字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Floating on the Mediterranean Sea, this castle protected an ancient port city for hundreds of years. 這座城堡漂浮在地中海上,保護了一座古老的港口城市數百年。 It's also a place shrouded in myth where a legendary princess met a certain fate. 這也是一個瀰漫著神秘氣息的地方,而傳說中的公主在這裡面對她的宿命。 (upbeat music) (歡樂的音樂) Just about 700 feet off the coast of Southern Turkey, the Kizkalesi, or maiden's castle, sits on an island so tiny it looks like it's standing on water. 距離土耳其南部海岸僅 700 英尺處,克茲卡雷希或是梅登城堡坐落在一個小島上,看起來就像漂浮在水上。 The walls and towers of the castle date back to the early 12th century, although exactly who built it is a mystery. 城堡的牆壁和塔樓的歷史可以追溯到 12 世紀初,不過確切的建造者是一個謎。 According to one legend, a Byzantine king built the castle after a fortune teller told him that his only daughter would die from a snake bite. 根據一個傳說,一位算命師告訴拜占庭國王他唯一的女兒會死於蛇咬,因此國王建造了這座城堡。 Despite the king's efforts to protect the princess, a snake snuck in by hiding in a fruit basket and the princess met her unfortunate fate. 儘管國王為保護公主做出不少努力,一條蛇躲在水果籃中悄悄溜進來,而公主遭遇了她不幸的命運。 Fortified walls wrap around the entire complex with eight towers providing 360-degree views, making the castle an effective first line of defense against enemy ships approaching the port. 堅固的城牆環繞著整個建築,由八座塔樓提供 360 度全景,使這座城堡成為抵禦駛向港口的敵艦有效的第一道防線。 The legend of the 12th century may be a thing of the past, but the stone walls of the fortress still stand today, keeping their secrets. 12 世紀的傳奇也許已經成為過去,但是石牆至今仍屹立不倒,守著他們的秘密。 (chime dings) (鐘聲)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 GreatBigStory 城堡 公主 國王 地中海 港口 地中海上漂浮著一座城堡! (The Mysterious Origins of Maiden’s Castle) 7743 371 Celine Chien 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字