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  • the guys came down here.

  • Welcome back to my channel.

  • So my skin has been suffering quite a lot these past couple weeks.

  • I've been at home or day.

  • I haven't been going out.

  • I've been eating really unhealthy.

  • So because of all that, I've bean breaking out very often.

  • And when have I break out?

  • I pick my people's.

  • I popped them and then they turned to scab.

  • So, you know, it just takes a lot longer for my skin to recover.

  • So to help my skin recover, I've been doing a pampering session for my skin every week.

  • And that is what I'm going to be showing you guys in today's video.

  • I've been doing it once a week, and I feel like my skin has definitely improved.

  • Now.

  • I also want to say that everyone skin is different.

  • So what works for me might not work for you, So please keep that in mind and for May as well, I do like to use a lot of skincare products in my routine.

  • Don't use older products in one go.

  • Make sure you find out what works best for you first and make sure that none of the products breaking out and slowly build up your skin care routine for May.

  • I love the create glass skin trend.

  • It just makes your skin look so healthy and glowing.

  • So for the last couple of years, I've experimented with a lot of different products, and this is the retain.

  • I find that works best for me.

  • Also.

  • I just want to tell you guys, I don't use the same skin care products every single time.

  • I do my skin care routine.

  • I only use what I feel.

  • My skin is that day.

  • So you know, sometimes I might use a product.

  • Sometimes I might use to clear you guys will finest video helpful.

  • And let's start the reason.

  • First, I'm going to start off by cleansing my face with the roto mentholated Agnese medicated cream face wash.

  • Now typically our double cleanse.

  • But because I wasn't wearing any makeup or day, I'm only going to cleanse once.

  • My skin has been suffering quite a bit lately, so I want to use a cleanser that is gentle.

  • This is highly recommended for people with oily and or acne prone skin.

  • Now, to thoroughly cleanse my skin, I'm going to be using the P.

  • M D clean pro Smart facial cleansing device.

  • This cleansing device helps to break down dirt and or from within the pause while lifting, firming and toning your skin.

  • It has Roy's course on the other side, which our use later.

  • It comes with four modes.

  • Optimize for cleansing and massaging the skin, so the benefits of this cleanser.

  • It cleanses dirt and sieben on the skin that causes acne, and it leaves your skin feeling clean, smooth and refreshed.

  • It also helps to reduce the appearance off pause.

  • It's hyper allergenic, and it's gentle enough for people with sensitive skin to use.

  • It also has a refreshing Citrus scent and does not dry out your skin after every step.

  • I'm just going to show you guys what my face looks like so you can see the before and after.

  • The next step is to exfoliate the skin to allow better absorption off skin care products, thus maximizing the benefits.

  • Here I'm using the PMD Personal Micro Derm.

  • This device helps to remove dead dull skin and stimulate new growth to reveal a glowing complexion.

  • So to use is we want to stop on the bottom and work your way up on your far.

  • Do you want to start from the middle and work your way outwards?

  • When using this, avoid your sensitive areas.

  • So the benefits of this device include reducing appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increasing skin hydration, reducing appearance off spots and pause and helping to even at skin texture.

  • Now to use is you place a disc of your choice on the device and cover with the cap.

  • You pull your skin and glad over your skin by following the curse of your face.

  • Now, when you use it, you may notice your skin going red.

  • Don't worry, it's normal, and it goes down in a few seconds.

  • Ensure you keep the device moving constantly.

  • Do not stop on any area and do not go over H area more than once.

  • Now this removes the top layer of dead and dull skin cells so your skin care products can penetrate 20 times deeper to maximize the benefits of his skin.

  • Care I use is just once a week, and it has made such a difference to my skin.

  • After I have finished, I just quickly wash my face of water to get rid of the particles.

  • And seriously, after using this, my skin just feels so soft.

  • If you guys are interested in this, check out the link in the description box below to learn more about the tours and also thank you to PND per sponsoring this video.

  • After experiencing the skin, it is important to follow up with a tona.

  • Here I'm using the industry.

  • Genji Cherry Blossoms Skin toner This product is popular as a cherry blossom component helps to make the skin clear and vibrant.

  • So the benefits of this toner is it moisturized and hydrates the skin, making it great for dull and dry skin types.

  • It provides a skin brightening effect, leaving you with radiant clear skin.

  • It gives you a voice and revitalized looked after using it, and it has a water texture, providing a refreshing and non sticky finish.

  • After using the tone, it's time to move on.

