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  • Hey psyched goers and welcome back to another video.

  • Before we start, once again, we want to give you a huge thanks for all of the love and support you've given us.

  • Our mission is to make psychology more accessible to everyone, and you helped us do that.

  • So, thanks again. Let's begin.

  • Did you know that you use your body language most of the time when you communicate?

  • Your body language can convey different types of feelings and meanings.

  • While culture and tradition can heavily affect the meanings of body language, here are 19 general facts about body language.

  • Number 1: Crossed arms.

  • Do you cross your arms when you're talking?

  • Usually, this means that you are avoidant and defensive. It may show a sign of self-protection and a lack of openness during conversations.

  • Number 2: Slouching

  • Are you sometimes overwhelmed or intimidated when in situations like a group meeting or interview?

  • If you are in this type of situation and you lower or slouch or shoulders rather than sitting up straight It could mean that you are afraid or even unmotivated.

  • Number 3: Tilted body

  • When you talk to someone do you notice that their body is facing in another direction instead of yours?

  • If their bodies tend to tilt away from you, then there's a chance they aren't interested in what you're talking about.

  • Four: Repetitive motions.

  • Do you shake your leg, rub your hands, or tool at your hair again and again?

  • These motions may mean that you feel nervous or impatient.

  • Number five: Direct eye contact

  • Do you directly look into someone's eyes when you talk to them?

  • Initiating eye contact may mean that you're focused on and giving the person you're talking to your full attention.

  • It shows that you're interested and attentive to the conversation.

  • Six: Smiling.

  • When you smile the muscles on your face contract.

  • While smiles often show happiness and joy, a tense smile or a smile that isn't very expressive may convey grief or embarrassment.

  • Seven: Handshake

  • Did you know that the strength of a handshake has meaning as well?

  • A firm handshake is a universal sign of strength and confidence.

  • While a weak handshake may indicate unreliability or disrespect.

  • Eight: Imitation.

  • Do you find yourself copying the gestures of the person you're talking to?

  • This is actually an unconscious attempt to strengthen your bond with them since mirroring increases empathy.

  • It may be while you see your friends sharing similar poses and attitudes.

  • Nine: Leaning forward

  • Do you slowly lean forward as you're talking to someone?

  • This unconscious move indicates your interest in what the other person is talking about.

  • Ten: Raised eyebrows

  • Only if you raise your eyebrows with a solemn expression on your face, it may convey dissatisfaction or anger.

  • Eleven: Raised eyebrows with combined signals.

  • On the other hand, if you raise your eyebrows with a mix of nodding and smiling, It shows that you're friendly and attentive to the conversation.

  • Number twelve: Proximity

  • Have you ever noticed how close you stand to your friends versus how you stand with your boss?

  • The level of proximity between you and the other person can tell a lot about your relationship with them.

  • The closer the distance, the closer the relationship.

  • Thirteen: Flushed face

  • A red face can mean a number of things depending on the context.

  • While it usually means shyness and embarrassment, a flushed face can also show hostility and anger.

  • Fourteen: Stiffness.

  • Have you ever noticed when someone stands very stiffly with tense shoulders?

  • Tension in the limbs and other body parts may mean that they're lying or hiding something they don't want anyone to find out.

  • Fifteen: Blinking

  • According to psychology compass, slow blinking is linked to lying.

  • Since you use more energy when you're telling a lie, there's less energy given to your blinking muscles.

  • Number sixteen: Lip movement.

  • Do you lick your lips when you see your crush?

  • Smacking or licking your lips shows a desire and a message that you're interested in the person.

  • This also exists in primates when they're sexually attracted to their mates.

  • Number seventeen: Small touches

  • Do your friends give you a pat on the back when you're feeling sad?

  • These small touches indicate empathy, care, and warmth.

  • It lets people know that you understand and sympathize with them.

  • Eighteen: Head motion

  • Do you nod your head when you like or agree with something, and shake your head when you don't?

  • While this may seem pretty common in most cultures some variations do exist: places like Bulgaria and Greece actually have it the other way around!

  • Nineteen: Indirect eye contact.

  • Does someone look away when you're talking to them?

  • Avoiding proper eye contact may mean that they're not paying attention, they're distracted, or they're trying to leave the conversation.

  • Have you noticed any of these body language gestures in yourself or in other people?

  • Tell us about it in the comments below!

  • If you enjoyed this video, please like and share it with others who may find it helpful too.

  • Subscribe to Psych2Go and hit the notification icon for more content. All the references used are also added in the description below.

  • Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video.

Hey psyched goers and welcome back to another video.


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身體語言對你的19種評價 (19 Things Body Languages Say About You)

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    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日