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  • Therefore it is compulsory for one to be intelligent and

  • be attentive to the call of prayer (Allahu Akbar).

  • Once he hears the call Allahu Akbar one should not delay the prayer instead he should attend to it

  • and then he can resume any worldly activity.

  • Because the meeting with Allah will aid you with your worldly activities. What we call the blessed time.

  • It is important that one is attentive to this matter

  • in that they should not ignore Allah's call to him.

  • If my father calls me and I didn't go to him, he would be upset with me. And so Allah says in a Qudsi hadith

  • Whoever responds when I call him I will respond to him when he calls me.

Therefore it is compulsory for one to be intelligent and


B1 中級

Sheikh Sharawy:迴應祈禱的召喚(英文字幕) (Sheikh Sharawy: Answering the Call to Prayer (English Subtitles))

  • 163 15
    Lam Serena 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日


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