I lovetotakesomegingerteaorsomecoconutteaandmakesomericewiththeteainsteadofwater.
Ifyouwanttoinfuseflavor, that's a greatwaytodoit.
Youknow, maybestirfriedbroccoliandsomegreenbeans.
Andbeforeyouknowit, youjusthavethis, likedelicioussortofteatingedricewith a yummystufffor a situation.
And I usuallyeatthataround 11 andthat's prettygood.
I lovesaucesofftomakesauces, saucesormyheart.
Honestly, mymiddlename, it's sauceSophiasaucerow.
I kindoflikethat.
It's got a ringtoit.
SaucySophiaRow, evenbetter.
Sometimesit's a littlecoconut.
Aminois a littlegrapeseed.
Rice, wine, vinegar, gingerbam.
A littlebitoflike, fishsaucesituation.
A littlebitof a tamari.
Love a Mirren.
I loveanythingsaucyme.
It's amazing.
LovesauceesoThatismylunchanywherefrom 11 to 12 almosteveryday.
I amreallyconsistentwithmyeating.
Like, once I getinto a groovewithsomethingthat's kindofliketheby, youknow, I dotryandfindtimetoworkoutespecially, youknow, herewearestillinthemiddleof a pandemicquarantinesituation.
I loveyoungersortofwine, but a lotoftimesatdinner I'm justdrinkingwater.
I knowthat's boring.
Sometimes I do.
We'regiant T atnight, actually, shouldn't sayChinatea, becausethat's justlikesayingTT.
Butsometimes I dolike a black t a chaimoment, andyouknow, Justgiveme a littlecaffeine, because I knowthat I'm gonnabeworkinglike, say, I'm writingrecipesallnightorsay I havesomethingsortof, um, activistdriventhat I needtoworkonafterdinner.
I'llhave a chae.
Oh, milk.
Plentyofblackteavibeslike, goodamountofcaffeine.
And I'llstayupuntil 12 oroneuntil I getwhat I needtogetfinished.
If I wanttodoanafterdinnerteaand I don't wanttostayup, then I'llmakeit a herbaltea.