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  • One of the first things to go whenfixing” a diet is that of sugary, calorie-dense beverages,

  • especially the ones we all know and love.

  • Sodas, pops, soft drinks or however you call it, no doubt these drinks have a bad track

  • record, to say the least.

  • However, removing soda from one's diet is much easier said than done.

  • We just enjoy the taste of sugar too much.

  • To combat this, some health advocates have proposed the use of diet sodas as an alternative.

  • But are these no-calorie derivatives truly better?

  • Or, might they actually be worse?

  • Let's find out.

  • Undoubtedly, the problem with sodas is its sugar content, commonly in the form of high

  • fructose corn syrup.

  • Overconsumption of these sugars in general can lead to a myriad of issues such as insulin

  • resistance, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, and obesity.

  • But the key word here isoverconsumption.”

  • Moderate consumption of sugars actually won't do much harm.

  • After all, we use sugar for energy.

  • But, the problem today is the fact that SO MANY of our foods contain added sugars, not

  • just soft drinks.

  • Overconsumption is much more easily achieved than ever before.

  • One soda can itself contains roughly 40 grams, or 10 teaspoons worth of sugar.

  • Just drinking two soda cans per day results in 320 calories all from just sugar.

  • To deal with at least some of this, in comes artificial sweeteners.

  • Sodas typically use the artificial sweeteners aspartame and acesulfame potassium, aka ace-k.

  • Both are substantially sweeter than sugar itself (180x asp 200x acek) while containing

  • zero calories.

  • Unfortunately, it's been purported that diet sodas have its own set of issues and

  • aren't good for you either.

  • But when we look at the actual evidence, we often come to a different finding.

  • A key criticism of diet soda is its impact on insulin.

  • Since diet sodas are sweet just like sugar, the belief is that it can also elicit an insulin

  • response.

  • However, since it lacks actual sugar, there is nothing for the secreted insulin to metabolize.

  • This purportedly can lead to insulin resistance.

  • Insulin resistance can in fact lead to the dreaded type 2 diabetes.

  • A glaring issue if it were to be true.

  • Fortunately, we have multiple research evidence, and evidence as recent as July of 2018, showing

  • that artificial sweeteners do not, in fact, elicit an insulin response.

  • It seems that insulin secretion is not closely tied to taste of sweetness, but rather the

  • properties pertaining to sugar itself.

  • In the case of diabetes, one systematic review of 17 related studies did preliminarily find

  • an increased risk with diet soda.

  • In fact, they reported that regular soda led to an 18% increased risk of type 2 diabetes

  • per serving while diet sodas had a higher, 25% increased risk per serving.

  • But there were more adjustments made to control for any residual confounding and potential

  • biases in the studies.

  • After further adjustment, the associated risk of type 2 diabetes for regular soda reduced

  • by 26% while diet soda's association reduced by a substantial 96%!

  • Essentially, the data does not definitively show an association between diet soda and

  • type 2 diabetes.

  • But the concerns didn't stop there.

  • There have been research showing other health risk associations with diet soda, such as

  • increased blood pressure, gut dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, cancer and increased risk

  • of stroke.

  • It's important to understand, though, that these are only associations and not evidence

  • of a direct causal link to any health risks and diet soda.

  • Many studies, especially ones on cancer and gut dysfunction, only found issues in rat

  • studies where the rats were consuming artificial sweeteners at amounts multiple times greater

  • than humans would ever consume.

  • Human trials typically show no issue.

  • Also, a potential explanation for these associations is reverse causality.

  • Instead of diet soda being the issue, it might be that unhealthy subjects are more likely

  • to drink diet soda in attempt to reduce their sugar intake.

  • This explains the higher incidences of many of these health risks with diet soda consumption.

  • And we do have data showing that people consuming diet soda tend to weigh more and have higher

  • BMI levels at baseline compared to those who do not drink any soda.

  • Even then, to reiterate, there are no causal links, only association.

  • With all this being said, which one is better?

  • Regular or diet soda?

  • As of now, the data points to diet soda being better for you than regular soda overall.

  • The reduction in the added sugars can have a profound effect, especially for those that

  • struggle with excessive sugar consumption.

  • It's still important to have a decent overall diet and a healthy lifestyle in general.

  • Just because you drink diet soda now doesn't mean you have the freedom to eat more elsewhere

  • than when you were drinking regular soda.

  • Like everything in nutrition, moderation is key.

  • It just so seems that diet soda has a greater threshold.

  • So, as long as you get the rest of your lifestyle in order, feel free to enjoy any of your carbonated

  • concoction from time to time.

  • And while you're at it, let me know what you think about the soda battle in the comments

  • below.

  • Thumbs up the video if you enjoyed it and share it with your soda-loving friends.

  • As always, thank you for watching and GET YOUR PROTEIN!

One of the first things to go whenfixing” a diet is that of sugary, calorie-dense beverages,


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健怡蘇打水與普通蘇打水的比較,哪個更適合您? (Diet Soda vs Regular Soda | Which is Better For You?)

  • 22 0
    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日