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  • Here are true facts about the cuttlefish.

  • The cuttlefish is not a fish. It is a mollusk of the class cephalopoda.

  • The cuttlefish is a bit like a clam that millions of years ago came out of its shell and never went back.

  • In fact, it still has a specialized shell

  • but on its inside, which is used for buoyancy and is called the cuttlebone.

  • People for a long time have used this shell to carve

  • casts for metal jewelry. These people are called cuttleboners.

  • By me. And now by you.

  • To move through the ocean, the cuttlefish has a wavy wavy fin that surrounds its mantle.

  • It also has a siphon, a muscular tube it can squirt water out of for fast propulsion.

  • Imagine trying to move by vomiting out of a giant straw and flapping your skirt around very very fast.

  • That is how a cuttlefish do.

  • The cuttlefish brain is larger than its entire body,

  • including its brain, which may not make sense, but it does to the cuttlefish.

  • Because it has a very large brain, the cuttlefish has a very advanced eye,

  • roughly in the shape of Charlie Brown's mouth when he misses a football.

  • Or perhaps a W that someone wrote when they were drunk.

  • Or the letter Q that someone wrote when they were REALLY drunk.

  • Despite its big brain and weird eyes, the cuttlefish is colorblind,

  • which is curious because it is a color magician of the deep.

  • Like a lactose intolerant cheesemaker, the cuttlefish is unaware of its own gifts.

  • With the help of millions of color change-y things in its skin, it can change color and texture almost instantaneously.

  • Playing hide and seek with a cuttlefish sucks. They don't move, they just change color.

  • You can hear them breathing while you count.

  • How the cuttlefish determines the backgrounds it blends in to is largely a mystery

  • because it can do it in complete darkness,

  • which is kind of a dumb gift if you ask me, but still amazing.

  • Aaahhh!! Fish!! (chuckle)

  • Then there's the flamboyant cuttlefish, which doesn't try to blend in with sh*t.

  • It just says, "Why doesn't the world try to blend in with ME?"

  • You go little man. Don't go changin' for nobody.

  • When it is threatened, the cuttlefish will often release ink from its ink sac.

  • The cuttlefish releases that ink in one of two ways.

  • One is a little--priffing--sort of squirt. Something you might say "excuse me" after.

  • The second is a release of both ink and mucus.

  • More of a "throw your underwear out and go home early" sort of inking.

  • These are called "pseudomorphs," and they're designed to be decoys for the cuttlefish as it escapes.

  • The cuttlefish feeds by extending two hidden feeding tentacles,

  • which it uses to snag prey and pull it back towards its poison beak.

  • What?? Well, apparently it has a beak.

  • Very slowly it extends...(chuckle) oh that fish just had to move, like, two inches.

  • Cuttlefish mating begins when the male delicately grabs the female by the face

  • and inserts another specialized tentacle into an opening near her mouth,

  • which I hope is not her nose, and inserts sperm sacs.

  • Males have four pairs of arms and females have three.

  • Weaker males often disguise themselves as females by hiding two of their arms.

  • This reminds me of what I may or may not have done in the mirror as a young boy.

  • These cleverly disguised males swim right past the competition and do the face sex thing.

  • After the female eggs are fertilized, she gingerly and lovingly puts her eggs in some

  • random friggin hole on the bottom of the ocean.

  • The eggs are called "sea grapes" by people who like sh*tty wine.

  • And they are guarded by the couple until they hatch into the cutest little freaks in the universe.

  • These little babies are not so good at the camouflage,

  • but they do the best that they can.

  • Cover yourself up, little man. And sleep tight.

  • Remember, if you ever wanna come out of your shell

  • and let your freak flag fly, the cuttlefish has your back.

  • Or front. I don't know, I can't tell with them with what's front and what's back

  • Point is, don't let the tentacle parts wrap around your head.

  • Or if it happens, plug your nose. 'Cause your nose might get preeegnant.

Here are true facts about the cuttlefish.


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關於CuttleFish的真實事實 (True Facts About The CuttleFish)

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    Irina 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日