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- Waddup fruity-toots? Orange and Pear here
to show you how to plant a tree!
What do ya think, Pear, is this going to be a
'tree-mendous' episode or what?
- Yeah, not if you keep telling bad tree puns.
- I'm sorry. I know it was 'acorn-y' joke.
- I'm just gonna start, okay?
- Go right ahead! I wish you 'wood.'
- [Pear] Step one: pick the right time of the year.
- Oh, oh, I know the best time of the year
to plant a tree. Sep-timber!
- Ugh, actually it's best to plant
trees during the dormant season,
like fall or early spring before bud-break.
That way it can establish roots in its new location
before it gets a growth spurt in spring and summer.
- I'm still waiting for my growth spurt.
Gonna get legs any day now.
- Yeah, I'm sure.
Okay, step two: pick the right place to dig.
- Ooh, there looks good.
- Dude, that's a cave. There's no sunlight.
- Oh. Well, how about there?
- Our tree needs soil, dude. Dirt.
- Oh, gotcha, in that case, I really dig this spot.
- Looks promising, but before you dig,
you should definitely-
(water rushing)
locate all underground utilities.
- Well, good news is, I located one.
- Ugh, okay. So after you find
a proper location, it's time for step three:
dig your hole.
The holes should be two to three times wider
but only as deep as your root ball.
- Root ball? Sounds like a sport
that could really get 'poplar' if you ask me.
- Then, before you back-fill the hole,
make sure you straighten the tree.
- Hmm, nah, looks good to me.
I'm gonna 'leaf' it the way it is!
- Wow. Then it's on to
the final step: mulch your tree!
- [Orange] Mulch?
- Yes.
That's what it's called, mulch.
I don't see what's so funny about mulch, dude,
you spread it on the ground around your tree
and it's really good for it.
- Okay, great tip, thank you very 'mulch.'
- You're welcome.
- I never realized that planting a tree
was so 'mulch' work.
- It is a lot of work but the rewards are-
Wait, what are you doing?
- Oh, not too 'mulch.'
- Orange, why are you saying the word mulch so much?
- I'm not saying it 'mulch' at all.
- Yes you are, you just said it then.
Whatever the reason, I want you to stop.
- I'm not saying mulch, I'm saying mulch.
- The word you're looking for is much.
- That's what I'm saying.
Meh, I guess they just sound too 'mulch' alike.
- Ahh! That's it!
- Aw, don't go. Honestly this feels like
'mulch' ado about nothing.
(upbeat music)