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(General chatter)
- Done your revision? - Oh, yes.
I've concentrated on trigonometry.
I've done calculus mainly.
I believe they concentrated on calculus last year.
Oh. Oh, dear.
(Stifled snigger)
Quiet ladies and gentlemen, please.
The exam will commence in two minutes.
Ladies and gentlemen, you may open the envelopes containing your papers.
The exam starts...
(Clears throat)
(Clears throat)
Two minutes, ladies and gentlemen.
At the end, would those who answered the green calculus papers
please put them in the green box.
And those who answered the white trigonometry papers
please put them in the white box.
Stop writing, please.
I said stop writing.
(Angrily) Will you stop writing!
(Alarm clock)
(Choir and organ)
(Sermon begins)
(Vicar burbles in background)
(Congregation) # All creatures of our God and King
# Lift up your voice and with us sing
(Mr Bean, out of tune) # Alle-lu-ia
# Alle-lu-ia...
# Thou burning sun with golden beams
# Thou silver moon with softer gleam
# O, praise Him O, praise Him
# Alle-lu-ia
# Alle-lu-ia
# Alle-lu-ia
(Congregation) # ...lu...
# lu-ia
(Congregation) # ia...
# Let all things their Creator bless
# And worship Him in humbleness,
# O, praise Him!
(Mr Bean) # Alleluia!
# Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
# And praise the Spirit, Three in One!
# O, praise Him O, praise Him
# Alleluia, alleluia!
# Allelu...
# ...ia #
(Screeching tyres and crashing metal)
(end music)