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  • in this video, I'm gonna show you guys in my must visit scenic spots in Kyoto.

  • So you might have already seen my top 10 things to do in Kyoto video as well as top 10 street food.

  • But in this video, I want to focus more on the picture of side of Kyoto and D.

  • J.

  • Wiseman kind of sent me the g i Osma pocket.

  • So for the rest of this video will be filming it on this light size, a gimbal stabilized camera.

  • And since his video isn't a sponsor, video helps the for my channel and check out my Tokyo march.

  • Or if you want to see what I'm doing on the daily than definitely check out my INSTAGRAM account.

  • All right, so let me show you some of the most beautiful spots in Kyoto number.

  • A calm Egawa.

  • We're starting at one of Kyoto's most scenic spots.

  • Kamikawa Locals have referred to it in the past as Blue Dragon or the river where the guards live.

  • During the Edo period, Kyodo became a gorgeous geisha quarter, and the locals often spent time at com Egawa cooling off of the restaurants and bars on the river and shallows.

  • It used to be about 400 shops back in the day but were taken away due to Levy works and are now being slowly rebuilt since the show.

  • A period Pancho Street runs parallel to the river and you could see many of its restaurants extended towards river with temporary touches called Sadio Tokyo the river itself.

  • It's also perfect afternoon spot in the spring and summer months to have a picnic or a cold beer with friends.

  • Number seven Q.

  • Te'o mood.

  • Oh, now this is one of my secret kill response that not a lot of people know about as it's tucked away in a little Kyoto neighborhood.

  • This house was built in 1937 and it showcases two additional Chaiya style Japanese architecture.

  • Ski a Zuccotti.

  • The house opens up into a stunning garden, and it's a beauty is reflected on this large wooden table.

  • During the summer months, you'll notice the garden Lushan green leaves, but definitely worth visiting, and on a month to capture the changing leaves of deep reds, oranges and purples.

  • Recently the house has been turned into a rental space.

  • Perfect batiste ceremonies and weddings, dinners, all labeling of this trip and if you're interested, also, compared to other Children tourist spots this house is fairly quiet.

  • So if you ever make it out here, let me know by taking a picture and tagging me on instagram number six Hasakah Caution does this part reminds me of a gumball machine, but in fact it's a Koshien temple, located just below your second photo.

  • The bright, colorful balls are called cookies, at which a good luck charms.

  • It's supposed to represent a monkey with bound feet and hands.

  • It represents the control of playful and desire driven creature that everyone possesses inside of them.

  • It's believed that if you sacrifice one desire or wish is granted, hence by writing your desire on one of the colored balls, it removes that desire and your wish comes true.

  • Number five million NZ.

  • If it's your first time in Kyoto, then I definitely recommend visiting this scenic spot literally shops complicit on streets and much is it definitely has that would school Kyoto vibe.

  • Demons, aka is a hill.

  • Leading towards Kill me is a temple and essentially on Instagram spot, especially from the top overlooking all the wooden buildings and the towering a second Noto.

  • Like much of these spots, I definitely recommend coming early in the morning to avoid the crowds.

  • Trust me, you'll appreciate so much more.

  • Number four K a gay incline Chiaki Incline is a 582 meter long slope with railroad tracks.

  • It was originally built in 18 90 for moving equipment and boats restored in 1977 and later designated as a national historical site in 1996.

  • I really enjoyed this place as it's a comforting release from Kyoto tourist masses.

  • And if you're ever in Kyoto during cherry blossom season, this part will not disappoint as its line with cherry blossom trees.

  • Number three King Kakudji.

  • So what's better than a temple?

  • How about a temple coated in gold?

  • This unique spot is one of Japan's that most visited buildings.

  • Can Cocody literally means a temple of the Golden Pavilion?

  • This three story building dates back to 13 97 and it burned down twice, but the last time in 1950 by 22 year old monk.

  • Ashamed by what he did.

  • He later attempted suicide on the hill behind the building, but failed.

  • The building was later rebuilt in 1955 but the gold leaf quoting wasn't applied until 1987.

  • Number two Economy Koji Economy Koji is a famously known area for spotting real deal geishas.

  • They're commonly seen stolen in the evenings, but I've seen a few in the early mornings as well.

  • The area itself was originally owned by the Kenji and G Temple at the southern end of the street in 18 71.

  • The land was reclaimed by the Japanese government but was later purchased in 18 74 by a private group called Guillain Kobo China.

  • This group owned and ran many gauge teahouses during that time and transformed the area into a Honda Machi for as well.

  • We know today as a G on red light district running north south, you'll find a healthy mix of merchant homes, teahouses, restaurants, bars and even some high fashion brands, all discreetly hidden behind the Machi Est al facade.

  • Some of the T ounces have even more than a 300 year old history serving samurai warriors and politicians alike.

  • But I highly recommend veering off the main street as it gets quite busy and venture into the Backstreets to get a better sense of this historic place.

  • And number one Odyssey am a bamboo grove.

  • So this video wouldn't be complete if I didn't include this spot.

  • It kind of speaks for itself.

  • So I guess I'm gonna shut up down that video, do the talking.

  • All right, so there you have it.

  • Thanks to each spot as well as a Donald, we'll link for the map.

  • And yes, I know I didn't including 90 Shrine, but I already did a video on it.

  • So if you want to see that, then definitely check out my top 10 things to do in Kyoto video again.

  • If you want to help support the channel, then definitely check out my Tokyo merch.

  • And if you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily, then definitely check out my INSTAGRAM account.

  • And if you want to see more by Japan guards, then definitely that subscribe button The release of video every Saturday morning, 9 a.m. Japan time.

  • And thanks again to deejay for sending me the Osmo pocket.

  • Oh, and something worth mentioning.

  • DJ, I is running a UGC competition the month of June on the instagram account.

  • Although I didn't use a story mood in the video.

  • This is how it looks like.

  • It's the best way to submit your entry for the competition, the theme this summer vacation.

  • So definitely get creative.

  • Make sure it attacked D Joy Global and hashtag my pockets story and you can check out more information on the INSTAGRAM account at the global that all said catch you guys in the next one.

in this video, I'm gonna show you guys in my must visit scenic spots in Kyoto.


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B1 中級

京都8大必去景點 (Kyoto Top 8 Must-Visit Places)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日