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See our minds have become messed up and their now filled with pollution
Tv screens and magazines we're beginning to look for a solution
Plastic surgery, diets and pills but still not seeing any form of improvement
We've stacked up all these dollar bills but still not sure what to do with them
We began to chase women and fornication to the point our girls don't even know who's
baby she's carrying We're so afraid of commitment but have no
problem with damaging She has your kids now but your still not even
contemplating the possibility of marrying See this is what happens when we neglected
Allah's best examples you call her Mary, but we call her Mariam
A women who was perfect since birth The best to walk the skies and the best to
walk the surfaces of earth. The most exalted of all women, that's why
she was dedicated an entire chapter In the Holy Quran the final revelation in
which there will be none after
She was the best of all women, and to society she should be leading the way
I mean that's why our women be dressing like her, coz just like Mary, when Allah decrees
something we hear and we obey
See Mary used to cover up, despite everything they used to say
She would hide in hibernation, and to Allah she would pray
And when she was visited by Angels in the form of men, she said if you fear Allah you
would go away! Because in the presence of men she would not
But anyways today were taught to be against segregation
Yet for in support of all forms of liberation To free yourself from the clothes that only
lead to your degradation why do you got to cover your face for? we
got to see your identification But little do they know her identities right
there a women who fears Allah and commits to her religious obligations
See I respect all women to because thats what my religion teaches
To lower your gaze when your walking there's no need to check out every women's features
There's no need to even shake another women's hand because in reality theres only one reason
why a guy would be pleased to meet you And you can go ahead and deny it but don't
blame me for stating the obvious When the pornographic industry is worth billions
you still don't see where the problem is Sex is embedded into society to the point
we'll exploit it to merely sell a car So you can act like this is all new to you
but you know for a fact How innocent we really are
How about we look at the simplistic way we're taught to dress
It's like if you dress less than your destined for success
You then force your women into heels and have the nerve to say that we oppress
You got her to dress up tightly I mean its an opportunity
But every time we loose our mind, its like see what these ladies do to me
But I'm not blaming it on the women because we too have a responsibility
Prophet Muhammad said the best of men, is he who is best in his character
and the best of them, is he who is best to his lady after he married her
He was the best to his wives I mean just take a look at Aisha
He'd compete her in races and smile just to make her happier
So when you do marry - do so with the intention of only Paradise is where to you should plan
to carry her
So the next time you think about carrying her to the alter, maybe you should alter your
decision Because if the only reason your marrying her
for is the outside then realise you'll be locked inside of a prison
For that reason, Prophet Muhammad said marry for four: Beauty, family, status but most
importantly religion Because a women without religion is a women
who could do with a bit of extra wisdom We're meant to grow old together, mercifully
so we could be protected by Allah's supervision.
But relationships are a mess and there's no guarantees your going to be a survivor
So be kind to her and know that Allah will be kinder
Be a man who stands in front but also a man who can stand beside her
And if your still looking for that good girl don't go chasing after behind her,
Rather search to find Allah first, for once you find Him your guaranteed to find her.