emmy!

  • This is so cool!

  • - Thank you.

  • You know it's cool cause with Gaga,

  • I get to work in like different medias of makeup,

  • which I think a lot of people don't get to experience

  • because I get to do, you know,

  • TV and film and you know, stage makeup,

  • red carpet makeup, I mean everything you can think of

  • so I've learned so much throughout all this

  • and this is just like such a blessing.

  • - And what's this photo, right here?

  • - My dad was an artist too,

  • he was a jeweler so this is a picture of him

  • at his workbench because my workbench is right here--

  • - That's really sweet! - So I always wanted

  • to keep that in here.

  • - That's sweet.

  • - Yes, thank you.

  • And here, I keep all the products

  • that I'm testing for Haus Laboratories.

  • So right here-- - Give me a sneak peak, maybe?

  • - Off camera!

  • - Off camera, okay, you guys can't see, you guys can't see.

  • - But this is where I would keep the lab standard

  • so that's after it comes back to me

  • to make sure it's perfect.

  • - This is the labs of Haus labs.

  • - Oh yes, we do a lot of product development meetings here

  • and go through color, this would be product testing,

  • so these are all the products

  • that I'm in the middle of testing.

  • And then, this one is final approvals,

  • so anything that I'm about to close

  • and just final sign to go-- - Good to go, yeah.

  • - That's where it goes so,

  • (whispering) I'll show you later.

  • - Okay, I can't wait to see!

  • So this is my vanity where I do a lot of like my practicing

  • and creating before a big, maybe in like a red carpet event,

  • like I'll actually do my makeup here,

  • what I'm gonna do on Gaga

  • and practice it and send her photos.

  • And that really like, helped us when creating these products

  • for Haus Laboratories, and here-

  • - Let's see some of the products.

  • I mean I've seen them a couple days ago,

  • but they just launched--

  • - They did just launch, well it's so quick

  • I might as well just show you them on.

  • - Okay, sure.

  • - This is Glam Attack, this is a liquid shimmer powder.

  • Super easy to use, don't need a makeup brush to use it,

  • just make sure you shake it.

  • And it's easy to take your look day to night,

  • you just use the applicator.

  • And it literally just goes on like that,

  • you could throw it on the lips,

  • isn't it beautiful? - Yeah.

  • - And you could like just blend it with your finger,

  • you don't have to be like a perfect artist to do this.

  • And then this is our Le Riot lip gloss,

  • just a touch-up here.

  • - God that's so pretty.

  • So I have some questions for you from some fans on YouTube.

  • - Oh yeah, let's go for it.

  • - Rihanna wants to know,

  • which item is the most essential from the makeup line?

  • - Well, for me--

  • - The eyeliner.

  • - The eyeliner in Punk. - Eye-lie-ner

  • - Yes. - I love that name.

  • - It's matter than matte, felt-tip, black pen,

  • it goes on beautifully and even if you're not an expert

  • at liquid liner, it makes it so easy.

  • - And you just did that in five seconds.

  • - I love it, it's the best.

  • - And then we have to talk about the stickers.

  • - Oh the stickers.

  • - Cause I think that's I think my favorite

  • like new launch of the year.

  • - Thank you!

  • This is something that Gaga was like

  • she loved the sticker makeup

  • that I've always created for her,

  • like during the Jazz tour

  • and I had to do things really fast

  • and I was never happy with the way like it would look

  • because it wasn't symmetrical and it would drive me crazy,

  • so I had to figure it out

  • and I called Phyllis Cohen from Face Lace

  • and that's where like our relationship with Phyllis started,

  • so she really wanted to bring something to the consumer

  • and every woman I feel like has problems

  • with getting great winged liner so--

  • - It's like an excuse everyone uses,

  • like I'm sorry I'm late I was doing my winged eyeliner,

  • now you don't have that excuse anymore, thanks!

  • - And all of a sudden it's like covered in your entire eye--

  • - Yeah, now we can't use it anymore. (laughing)

  • - So just grab your tweezers and peel it off,

  • you could use your fingers too if you want.

  • And sometimes I like to do it with no eyeliner on,

  • but if I'm wearing this during the day

  • and I wanna amp it up tonight,

  • you just look directly into the mirror, line it up.

  • - Wow, oh my god.

  • - That's it.

  • - It looks, I mean, even in person up close,

  • it looks so convincing.

  • - Yeah and we really worked hard

  • to make the formula blend perfectly,

  • so I don't really need to blend it,

  • but if you did, you would just go over it

  • and like get any spots that you need to or fill in your line

  • if you wanna do that first. - That's unbelievable.

