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It's been a huge year for Mars missions.
In the last couple of weeks, three agencies have sent spacecraft to the Red Planet.
The United Arab Emirates launched Hope on July 19th, China launched Tianwen-1 on the 23rd, and the U.S. just launched Perseverance.
阿拉伯聯合大公國 (下簡稱阿聯) 於 7 月 19 日發射了希望號,中國於 23 號發射了天問一號,以及美國剛發射了毅力號 (7 月 30 號)!
With so much happening, it might seem like there's a competition here, but really, the culprit is just orbital mechanics.
Theoretically, you could go to Mars whenever, but it's really only practical every 26 months.
理論上來說,你可以隨時前往火星,但實際上每 26 個月才能出發一次。
During that launch window, Earth and Mars are arranged in such a way that getting to Mars takes way less fuel than normal.
And this summer happens to be an ideal launch window.
So now, we have three missions heading to Mars.
First, the UAE's Hope orbiter.
This mission is all about climate and weather.
It'll study Mars's weather for a full Martian year, and it'll also study the hydrogen and oxygen in the planet's upper atmosphere, both of which will help answer an important question: Where is Mars's air?
We know the planet used to have a much thicker atmosphere, because there used to be liquid water on the surface, and maintaining that requires a certain amount of atmospheric pressure.
But today, Mars is super dry, and its atmospheric pressure is only 0.6 percent of Earth's.
但今日,火星上非常乾燥,且大氣壓力僅有地球的 0.6%。
Data from other missions suggest that charged particles from the Sun stripped away most of that gas, and Hope plans to study this in more detail, reconstructing the history of Mars's climate and linking it to its current weather.
It's also planning to build the first weather map of the whole planet, something that will come in handy for research, and maybe even for future settlement.
Because at least for now, the UAE is hoping to start a community on Mars by 2117.
但至少就現在而言,阿聯希望能在 2117 年之前於火星上建立人類社區。
Meanwhile, Tianwen-1 is planning to study Mars from the outside in, tackling its atmosphere, surface, and subsurface.
Unlike Hope, this is a multipart mission with an orbiter and a rover, so it'll be able to focus on multiple aspects of Mars at the same time.
Like, both pieces will study different parts of Mars's atmosphere: The orbiter will focus on charged atoms in the upper atmosphere, and the rover will focus on weather near the ground.
Meanwhile, for surface research, the orbiter will handle mapping, while the rover will handle chemical analysis.
And for the subsurface research, both the rover and the orbiter will use radar to map the locations and depths of water ice deposits in Utopia Planitia in the northern hemisphere.
These deposits were only discovered by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2016, so with Tianwen-1 scientists will be able to study them from the ground for the first time.
這些沉積物只有在 2016 年時由火星偵察軌道飛行器發現,所以透過天問一號,科學家們將能首次從地面對其進行研究。
Finally, NASA's Perseverance rover.
最後,是 NASA 的毅力號探測車。
It's headed to Jezero Crater, also in the north, where a meandering river once deposited lots of clay and carbonate sediments.
On Earth, material like this has preserved some of the earliest signs of life.
So Perseverance is going to do a lot of chemical analysis of these Mars rocks, both by taking samples and by remote spectroscopy.
But it's also rocking some experimental tech: Ingenuity and MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment).
它也搭載了一些很酷炫的實驗技術:機智號 (Ingenuity) 和 MOXIE。
They're both proof-of-concept projects to demonstrate technology that could make future missions more flexible.
Ingenuity, for example, is a little autonomous helicopter!
It's super light—it will only weigh about 0.7 kilograms on Mars—and right now, it's pretty bare bones: It just has hardware to guide it, some cameras and sensors, an antenna, a solar panel and batteries, and some blades.
它非常輕巧,在火星上只有 0.7 公斤,而現在它仍是相當基本的版本:上面安裝了導向的硬體設備、一些相機和感應器、一個天線、太陽能板與電池、還有一些機翼葉片。
Someday, though, a souped-up version could be its own, standalone mission.
Or it could act as a scout by flying ahead to collect images.
But right now, we just want to see if it can get off the ground.
That's a big engineering challenge, because Mars's atmosphere is so thin that there's barely enough air for a helicopter's blades to push against and get itself airborne.
To counter this, Ingenuity has fast, long blades: They're 1.2 meters from tip to tip and spin ten-times faster than many helicopter blades on Earth.
為了解決這個問題,機智號非常快速且長的葉片:這些葉片也 1.2 公尺長且旋轉速度比地球上的直升機快 10 倍。
The idea is that longer, faster blades can push against more air and generate more lift, and so far, things have gone well in tests.
But we'll have to see if it works on Mars itself.
Meanwhile, the other tech, called MOXIE, is a tiny oxygen factory inside the rover.
另外,另外一個稱為 MOXIE 的技術,是一個在探測車裡小型的氧氣工場。
It siphons carbon dioxide from Mars's atmosphere, and uses electricity to split it into oxygen gas and carbon monoxide.
Despite what it sounds like, this isn't a plan to siphon all of Mars's CO2 and replace it with oxygen.
The goal is just to see if this works.
After all, when we send people to Mars, they're going to have to breathe, and they might also need liquid oxygen to fuel their rockets home... but bringing a giant, heavy oxygen tank isn't really practical.
So eventually, they might rely on a bigger version of MOXIE.
因此就結果而言,他們仍然需要倚賴較大版本的 MOXIE。
So like I said, it's a huge year for Mars missions!
Soon, we'll have three countries with three missions teaching us more about the sky, land, and water of our next-door neighbor.
It'll be a few months before anyone gets to Mars and the data start pouring in, but we can't wait.
And as we learn more, we'll keep you updated.
This week's episode of SciShow Space News is brought to you by none other than our President of Space, Adam Landers!
本集的 SciShow 太空新聞節目是由我們那位宇宙之王 Adam Landers 呈現!
Adam is one of our patrons on Patreon, who make this show possible.
Adam 是我們在 Patreon 網站上的資助人之一,也是讓這集節目得以呈現的人。
So, thanks, Adam! And thanks to all of our patrons.
所以,謝謝 Adam!也謝謝所以資助人們!
Patrons really make SciShow happen, and if you want to learn more, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.
沒有資助人們就沒有 SciShow,所以如果你想要看到更多 SciShow 節目,請前往 patreon.com/scishow 支持我們。