Honest costume absolutely incorporates this type of embroidery, but the bodice is varied from region to region, and they came in many different colors in this Norwegian genre painting from 18 67 we do see a young girl wearing this type of bodice and then a skirt, and this bodice would be worn with a skirt or shirt in Norwegian.
誠實的服裝絕對結合了這種類型的刺繡,但是不同地區的胸衣是不同的,他們有很多不同的顏色,在這幅18 67年的挪威風格畫中,我們確實看到一個年輕的女孩穿著這種類型的胸衣,然後穿著裙子,這種胸衣在挪威會搭配裙子或襯衫。