  • So I have one more question for you,

  • and Glenny from the Philippines wants to know,

  • throughout the years,

  • what is the most memorable makeup look

  • that you've done for Gaga?

  • - Oh my god there's been so many.

  • - So many.

  • (gasps) - I have something to show you

  • that will answer that question.

  • - Okay, let's go see. - Okay, okay, let me show you.

  • So one of my favorite looks, I think you might remember,

  • was the Superbowl mask.

  • - The Superbowl, so iconic.

  • - So iconic, so this is one of the custom pieces

  • that Phyllis did for us for the Superbowl,

  • so it went through a bunch of different stages and shapes

  • and colors and working with different adhesives

  • to make sure that it was like perfect

  • and it would stay on while she was flying down, but also--

  • - Cause she flew from like the top of the stadium down,

  • and then she took them off

  • and then there's makeup underneath,

  • like how did you do that?

  • - I was like crying on the field.

  • I didn't know what was gonna happen.

  • I love crystals though,

  • it's something that's like

  • evident in new makeup. - Oh my gosh,

  • I'm like such a magpie,

  • I'm like look at those shiny things!

  • - And they're beautiful.

  • So this is just a small portion of the crystals

  • that I would travel with in my kit, I have so much more,

  • I collect like really weird things like chains

  • and spikes and studs and things

  • that I work into my makeup. - Where do you find them?

  • - Like art supply stores,

  • even like Michaels sometimes, I go downtown LA or New York.

  • - I love it!

  • - And then something else fun,

  • just to show some of the history that I've had with Phyllis.

  • As I was telling you before with like the Jazz tour,

  • she would make some custom pieces

  • so I could do quick change makeup, so this is some of them.

  • - So we're talking quick change,

  • like how long did you have to change her makeup backstage?

  • - Like seconds, like she would be back there

  • for maybe a minute, a minute and a half tops,

  • changing, getting a wig change, getting touched up by me,

  • drinking, maybe breathing if she has time (laughing)

  • so, she used to want to quick change her makeup

  • but I couldn't do it, cause like getting in there

  • with the liquid liner, I'm like I'm gonna poke her

  • in the eye, this is not gonna look attractive,

  • it would look all wonky, so like, this is kind of where,

  • here's some ones that I used to use all the time.

  • Something like that, and see I would always cut the pieces,

  • and that's what I want people to do with ours too,

  • is just to like custom cut them for their face

  • and get really creative and--

  • - Cause you did create a mask, - express themselves.

  • - For Haus Labs-- - We did, we did a custom one

  • with Phyllis.

  • And it's in four pieces so you can wear just the top

  • or the bottom or make it a full mask

  • and it fits every eye shape and face shape.

  • What else is in here?

  • Oh these are fun, the sticker eyebrows

  • that Jackson Maine peeled off Ally-

  • - In A Star Is Born.

  • (gasps) Those are them!

  • - Yep, these are them. - Oh my gosh, movie history.

  • That is so fun.

  • I mean you've worked on so many now, TV shows, and movies

  • like, how do you keep track of it when you're on set?

  • - Oh my god, it's something I had to learn the hard way

  • and it's actually right here, it's a makeup continuity book.

  • - Continuity book.

  • - So this is the holy grail of how you keep track of things

  • and in Horror Story, we created 68 original makeup looks.

  • - Which is why you won an Emmy.

  • (laughs) - It was a lot of work.

  • Where is a good one?

  • - Okay, so you have, you took these photos yourself?

  • - Yeah, so basically, before they, she leaves to go to set,

  • I would take a picture from every angle of the makeup,

  • the you know, both sides and straight on,

  • so here I would write the episode, the scene number,

  • and like what night or day it is

  • because the makeup would have, you know,

  • different progressions,

  • and then I would write down every single product I used

  • and where it went because with TV and film

  • you usually don't shoot in order,

  • so it's really fun, you have to like remember a month later

  • what you're doing so if I didn't have this amazing book,

  • I would never know what I was doing.

  • And they originally wanted only one look

  • for the whole show so--

  • - Whose idea was it to go for 68, was it?

  • - Well, I wasn't counting,

  • but I did want to do different makeup for everything

  • but some days it was challenging,

  • it was like four looks a day I had to do

  • and going back and forth,

  • but we really decided we wanted her makeup to progress

  • with every love interest,

  • so that's why she would have different vibes of makeup,

  • I don't know what I got myself into.

  • - How did you learn how to stay organized like this?