  • To essence, I'm going to be using the neogen riel ferment.

  • Micro essence.

  • This is suitable for all skin types.

  • This essence effectively more surprises of skin and reinforces the skins, barrier and condition.

  • It helps of balance that wall and water levels off your skin and enhances elasticity has the power to refresh and redo your skin by improving your skin tone as well.

  • Next is serum here I'm using the Neogen Real Ferment Micro serum, which is a jail.

  • Types are on the instantly hydrates, and Bruce is your skins radiance.

  • This is suitable for your skin tapped as well, and the serum hydrates and plumps your skin, leaving your skin smooth and supple.

  • It helps to improve the firmness of your skin for a healthier looking and radiant looking skin complexion.

  • The serum further fortifies the skins barrier, and it's effective in maintaining a good oil water balance.

  • I find that every time I applied a serum, it just makes such a difference to my skin.

  • It just instantly starts glowing.

  • Now it's time to move on to.

  • I care for dry and dull skin around your eyes.

  • Using eye patches can help treat the surrounding skin.

  • Here I'm using the museum Snell Repair Intensive Gold Ideal patch.

  • Its popularity comes from the fact that the formula uses snail secretion, which has always been known for protecting skin and helping a skin to regenerate that this is suitable for sensitive skin.

  • It's Hydra Joe Patch, and it delivers nourishment and hydration to skin around your eyes.

  • Does it helps a tight in the eye area and booster moisture levels of the skin to keep it soft and supple.

  • Now I prefer to put on a face masque at the same time.

  • While I had the eye patches on here, I'm using the face shop.

  • Real nature Face Mask with avocado.

  • This facemask is popular for being created by fresh natural ingredients that promotes healthiest skin and for the wide variety of options available, this is recommended for dry or very dry.

  • Rough skin helps in previous skin suppleness and elasticity, while boosting moisture levels is rich in nutrients and contains a hydrating serum for me.

  • I like to wear my face masks for around 10 minutes, and after I take it off, I like to put it on my neck.

  • And just so you don't waste the moisture now, going back with my P M.

  • D cleansing device, I'm going to use the other side, which has a rose quote, and I'm just going to use this to massage my face quickly.

  • Now it's time to apply moisturizer or over the face toe lock in everything you've done, so I'm using the LAN age Water Bank Moisture Cream E X.

  • Suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

  • This moisturizer cream incorporates water zipper technology that helps retain more ship for 24 hours for a long lasting hydrating effect.

  • This is a lightweight cream that hydrates your skin, but it also helps improve your skin's original moisturizing ability and strengthens of skins barrier.

  • It also does not irritate or dry skin.

  • The final steps off this routine involved using sleeping mosques before heading to bed.

  • The sleeping mask I'm using for my face is the cause I rex ultimate moisturizing honey overnight mask.

  • Now this is suitable for people with sensitive skin, especially grateful people.

  • Acne prone or dry skin, it's Suze moisturize and pampas.

  • The skin overnight as you sleep, is refreshing on the skin and helps form a thick motion barrier for intense hydration.

  • It also caused an entire skin, reduces puffiness, improve skin elasticity, reduces appearance of wrinkles and repairs.

  • Damaged skin.

  • What a final step.

  • We're going to be using a sleeping mosque for our lips as balsa here.

  • I'm going to be using the linage lips, leaving mask.

  • I have the dry slips.

  • They are always peeling.

  • So I find that whenever I applied this before I go to bed the next morning, my lips do feel a lot softer and and not as dry.

  • That is my pampering retained for my skin.

  • And keep in mind once again that I'm only doing this once a week.

  • This is what my skin looked like before I did the retain.

  • And this is what my skin looked like after to retain.

  • I feel a huge difference from the before and after my skin just overall fill a lot healthier and more moisturized.

  • Thank you so much gas watching this video, I really hope it was helpful or you found it has been very effective on my skin.

  • Now, obviously, I'm wearing makeup, but you can see that my skin has seen a lot more jewelry lately.

  • Compared to my previous videos, please funds up this video, be enjoyed it and subscribe to my channel.

  • If you haven't done so yet.

  • Follow me on my bloke China for every day isolation blog's and also follow me on my social media, which I will link down below as well.

  • Now, if you guys have any more requests for skincare videos?

  • Please let me know in the comment box down below So I can film all those beer and I will see you guys in the next video by guys.

the guys came down here.


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呵護肌膚的日常護理 (Pampering Skincare Routine)

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