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  • Greetings, and welcome to Earthling Cinema.

  • I am your host, Garyx Wormuloid.

  • This week's artifact is The Shawshank Redemption,

  • based on the novella by acclaimed wordperson King Stephen,

  • who ruled America with an iron fist for over two hundred years.

  • The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of Earthling Andy Dufresne,

  • a suspiciously over-qualified banker who is sent to prison for the murder of his nameless wife.

  • Once incarcerated, he befriends Red, who is known to locate certain items from time to time

  • and whose gentle baritone could lull me right to sleep.

  • Tired of doing boring stuff like sliming the tops of buildings,

  • Andy offers the guards financial advice, which is like catnip for humans.

  • The Warden quickly gives Andy an unpaid internship,

  • which seems like it's gonna be a great opportunity,

  • but ends up just being a lot of bitch work.

  • After twenty years, Andy decides he's had enough, despite the fact that he's barely aged a day.

  • The guys all think he's gonna kill himself,

  • but why bother when he's got that sweet hole in his wall.

  • Later, Red gets lonely, and asks if he can go now, and everybody says ok.

  • He easily finds Andy halfway around the world, presumably using satellite technology,

  • and then they chill at Club Med.

  • Other than the value of keeping posters in your room, the primary theme of The Shawshank Redemption is freedom.

  • Many times we see the camera framed by doors and windows, suggesting imprisonment.

  • Conversely, aerial shots are used to indicate liberation.

  • In this shot, Andy experiences his last gasp of life on the outside as the limo brings him to Shawshank.

  • Later, he plays Wolfgang Puck's “The Marriage of Figarofor the other inmates, using art to set them free.

  • At the end, we see Andy and Red fully torqued on freedom.

  • But the movie goes even deeper.

  • Sure, it's about a prison and all the wacky adventures that happen there,

  • but lurking beneath is a hefty load existential undertones.

  • Typical Hollywood.

  • In his essay "Existentialism is a Humanism,"

  • Jean Paul Sartre suggests that in the absence of God,

  • humans must define their own essence through the choices they make,

  • and also through the shampoo they use.

  • In this film, instead of God, we have the Warden, who is a "perverse deity" -- Satan masquerading as a holy figure.

  • He is always quoting the Christian bible and bragging about how many passages he has memorized,

  • yet he is arbitrarily cruel and spiteful.

  • He has a stitchwork quote about judgement on his wall,

  • but behind it is the vault where he keeps records of his illegal activities,

  • and probably some nudie mags.

  • According to Sartre's analogy:

  • An artisan uses a tool to craft an object.

  • He determines its essence, and the object has no say in the matter.

  • Sucks for you, object! Similarly, if humans were crafted by God, that would mean humans have no say in their essence either.

  • Sartre contends that "each man makes his essence as he lives,"

  • and God plays no part in it.

  • And he was right, just a little premature:

  • as we all know, the being known as God abandoned Earth in the year 1991.

  • Because of the Warden, inmates are not in charge of their own essence,

  • or even their own bowels.

  • The institution breaks them and the walls come to define who they are.

  • Brooks loses his ability to live in the free world

  • and turns to the seedy underworld of graffiti before ultimately calling it quits.

  • Prison robs people of their will to freedom, and by extension, their humanity.

  • Sartre contrasts human beings with objects such as rocks,

  • noting that rocks are their characteristics,

  • whereas human beings create their characteristics,

  • even if those characteristics are forged by wasting away in front of their television sets.

  • Most of the prisoners become rocks -- they allow their lack of physical freedom to dictate their sense of absolute freedom.

  • In contrast, Andy doesn't become a rock,

  • he sculpts and breaks rocks with his trusty hammer, Thor Jr.

  • The salvation lying within the Bible is not God,

  • but rather Andy's choice to embrace hope

  • and liberate himself [shot of hammer-shaped hold in bible] by any means necessary:

  • in this case, a conveniently human-sized pipe.

  • Andy tells Red he'll laugh when he sees the rock hammer -- in a place like Shawshank, hope is truly laughable.

  • Plus, small things are funny.

  • For Earthling Cinema, I'm Garyx Wormuloid.

  • To sign up for your very own prison pen pal, click the subscribe button.

Greetings, and welcome to Earthling Cinema.


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B2 中高級 美國腔

肖申克的救贖》中隱藏的意義--地球人電影院。 (Hidden Meaning in The Shawshank Redemption – Earthling Cinema)

  • 168 3
    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日