  • - This was the first TV show that I ever filmed

  • so Erin Krueger Mekesh and Mike Mekesh,

  • they had like all Brian Murphy shows,

  • they really like took time with me

  • and helped me to learn the best way of keeping track

  • of all this and how vital it is and also,

  • how to cover tattoos,

  • that was something I never had to do before,

  • Gaga has a ton of tattoos,

  • so everyday it was like a process

  • of not just getting the Countess ready,

  • but also for her to be in character,

  • she wanted all her tattoos covered,

  • and she really likes that when she acts,

  • so for Ally, same thing, tattoos were completely covered

  • and that's not my favorite part about makeup.

  • - Well cause for A Star Is Born,

  • there was all this like impressive like

  • oh she wasn't wearing a lot of makeup,

  • but she was wearing body makeup.

  • - A ton of makeup on her body.

  • Just none on her face. - Just none on her face!

  • - None on her face.

  • - So this is where you keep all your makeup

  • for jobs and TV shows and movies

  • but where's your personal stash of makeup?

  • - I'll show you my sanctuary.

  • - Okay.

  • (instrumental chill music)

  • So this is your bathroom?

  • - Yes, this is kind of like my sanctuary.

  • Like after a long day of work, I like,

  • I need something to really like turn my brain off.

  • So, I take an Epsom salt bath, pour a glass of wine,

  • and I watch old episodes

  • of like Friday Night Lights or something.

  • - Okay, first of all, this is called the Sipski,

  • that's hilarious. I love it.

  • - Keeps my wine safe, it's important.

  • - Gotta stay safe when you're sipping wine.

  • - Gotta stay safe.

  • - Do you have a favorite bath product

  • or something you use? - I do.

  • I actually really love Lord Jones,

  • they have bath salts that I really love,

  • as you see I have a whole plethora of things to relax.

  • This is my favorite though, this is a Hypervolt.

  • - Oh my gosh, a Hypervolt!

  • - I bring this on set with me all the time

  • because I have like the worst back problems,

  • that's the non glamorous part

  • of being a makeup artist is--

  • - Is it from like hunching over

  • and like doing makeup or? - Yeah,

  • I'm literally in so many interesting positions

  • trying to like reach my clients faces, literally.

  • - That looks so nice!

  • - Do you wanna try it?

  • - Yeah.

  • - It's life-changing.

  • - Oh my god, I need one of these.

  • - I know, it's my favorite thing.

  • - That's amazing.

  • - Everyone always loves it.

  • - All her dancers, everyone has a Hypervolt.

  • - That's a great holiday gift,

  • just like gift it to everyone. (laughs)

  • - I have some hair products in here, the ones,

  • the major ones that I use are right here,

  • Linda Koopersmith, she kinda designed this

  • so it was very zen in here for me,

  • cause I go through a lot of product testing,

  • this is kind of where I do it

  • so now it just feels so much more clean and organized.

  • - And that skincare over here.

  • - Skincare, I'm super into,

  • this is like where I test a lot of products

  • so I have a lot of different masks,

  • I'm really into masks and skincare

  • and just knowing everything I possibly can about it.

  • - Do you test stuff that you can then use

  • on your clients too?

  • - Yes, if it's skincare I like to test it

  • for at least like a week to two weeks

  • before I put it in my kit, the foundation, again same thing,

  • I go at least a week just to see how it wears

  • throughout the day.

  • So I know what I'm in for.

  • But skincare is something I really love

  • and I'm super passionate about,

  • Marc Jacobs Youthquake is a new one,

  • this is great for like--

  • - The first ever skin product.

  • - The first ever skin product,

  • it's taken him like years to make this

  • but the reason I love it, it has pineapple enzymes in it,

  • so you're not hydrating dead skin cells,

  • it actually exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time.

  • - And it wears nice under makeup, right?

  • - It wears amazing under makeup.

  • Dr. Sturm, Dr. Barbara Sturm, I'm a huge fan.

  • - Everyone we film with is obsessed with her products,

  • I mean I am too--

  • - I mean I'm not surprised. - They're so good!

  • - She's wonderful

  • and such a genius so like I use all her masks,

  • I use the blood cream at night,

  • I use her hyaluronic acid, the glow drops,

  • Lanalips is an ointment that I like for all over

  • if I'm super dry but for lips.

  • And then another serum I love is a C E Ferulic,

  • it's like incredible to prep your skin with

  • cause you have like a beautiful glowy skin, it looks--

  • - It's like a super high dose of vitamin C

  • but it smells a little funny but you have to get past it

  • and then once you do-- - Yeah you have to get past it

  • but it works beautiful

  • with makeup-- - But then your skin

  • looks amazing - I'm always like damn, that--

  • - I did a good job today, yeah!

