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  • I told you that I wanted to go to that festival in Sweden.

  • No, you said it would be cool to go.

  • Yeah and then I got the opportunity

  • and I decided to do it. - Look I don't mind you going.

  • I just wished you would've told me, that's all.

  • Dude, she needs a therapist.

  • You've been wanting out of this stupid relationship for like a year now.

  • And don't forget about all of the beautiful Swedish women you'll meet in June.

  • Okay guys.

  • - That's not her again, seriously?

  • Babe, what's happening?

  • Dani?

  • I was so very sorry to hear about what happened.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I invited Dani to come to Sweden.

  • You know what she's been going through.

  • - Christian says you've got this special week planned.

  • It's sort of a crazy festival.

  • Special ceremonies and dressing up.

  • That sounds fun.

  • Unbelievable.

  • Welcome and happy midsommar!

  • Skål!

  • What time is it?

  • 9pm.

  • That can't be right, the sky is blue.

  • This is what 9pm is like here.

  • How long have you two been together?

  • Just over three and a half years.

  • Four years.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • What do you think?

  • - It's like another world.

  • Tomorrow's a big day.

  • Is it scary?

  • What is it?

  • It has special properties.

  • What am I going through?

  • We just need to acclimate.

  • I don't want to acclimate, I wanna go.

  • Absolutely not.

  • What's happening?

  • I don't know why you invited us.

  • That's why you look so guilty right now because you know.

  • We only do this every 90 years.

  • I was most excited for you to come.

I told you that I wanted to go to that festival in Sweden.


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A2 初級 美國腔

仲夏之戀|官方預告片高清|A24 (MIDSOMMAR | Official Trailer HD | A24)

  • 50 2
    naomi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日