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It's now been more than 24 hours since this explosion in Beirut's port
and volunteers like the ones behind me are still trying to clean up the streets.
Clean the glass and the debris out of this neighbourhood.
I'm about 500 meters away.
You can actually see the port there behind me.
That area is completely flattened
but even here, even 500 meters away, you can see 20 stories up
this building has been completely destroyed.
Now a lot of the volunteers I'm talking to came from all over Lebanon today
to help clean up the capital city
but they're also very angry at their government
Protesters have been in the streets here since October
and those protests were in some ways silenced by the COVID-19 pandemic
but what people are telling me today is that
as soon as the rubble is cleaned up from the streets of Beirut
they'll be back in the streets.
And I actually saw a group of protesters from the northern city of Tripoli
come along this road just about one hour ago.
And with the port destroyed
and the financial crisis that Lebanon has been suffering for months already
it seems difficult to know how they'll possibly manage to rebuild.
You know for example you can see all these shattered windows around me
Lebanon doesn't produce glass.
They're going to have to import that
and the currency here has lost almost 80 per cent of its value.
So everybody I'm speaking to today is extremely concerned about the future of the country.
Rebecca Collard, CBC News, Beirut.