  • (laughing)

  • - So I love it, so that's kind of like the way

  • that I kinda take care of myself

  • is I like to take some time for myself everyday,

  • whether I'm ending it, ending my day with my bath

  • and my stupid shows or if it's getting ready

  • cause like with my own skincare

  • or with my own makeup routine, I'm pretty simple

  • so I could show you what I use,

  • it's pretty basic. - Yeah,

  • and what about makeup remover?

  • - Makeup remover, I like to kick it old school,

  • I like the Lancome Bi-Facils.

  • - It's so good!

  • - Yeah. - Like why need--

  • - Like argan oil is actually, Gaga taught me that for eye,

  • like if you have heavy eye makeup or waterproof products

  • that just straight up argan oil is like really great

  • to just remove everything--

  • - Melts it all off.

  • - Yeah, melts it off. - Genius.

  • Thanks Gaga. (laughing)

  • - I learn so much from her.

  • So this is kind of where like I like to get ready,

  • I don't spend a lot of time on my makeup,

  • I really do it with the skincare,

  • so I kind of just have like a couple things in this drawer.

  • If I'm in a hurry, I love my liquid liner,

  • have to have my Velvet Noir mascara, it's my ride or die,

  • I have to have so many of them

  • because every client wants to steal them.

  • - Oh my god, I'm sure.

  • - Yeah, so can't live without this.

  • Anastasia brow pencil, my ride or die,

  • as you see it's like broken, I've abused it.

  • I love the Accomplice concealer from Marc--

  • - They're new right, newish? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Have you tried these?

  • - Yeah, it's so good.

  • - It's amazing formula.

  • So it comes in like a touch-up stick

  • so it's really easy to touch up throughout the day,

  • it's also really creamy so you can apply it under the eyes

  • and it doesn't really crease,

  • but most times I don't wear foundation if I have this--

  • - Cause to me, this is almost like--

  • - So you could build it up--

  • - Yeah, it's almost like foundation,

  • like you could sort of sheer that out

  • and wear it all over your face.

  • - It's kinda like yeah,

  • like the old school foundation sticks, I love it.

  • And I do love the La Mer's powders for touch up,

  • so sometimes I'll take one of those in my bag.

  • And then for lips, I'm pretty simple,

  • I'll just use one of the Haus Labs colors,

  • I mean since we developed them,

  • one of my favorites is Myth, it's kind of,

  • that's what I'm wearing now.

  • It's what I wear all the time, throw on some gloss

  • and I'm pretty simple, but I do love the Skyn Iceland

  • when I'm getting ready,

  • so if I'm like doing my eye makeup, I might stick the gels,

  • the cool gels-- - Underneath your eyes?

  • - Yeah, and I love that. - Genius.

  • - And that's about it, I'm pretty simple as far as myself,

  • I mean I guess I don't look that simple today

  • but we did do a quick change makeup so--

  • - We did, and it only took you like 10 seconds so--

  • - Isn't it amazing-- - That's the genius

  • of Haus Labs. - It's like changing.

  • - I can't wait to get Rose Bitch on you.

  • - Oh yes!

  • - Let's do that.

  • - I'm going to be a Rose Bitch, okay let's go--

  • - Should we go do it now?

  • - Yeah. (laughing)

  • - On your way out, glam change.

  • - I love it.

  • We can be matching.

  • It feels so nice.

  • - Does that look good?

  • (gasps) I can see it already.

  • - Do you love it?

  • It makes your eyes look so like neon.

  • Doesn't that feel cool, the liquid?

  • - It feels amazing, it's like cooling on my eyelid.

  • - And then just blend it out with your finger.

  • - That took literally like 15 seconds.

  • - We're good.

  • - Rose Bitch is my shade?

  • - It is, I mean you should change your name

  • to Jenna Rose Bitch.

  • - I totally should, Jenna Rosenstein that's it,

  • I'm Jenna Rose Bitch from now on.

  • (laughing) - I love it.

  • Well thank you so much. - Thank you Sarah.

  • - So awesome to meet you. - Thanks!

  • - I appreciate you.

  • - Bye guys.

  • (upbeat music)

- You're good.


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Lady Gaga's Makeup Artist Sarah Tanno Has a Monster-Sized Beauty Stash | Beauty Stash

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    Summer 發佈於 2020 年 08 月 21 日