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  • Media neutrality is another topic.

  • Neutrality is very rare.

  • People in media often say that empathy,

  • trust and these things are what is important.

  • Counties like China have Sesame Credit.

  • This score is a platform for trust even without a personal relationship.

  • The credit earns trust for government or individual.

  • These networks are actually making trust a very strong type of commodity.

  • We will not have to think about trust anymore.

  • People should stay engaged though, so how do you see the human touch?

  • First, trust is a necessary thing.

  • Nothing is worse than trusting in something which shouldn't be trusted.

  • Companies and media run campaigns to earn trust from people.

  • This is natural for entrepreneurs, but businesses cannot always be trusted.

  • Trust is a negative for a social state.

  • America has trust in Facebook but not their own government.

  • This is not good for society.

  • It is a system inherent to human nature whether to give our trust.

  • People actively engaged in the system of course see trust as natural.

  • So, trust is like money, it is better to have some.

  • What is important then?

  • We all need to trust in the right things.

  • People who have our trust need to be responsible for that trust.

  • I think society needs to offer some type of trust collateral.

  • Professors and students need to have a trusting relationship.

  • Even with arguments or friction in regular conversation,

  • people can still have a layer of trust.

  • This is not a simple network.

  • Trust has migrated to other things.

  • Americans' trust has moved from media and government to social media.

  • People we trusted had worked by taking responsibility for that trust.

  • That's not true anymore.

  • It's dangerous for trust to migrate to a platform and company without ethics.

  • That's how we should think about it.

  • Nations are one player in these platforms.

  • Democracy will have to change.

  • The current American system is broken.

Media neutrality is another topic.


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B1 中級

"Facebook是值得信賴的,而政府的信任度卻在下降"|媒體與公信力|GET WIRED|Ep5 (“フェイスブックが信頼され、政府の信頼は下がっている” | MEDIA and CREDIBILITY | GET WIRED | Ep5)

  • 6 0
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日